Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 535 Guo Fengxiao forcibly drags his sick body to preside over the overall situation!

Chapter 535 Guo Fengxiao forcibly drags his sick body to preside over the overall situation!

At the same time, Cheng Yu had already pulled Xu Chu out of the hall.

"Zhongkang, quickly mobilize your troops to surround the entire palace, whether it is the princes and ministers attending the banquet today, or the eunuchs and maids in the palace."

"Remember, none of them can be released!" Cheng Yu said solemnly.

It has to be said that Cheng Yu is also a great talent, and he is a fierce talent who is loyal to Cao Cao.At this moment, he immediately thought of controlling the situation.

At this time, Han Xiandi Liu Xie is dead, and Wei Wang Cao Cao is in a coma again.What they can do is to control the situation and not let the rumors about the palace go out for the time being.

"Mr. Cheng, what should I do if these ministers barge in on me?" Xu Chu asked Cheng Yu.

"If there is a trespasser, shoot and kill!"

"I'll go to the military adviser to make a decision. In short, before the military adviser and I come, no one can be released!"

"Understood?" Cheng Yu urged here.


"With Mr. Cheng's words, let alone a human being, I, Xu Chu, would not release even a mouse."

"Mr. Cheng, hurry up!" Xu Chu said.

At this time, Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang, and second son, Cao Pi, were not in Xudu, so now he could only find Guo Jia, who was still on the sick bed, to preside over the overall situation.

Wei Guo can have today, Guo Jia has contributed a lot, and only he can preside over the overall situation when King Wei is unconscious.

Cheng Yu didn't dare to delay, he got out of the palace and got into the carriage, and drove the carriage to Guo Jia's mansion himself.Along the way, it was like drag racing.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Before arriving at Guo Jia's mansion, Cheng Yu got off the carriage and smashed the door directly.

"Hey, it's Mr. Cheng Yu. My master has already rested, so let me report to you." The porter was very curious when he saw Cheng Yushen coming in the middle of the night, and said hastily.

"Tongyuan, what else is there to tell!"

"Something has happened, quickly take me to see Feng Xiao!" Cheng Yu said in a hurry, at this moment, there is no room for him to report.

Seeing Cheng Yu's appearance, the porter didn't dare to stop him, so he hurriedly led Cheng Yu to the backyard.

"Feng Xiao, something serious happened."

"Feng Xiao, something serious happened!" Cheng Yu shouted as soon as he entered Guo Jia's bedroom, pushing the sleeping Guo Jia.

Being pushed by Cheng Yu, Guo Jia woke up from the dream, and asked sleepily, "Brother Cheng, aren't you all at the celebration banquet? Did we come to my place in the middle of the night?"

"Feng Xiao, something big happened at the celebration banquet!"

"The king of Wei raped the queen after drinking, and killed your majesty by mistake!" Cheng Yu said shortly.

"What!" Guo Jia sat up from the bed with a bang.

As soon as Cheng Yu's words came out, Guo Jia lost all sleepiness at once, it was more effective than pouring a basin of cold water on his head.

"King Wei, how could King Wei do such an absurd thing!" Guo Jia said in surprise.

Everyone knows that King Wei is lustful, but King Wei is not a fool, how could he do such a thing.

In other words, if the King of Wei was interested in Empress Fu, he should have done it long ago, so why wait until now.

For a while, Guo Jia felt that there must be something else wrong with this matter.

"Brother Cheng, explain this matter to me in detail!" Guo Jia asked hastily.

"Feng Xiao, it's too late to talk now. Come with me to the palace first, and we'll talk as we walk!" Cheng Yu pulled Guo Jia and walked out.


"Talk while walking!" Guo Jia hurriedly put on his clothes, and followed Cheng Yu to the palace.

The groom at Guo Jia's mansion drove the carriage, and Cheng Yu explained everything he saw to Guo Jia in detail in the carriage.

After hearing Cheng Yu's words, Guo Jia frowned, and after a long time, Guo Jia finally said, "Brother Cheng, it means that when you entered, King Wei was already unconscious, right?"

"Yes, King Wei was already unconscious when I entered!" Cheng Yu said.

"No!" Guo Jia shook his head, and continued to analyze: "There are vase fragments at the scene, which means that Empress Fu knocked Wei Wang unconscious with a vase."

"That is to say, after King Wei stabbed His Majesty to death, Empress Fu smashed King Wei with a vase, how did Empress Fu faint?"

After Guo Jia asked this question, Cheng Yu also seemed to realize that something was wrong, and quickly said: "Yes, there is something strange at this time."

"At that time, Xu Chu was guarding outside the palace gate. Apart from King Wei and the others, there were only maids and eunuchs serving in the outer palace."

"Military Master, there is a problem with these court ladies and eunuchs!"

"Jin Yiwei, Jin Yiwei, if it is as expected, it must be Jin Yiwei's handwriting. If His Majesty dies, how will the Wei-Shu alliance be broken!" Guo Jia said in a deep voice with a sigh.

Although Guo Jia already guessed that this was Jin Yiwei's handwriting in a moment, but can people like Fu Guozhang listen to their explanation?Of course it is impossible.

Don't say that Guo Jia has no evidence in his hands now, he is just guessing and reasoning out of thin air.Even if Guo Jia had evidence in his hands, people like Fu Guozhang would not believe it.

No matter what Guo Jia and the others say now, in the hands of Fu Guozhang and others, they are just trying to excuse Cao thief.

Guo Jia came to the palace and immediately took control of the situation.First ordered people to take Cao Cao back to the Wei Palace for treatment, and then ordered Xu Chu to personally lead people to imprison all loyal ministers, ministers of the Han Dynasty, and some neutral factions in the palace.

Of course, Guo Jia missed Xun Yu.In Guo Jia's view, Xun Yu was someone who followed Cao Cao from the very beginning, and was also single-handedly promoted by Cao Cao.Moreover, Xun Yu has a great position, and most of Wei's internal affairs have to go through his hands.

Guo Jia believed that Xun Yu was only sympathetic to the Han family, and that he would still turn to the King of Wei in matters of right and wrong, so he did not imprison Xun Yu.It was the exposure of Xun Yu that caused the catastrophe.

After all the Han faction and even the neutral faction were imprisoned.Guo Jia immediately ordered: "Before the king of Wei wakes up, everyone will perform official duties as usual, and no one should say a word about things in the palace."

"As for the family members of these lords' residences, they are all under control and cannot leave the residence!"

"In addition, from today onwards, Xu capital city is allowed to enter and not allowed to leave. It is said to the outside world that the spies of the Qin State have entered the city. Until they are investigated, the city gate will not be opened."

"Send people to General Cao Ren to give up attacking Xuzhou, stick to Xiaopei, and prepare to return to Xudu at any time."

"Send someone to order the eldest son Cao Ang to return to Xudu immediately."

Guo Jiaqiang propped himself up, and issued orders one after another in an orderly manner.Although Guo Jia is not in good health, he knows that he can't fall down no matter what. Once he falls, Cao Wei will be finished.

Guo Jia has contributed a lot to Wei Guo, and naturally no one dared to refute his order.

As Guo Jia's orders were issued one after another, with Guo Jia as the backbone, Cao Cao's confidant ministers felt a little more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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