Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 495 Dian Wei Ji shoots Ma Mengqi.

Chapter 495 Dian Wei Ji shoots Ma Mengqi.

Before joining Cao Cao, Dian Wei was a hunter in the mountains.And Dian Wei, a hunter, does not hunt sheep, deer or something.

Dian Wei specialized in hunting tigers in the mountains, and when Dian Wei was chasing tigers across the stream, he happened to meet Cao Cao.Cao Cao saw that Dian Wei was able to fight two tigers and kill them, so he took Dian Wei as his guard, and called him the evil of the past.

To hunt in the mountains, especially to hunt tigers, one must be proficient in long and short weapons.One is long-distance hunting, and the other is close-range fighting.

Ordinary hunters are naturally good at bows and arrows, but Dian Wei is different.Dian Wei used a small halberd instead of a bow and arrow.

Around Dian Wei's waist is a halberd belt specially designed for halberds.Eight palm-sized short halberds were pinned to this halberd belt, and these short halberds were Dian Wei's long-range weapons.

Dian Wei's halberd throwing is not to say that it hits a hundred hits, but it can also be called a hundred steps.It can be said that Dianwei's small halberd is not inferior to bows and arrows in terms of accuracy, and is even better than bows and arrows in terms of power.

Hearing that Xu Chu said that Ma Chao was chasing him, Dian Wei reached out and touched his waist without looking back, subconsciously throwing a short halberd behind him.


There was only a loud bang, and Ma Chao was stabbed in the chest by Dian Wei's halberd, and fell off the horse in response.

If the other person was attacking with a bow and arrow, at least he would raise his hand with a bow and arrow. Dian Wei was so sudden that he returned Ma Chao's hand and caught Ma Chao by surprise.

In addition, Ma Chao and Xu Chu fought all night, and they were exhausted.Whether it is strength or reaction force, they have all dropped by a notch, so they didn't dodge the halberd just now.

"Brother Dianwei, Ma Chao has fallen, let's go back and kill him!" Xu Chu shouted on Dianwei's shoulder.

How could Dian Wei listen to Xu Chu at this time, and continued to run into Tongguan with Xu Chu on his shoulders.

"The king of Wei ordered me to save you, but he didn't order me to kill Ma Chao, I just save you and nothing else!" Xu Chuweng replied in a low voice.

Just as Ma Chao fell from his horse.The two generals Ma Dai and Pang De immediately rode up and killed them.Immediately afterwards, under Han Sui's order, Yan Xing also killed him.

It's also thanks to Dian Wei that he didn't listen to Xu Chu and went back to kill Ma Chao.If he turned his head back, he might have to fall into the siege of these three people.

You know, these three people are slightly worse than Ma Dai.Both Yan Xing and Pang De were generals with high martial arts skills. If they were caught in the siege of three people, Dian Wei would probably have to hate him too.

As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands, and a hero can't hold back many people.Although Dian Wei was formidable, he still had to take care of Xu Chu, who was seriously injured, in a one-on-one fight, so he might not be his opponent.

Fortunately, Yan Xing, Pang De, and Ma Dai did not pursue, but protected Ma Chao first.At this time, Dian Wei also carried Xu Chu back to Tongguan.

Ma Chao and Xu Chu fought all night with the lights on.Xu Chu was seriously injured, and Ma Chao was knocked off his horse by Dian Wei's halberd.

"Big brother, big brother." Ma Dai dismounted and hugged the unconscious Ma Chao and shouted heartbreakingly.

Ma Teng, Ma Tie, and Ma Xiu died not long ago. If Ma Chao is dead, then Ma Dai really has no relatives. How can this not make Ma Dai feel sad.

"General Ma Dai, quickly take the lord back to the camp and find a military doctor!" Pang De reminded from the side.

"Yes, yes!" Ma Dai responded, picked up his eldest brother Ma Chao and ran to the camp.

An hour later.

Xiliang Camp.

The leaders of the Xiliang coalition army waited anxiously outside. Ma Chao was the leader of the coalition army, and their reason for attacking the Central Plains was to avenge Ma Chao's father.

However, if Ma Chao is dead now, they will have no excuse to march, and by then, it will be a waste of time.

"How is General Ma?" Seeing the military doctor come out, Han Sui hurriedly asked.

"It's okay!"

"The armor has lost most of its strength, and the hidden weapon has not penetrated deep into the flesh. The general's coma is more due to exhaustion of physical strength."

"However, the physical exertion is too great, and the injury and blood loss are too much. At least it will take more than a month of rest before I can recover." The military doctor said to everyone.

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.As long as Ma Chao is fine, that would be great. As long as Ma Chao is alive, their wishful thinking can be carried out.

However, at this time, Cheng Gongying, Ma Chao's military adviser, had a pensive look on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ma Chao was fine, and the people guarding the door slowly dispersed.They were all tired after a night without rest.

"General Ma Dai, I have something important to discuss with the lord. When the lord wakes up, you need to notify me as soon as possible." Cheng Gongying said to Ma Dai.

"Military division, I understand!" Ma Dai replied.

At noon the next day, Ma Chaoyou woke up.At this time, apart from being unable to move, he has no problems with speaking and thinking.

Seeing his eldest brother wake up, Ma Dai hurriedly sent someone to inform the military division Cheng Gongying.

Not long after, Cheng Gongying came.

"Hey, military advisor, I'm afraid this time I'm injured, it will delay a lot of things!" After seeing Cheng Gongying, Ma Chao said with a sigh.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Ma Chao's words, instead of worrying, Mr. Cheng laughed loudly.

"Ha ha!"

"My lord, your injury this time is not a disaster but a blessing. I already have a solution."

As soon as he heard that Chenggongying had a plan to break Cao Cao, Ma Chao was suddenly excited and struggled to sit up.

"Military division, what's the plan!" Ma Chao asked hastily.

"Fake death plan!"

"If the lord dies, then the coalition forces will be in disarray. At that time, Cao Mengde may not only want to resist the enemy, but want to wipe out our coalition forces." Cheng Gongying said.

Hearing this, Ma Chao's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Then I ordered the army to erect white sails to make it look like I died last night."

Chenggong Ying stroked his goat's beard, and said with a slight smile: "Master, this is not right. Cao Mengde is suspicious by nature. If we raise white flags and white sails in the army, he will definitely be able to see through our strategy."

"We can't reveal it. We have to let Cao Mengde guess for himself. Only by letting him guess that you died last night can he fall into the trap."

Ma Chao thinks about it for the same reason. Cao Ah has a lot of tricks and tricks, so it is impossible for him to be fooled so easily.

"Military Master, you have a plan!" Ma Chao hurriedly asked.

"My lord, take good care of your wounds. I have a perfect strategy in my heart, and I will definitely be able to catch Cao Mengde."

"However, I have to ask my lord to inform the leaders, and all ministries must cooperate with my plan." Cheng Gongying said confidently.

Ma Chao trusted Cheng Gongying very much, and immediately ordered: "Ma Dai, pass on my order, and all ministries will obey the orders of the military adviser."

"These days, you stay in front of the military division and obey the military division's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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