Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 496 Cao Cao's weakness in human nature.

Chapter 496 Cao Cao's weakness in human nature.

There is no doubt that Cao Cao is very capable.If Cao Cao had no ability, he would not become one of the only princes in the world.

However, while Cao Cao has abilities, he also has flaws. What is Cao Cao's flaw is that he is suspicious.

Ma Chao wanted to deceive Cao Cao by cheating his death, and it would not work to directly replace the army with white flags and white sails.Cao Cao had to be suspicious in his own heart. In this way, Cheng Gongying was using some means to convince Cao Cao that Ma Chao was dead.

The next day.


Xu Chu was seriously injured, and now he and Yu Jin have become sick friends.Cao Cao personally took Dian Wei to inspect Tongguan.

At this time in the past, the Xiliang Allied Forces must have sent generals to the city, shouting and calling for battle, but today the city is indeed unusually quiet.

This quietness made the defenders on the city wall feel a little abnormal.

"Come on, it looks like your halberd wounded Ma Chao quite badly. The Xiliang army has died down now." Cao Cao looked at the camp of the Xiliang army under the city, feeling extremely relieved.

"King Wei, my little halberd is a unique skill. Even if the tiger in the mountain gets hit by my halberd, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die. His Ma Chao's body weight can't possibly be stronger than the tiger's body!" Dian Wei Said in a low voice.

Hearing Dian Wei's words, Cao Cao's heart moved, thinking, maybe he stabbed Ma Chao to death with a halberd yesterday.

You know, Cao Cao saw Ma Chao fall yesterday with his own eyes.

"Come on, what do you think about Ma Chao's injury?" Cao Cao asked Dian Wei.

Dian Wei thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "King Wei, I was carrying Xu Chu yesterday, and I didn't notice that the halberd hit Ma Chao. However, although my small halberd is only the size of a palm, it is as thick as ten It weighs a few catties, even if the halberd doesn't hit a vital point, it's enough to break his bones and make him lie down for several months."

"What if it hits the vital point?" Cao Cao asked hastily.

"If it hits a vital point, it will definitely damage its internal organs. I'm afraid it won't last for two or three days." Dian Wei said with full information.

Dian Wei's small halberd is different from ordinary hidden weapons. It is a heavy hidden weapon. If this halberd is pierced into a person's body, it will be like an iron block of more than ten kilograms being smashed on the body.


"It's a pity that I don't know if Ma Mengqi is dead or alive!" Cao Cao said with a sigh.

Just as Cheng Gongying expected, if they didn't move at this time, Cao Cao would wonder if Ma Chao was dead.

Cao Cao was very suspicious. In the past, the Xiliang army would come to Tongguan every day, but if he didn't come today, it would be abnormal.

There must be a demon when something goes wrong, and there must be a reason for the abnormal behavior of the Xiliang Army.

Cao Cao wondered at this time whether Ma Chao was dead or seriously injured.The Xiliang army is a coalition army, and Ma Chao, the nominal leader, cannot issue orders, so the Xiliang coalition army must not move.

"King Wei, I was carrying Xu Chu yesterday. Xu Chu's head is facing backwards. Xu Chu should be able to see clearly where my halberd is stabbed."

"Xu Chu should be able to see clearly whether the halberd has hit the vital point." Dian Wei reminded.

Hearing this, Cao Cao's spirit was shocked immediately.

"Let's go, let's go find Zhongkang!" Cao Cao said, "da da", two short legs walked quickly, down the city wall and rushed into the city.

Inside Tongguan.

government office.

Xu Chu was seriously injured last night. Although his internal organs were not injured, his bones were broken in several places, and he might not be able to get out of bed in a short time.

Of course, Yu Jin was also unable to get out of bed.Yu Jinzhong's arrow wound was soaked with golden juice. At this moment, he was inflamed with a fever, and he was awake for a while, and dazed for a while.

At this time, Xu Chu and Yu Jin, the two wounded, became roommates instead.

"Zhongkang, where did the halberd hit Ma Mengqi last night?" Cao Cao looked at Xu Chu and asked seriously.

Xu Chu thought for a moment, as if he was recalling what happened last night. After a long time, Xu Chu said, "It should be where the chest is!"

Hearing that it was the chest, Cao Cao's eyes lit up immediately, the chest is the key point.

"Are you clear?" Cao Cao confirmed here.

Xu Chu nodded, and said with certainty: "I can see clearly, it's exactly where the chest is."

In fact, it is not the position of Ma Chao's chest in Dian Weiza, but the place where the chest goes up from the shoulder blades.

However, due to the bumps and ups and downs on Ma Chao's horse yesterday.Xu Chu was held on Dian Wei's shoulders again, also bumping up and down.Therefore, the position that Xu Chu saw was inevitably somewhat wrong.

After getting the answer from Xu Chu, Cao Cao asked Dian Wei: "It's evil, if you get stabbed in the chest, can you live?"

"King Wei, you know my strength. It is a sharp weapon to cut open this small halberd. Even if I throw a piece of iron over ten kilograms and hit it on my chest, my heart will be shattered by the shock. .”

"If it was really stabbed in the chest, then there is absolutely no possibility of Ma Mengqi surviving. No way, he was already dead when he fell from the horse." Dian Wei said very firmly.

When Cao Cao heard this, he thought it made sense.As Dian Wei said, he knows the strength of Dian Wei, an ancient evil, and he can fight fierce tigers.

To say the least, Xu Chu really did more than fail.What Dian Wei shot was Ma Chao's shoulder blade, which he said was his chest.This made Dian Wei make a wrong judgment, and even took Cao Cao into the ditch.

"In that case, Ma Chao is probably dead!" Cao Cao said seriously.

"What, the horse is dead!"

"Dian Wei, yesterday you made a great achievement with a single halberd!" Xu Chu said in surprise.

"However, it's not safe to make such a judgment alone. We have to send someone to test it out." After saying this, Cao Cao directed to the general next to him: "Go, send a few small colonels to the Xiliang army to scold the war. Let's see how the Xiliang army reacts."

Cao Cao was suspicious and cautious.Even if he decided in his heart that there was a high probability that Ma Chao was dead, he still had to test many times before he could make a final judgment.

Xiliang Allied Forces, this is a group of people who came together for the sake of profit.If Ma Chao is dead, then they must be leaderless and at a loss now.

As the saying goes, if there is no profit, it will not be early. If there is no profit to be made, then even if Cao Jun scolds and fights outside the camp, no one will inevitably fight.

At this time, Cao Cao sent people to the Xiliang Allied Army Camp to scold and fight, just to see, but no one came out to fight.If there was no one to fight, then Ma Chao probably died under Dian Wei's halberd last night.

Unbeknownst to Cao Cao, he had fallen into Cheng Gongying's trick at this time.Although Cao Cao knows how to use soldiers, his human shortcomings are too obvious.Suspicion is Cao Cao's fatal wound.

At this time, if Cao Cao brought a military adviser like Guo Fengxiao, he must be able to see the clues.It's a pity that this time Cao Cao was alone, and only brought two reckless men, Xu Chu and Dian Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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