Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 493 Xu Chu goes into battle shirtless.

Chapter 493 Xu Chu goes into battle shirtless.

The two people on the battlefield fought lively. In fact, these people watching the battle were more excited than them.

This is like, those who watch people play chess are more excited than those who play chess, and their blood is boiling.

Those who are qualified to watch the battle are naturally veterans of the war.As for the form on the battlefield, it can still be seen and moved.

At this time, the two sides fought for another half an hour.Counting it down now, the two have been fighting for about an hour.

This continued for an hour of high-intensity fighting. Even if a person could hold on, this horse couldn't hold on.

At this time, the movements of the two fighting each other were much slower, and both sides were exhausted now.

"Yanming, do you think Meng Qi can beat Xu Chu?" Han Sui asked Yan Xing beside him.

Yan Xing is Han Sui's son-in-law, and also a master. His martial arts skills are not inferior to Ma Chao's. It's just that Yan Xing is a low-key person and has joined Han Sui's family, so his reputation is not obvious.

Even Yan Xing defeated Ma Chao a few years ago.Of course, Yan Xing defeated Ma Chao at the beginning because he was a few years older than Ma Chao, and Ma Chao had not yet reached his peak at that time.

However, even with Ma Chao now, Yan Xing might not be his opponent.

Yan Xing has also been keeping a close eye on the battlefield. As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way. The confrontation between the two can be said to be clearly analyzed by Yan Xing.

"Father, Meng Qi's strength is slightly stronger than Xu Chu's. We have been fighting for an hour now, and both sides are exhausted."

"At this time, the slighter the gap, the more obvious it will be. In my opinion, Meng Qi will be able to win in at most forty or fifty rounds." Yan Xing said to Han Sui.

Han Sui still believed in what the half son said.After all, apart from Ma Chao, among the Xiliang Allied Forces, his half son was the most powerful.

The Xiliang Allied Forces, they say they are allied forces, but they are actually partners. Everyone wants to work together to divide the fat sheep of Cao Cao.

However, there is one thing, that is, if you want to divide the interests, you must first defeat Cao Cao.

Today is Cao Cao's first battle in Tongguan. Whether Ma Chao can win is very important to the coalition forces.

Whoever can win this battle will have a greater boost in morale.

The Xiliang coalition army below the city cares about who can win, and the Cao army above the city naturally cares about who can win.

"King Wei, I'm afraid Xu Chu will lose if we continue the fight!" Dian Wei said in Cao Cao's ear.

"Come on, is it possible that Xu Chu is not Ma'er's opponent?" Cao Cao asked Dian Wei.

Dian Wei nodded and explained to Cao Cao: "Although Xu Chu's strength is not as good as Ma Chao's, it's only a hair's breadth away."

"The main reason why Xu Chu lost was not the person, but the horse. The horse under Ma Chao's crotch was stronger than Xu Chu's horsepower, and Xu Chu was obviously heavier when compared to the two. Fight with people on their backs, so Xu Chu's horse will exhaust before Ma Chao's."

"When this power is exhausted, it is the time when Xu Chu loses."

Hearing Dian Wei's explanation, Cao Cao was also concerned and confused, and hurriedly ordered the general beside him to withdraw his troops.




On the battlefield, military orders fell like mountains.Beat the drum to advance, and beat the gold to retreat.Since Cao Cao called for money to withdraw his troops, he could not tolerate Xu Chu not retreating.

There was a sound of gold ringing here, Xu Chu swung Ma Chao's tiger-headed golden spear away with a single blow, turned his head and urged the horse to leave.

Ma Chao knew that even if he chased after him, he would not be able to get Xu Chu out between three moves and two moves, so he didn't pursue him at all.

"You bastard, how could such a big man escape like a hare in the mountains?" Ma Chao asked Xu Chu.

Although Xu Chu withdrew, he responded very well, only to hear Xu Chu yell: "Ma'er, your grandfather is hungry, go back to eat and drink enough, feed the mount under his crotch, and come to fight with you at night. "

Of course, Ma Chao didn't believe Xu Chuzhi's words, he only thought that he was afraid of him and didn't dare to confront him.

At this time, it was already evening.

After fighting for an hour, Ma Chao also felt hungry.Moreover, Cao Cao is now the first to withdraw his troops, and according to the usual practice, they have won this battle.

"Back to camp!"

Ma Chao slapped the tiger-headed Zhan golden spear in his crotch and sat on the horse, and said to his brother Ma Dai.

The Xiliang Allied Forces followed Ma Chao back to the camp. At this time, meals were ready in the camp.Although there was no alcohol during the war, for people at Ma Chao's level, alcohol and meat were enough.

It was getting dark.

Cao Ying and Xiliang coalition forces are having a dinner party.After the dinner, Xu Chu was seen wearing armor.

"Zhongkang, what are you going to do?" Cao Cao asked in puzzlement when he saw Xu Chu, who was full of food and drink, instead of going to sleep and resting.

"King Wei, Ma'er and I have decided to fight at night, and we will win tonight!" Xu Chu said to Cao Cao.

"Zhongkang, you may not be able to win this battle."

"I see that your horse is not as good as Ma Mengqi, and your figure is much heavier than him. In this way, your horsepower is weak, and you may not be able to win any more battles!" Cao Cao said to Xu Chu.

Cao Cao was afraid that Xu Chu's self-confidence would be hit. Cao Cao didn't say all that Dian Wei said.The part where Xu Chu was slightly inferior to Ma Chao was pinched down by Cao Cao, and he only talked about the part where his horsepower was not good.

What Cao Cao said gave Xu Chu a reason, and Xu Chu was now more confident.

Xu Chu thought to himself, so I am not Ma Chao's opponent during the day, not because I am hungry, but because I am not good at horsepower!

Although the horsepower is not good, it is not enough to change horses temporarily at this time.On the battlefield, the tacit understanding between the master and the horse is very important.

This is like, for an experienced horse, if you pat her butt, she will know to change her movements.

At this moment, even if Xu Chu was replaced with a good horse, it would be difficult for him to defeat Ma Chao if he couldn't get along well with the horse.

Although Xu Chu was a reckless man, it was rare for him to be smart at this time, only to see Xu Chu took off the armor he had just put on again.

"Zhongkang, what are you doing?" Cao Cao looked at the shirtless Xu Chu and asked in confusion.

"King Wei, when I took off this armor, my whole body became lighter. In this way, when the horses are fighting, my horse will definitely last longer than the horse under him," Xu Chu said. Patted his chest and said.

After saying this, Xu Chu seemed to be afraid that Cao Cao would not agree, so he hurried out of his tent and went to the city to invite a battle.

When Cao Cao first heard what Xu Chu said, it made sense.But thinking about it carefully, although he took off the armor to reduce the weight, how could his flesh and blood block the real knife and gun.

"Come on, quickly lead the troops to fight for Zhongkang, don't let him get into trouble." Cao Cao hurriedly ordered Dianwei.

(End of this chapter)

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