Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 497 Cheng Gongying's plan.

Chapter 497 Cheng Gongying's plan.

Ma Chao was injured and bedridden, but at this time Ma Chao had sent orders to all the ministries, and everything was according to the plan of the military adviser Cheng Gongying.

It's true that these people in Xiliang are reckless, but reckless doesn't mean fools.After they learned that Cheng Gongying had a strategy to defeat the enemy, they were naturally willing to cooperate.

Cao Cao had fallen into Cheng Gongying's trick at this time, but he didn't know it.Cao Cao sent people to shout and scold in front of the camp, which was also in Cheng Gongying's calculation.


"Report to the military division, there are generals Cao shouting and scolding outside the camp, and the foul language is unbearable!" Outside the camp, a small Xiliang military school came to report.

"Military division, I'm going to fetch the head of the enemy general!" After Ma Dai said, he raised his gun and was about to go out.

"General Ma Dai, you must not go to battle. This is Cao Mengde's test for us. If you go to fight, all our previous efforts will be wasted."

"Order the three armies, no one is allowed to fight!" Cheng Gongying ordered.

Cheng Gongying's order was conveyed, and the gates of the Xiliang Allied Army camp were closed tightly, allowing Cao Jun to play around outside, pretending not to see it.

Cao Jun received Cao Cao's order and yelled and cursed outside the camp of the Xiliang coalition army for three days in a row.

However, even so, no one from the Xiliang coalition forces came out to meet the enemy.

After calling for battle for three days in a row, no one went out to fight against the enemy, Cao Jun didn't want to be bored, and the two sides stopped their flags and drums for the time being.

Cao Cao was also very entangled in his heart at this time, and he decided in his heart that Ma Chao probably already did.Although he thought so in his heart, Cao Cao was not fully sure.

Cao Cao wanted to take the initiative to attack, and was caught off guard when he came to attack the Xiliang coalition forces, but he felt that it would be safer to stick to Tongguan.

Cao Cao couldn't decide whether to pay attention, but at this time, Cheng Gongying gave another strong medicine, which prompted Cao Cao to send troops to attack.

Xiliang coalition army camp.

In the name of Ma Chao, Cheng Gongying, the military adviser, beat drums and gathered the generals, and gathered the leaders of various ministries.

"Everyone, now that Cao Mengde has caught the trick, but he is still too late to attack. This is still missing a medicine introduction."

"I have to invite all the leaders on the grassland to cooperate." Cheng Gongying cupped his hands and said to the leaders of the various tribes on the grassland who came to help.

Everyone knew that Cheng Gongying had a plan to defeat Cao, so they also respected Cheng Gongying.

"The military division has an order, just do it."

"We must act according to the orders of the military division."

The leaders of various ministries on the grassland expressed their opinions one after another.

"Everyone, after the meeting is over, each of you will lead your own subordinates, withdraw from the camp, and turn back in the direction of your own tribe." Cheng Gongying instructed the leaders of the grassland tribes.

As soon as Cheng Gongying said this, the leaders of the grassland tribes were shocked.They sent troops this time because they wanted a share of the action.Now, the soup has not been distributed yet, so how can it be possible to let them go back.

Cheng Gongying seems to have seen what these reckless men are thinking, and Cheng Gongying also knows in his heart that dealing with this group of barbarians on the grassland is not to be tricked.When dealing with these savages on the prairie, you have to be frank in everything.

Cheng Gongying quickly explained: "Of course, I didn't ask you to really withdraw the troops. It's just a cover-up. You wait for the day to withdraw the troops, and come back secretly at night, and find a hidden place thirty miles away from our army camp to ambush."

"When Cao's army steals the camp, if you rush out suddenly, you will be able to catch them by surprise."

After Cheng Gongying's explanation, the barbarians on the grassland finally understood.It turned out that they were not really allowed to go, but a pocket was set up for Cao Jun to drill.The Central Plains people really have a lot of fancy intestines.

"Ha ha!"

"We will follow the order of the military division!" The leaders of the tribes in the grassland said.

Han Sui looked at Cheng Gongying and thought to himself, no wonder Ma Teng can become the king of Liang and have such great influence.This Cheng Gongying is a great talent.

"Mr. Gongying, Brother Beigong and I also need to withdraw our troops?" Han Sui asked Cheng Gongying.He called Cheng Gongying Mr. Gongying, not a military adviser.

It can be seen from this that Han Sui actually values ​​Cheng Gongying very much in his heart, and wants to get close to him.

"General Han and General Beigong don't need to withdraw their troops. You and the other two are the sworn brothers of the old prince. If you two also withdraw your troops and leave, it seems a bit too deliberate."

"Cao Cao is suspicious, we can't be too deliberate in everything, otherwise, once Cao Cao's suspicion is aroused, all previous efforts will be wasted." Cheng Gongying explained.

It has to be said that Cheng Gongying is very extraordinary.Although not as good as Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen and other great talents.But he is also a master of the same level as Chen Deng, Chen Gong, and Lu Su. Unfortunately, Ma Teng lives in Xiliang, and he has not been given many opportunities to develop.

After the meeting dispersed, the various tribes in the grassland who came to help, followed Cheng Gongying's instructions, and began to gradually withdraw their troops.

Such a huge movement naturally alarmed Cao Jun's spies in the first place.


government office.

"Report" Cao Jun scouted his horse and galloped into the mansion, and knelt down in front of Cao Cao on one knee: "King Wei, the Xiliang coalition forces have changed, and all the grassland ministries have begun to withdraw their troops one after another."

Hearing this military situation, Cao Cao's spirit couldn't help being shaken.The grassland troops withdrew, and they came to help Ma Chao.Now that the grassland coalition forces are withdrawing, there is only one possibility. Ma Chao is dead. Once Ma Chao dies, the Ma family in Xiliang will have no descendants.

As the saying goes, when people leave the tea to cool down, the trees fall and the monkeys scatter, and the Ma family in Xiliang has no heirs, then these grassland tribes who have made good friends with the Ma family naturally have no need to stay.

Suddenly, Cao Cao seemed to remember something, and asked, "Where are Han Sui and Beigong Boyu's army?"

"Report to the king of Wei, only the troops from the grassland have returned to the army, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu's soldiers and horses have not changed in any way!" Tan Ma replied truthfully.

"All the tribes in the grassland have returned to the army, but Han Sui and Beigong Boyu have not left. Why?"

"Yes, it must be so."

"Han Sui and Beigong Boyu, this is to add two to one to make five, and divide up the foundation of the Ma family in Xiliang!" Cao Cao said, slapping his thigh.

This person is afraid of thinking blindly, especially when the information is insufficient.At this time, Cao Cao had completely believed that Ma Chao was dead.

"Send scouts to keep an eye on the evacuated grassland ministries. In addition, send people to keep an eye on the Xiliang camp. If there is any change, notify me as soon as possible."

"In addition, order the army to be ready to send troops at all times, and there must be no negligence!" Cao Cao instructed his generals.

As the saying goes, one step is wrong, every step is wrong.Since Xu Chu gave Cao Cao wrong information, Cao Cao has gone further and further down the wrong path.

(End of this chapter)

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