Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 536 Xun Yu took the risk of forging secret orders.

Chapter 536 Xun Yu took the risk of forging secret orders.

While Guo Jia was wiping Cao Cao's ass, Luo Yangxing had already taken the hidden pile of Jinyiwei hidden in Xudu, and quietly drilled out of the city wall through the secret passage left by Realization.

Why do you say drill?Because, this so-called secret passage is actually a drainage hole left on the city wall.

The time for fulfilling the agreement has come, Luo Yangxing and the others can't wait any longer, they may be exposed at any time.

Those who can come have already come, and as for those who have not arrived yet, they should never come back.

At the same time Luo Yangxing and the others were leaving, the little eunuch in the palace reckoned that the agreed time was almost up.At this time, the palace had been sealed off, and it was obvious that he could not escape safely.

Thinking of this, the little eunuch gritted his teeth, took the copper hairpin from the head of the maid in front of him, and stabbed it fiercely into his chest.

Those who have not evacuated according to the agreed time must commit suicide, which is the same discipline as Jin Yi Wei Tie.

In Xudu City, he was not the only one who had never been evacuated, and the number of suicides was not limited to that.Many of the secret guards in Jinyi who did not evacuate on time committed suicide one after another.

Dead people can't speak, as long as everyone involved in this matter is dead, then the pot of dirty water will be poured on Cao Cao's body steadily.


"Dead, dead!"

Guo Jia had just imprisoned all the ministers who were close to the Han Dynasty, and there were bursts of chaotic shouts in the palace.

Cheng Yu and Guo Jia led people to check it out. Seeing the corpse lying on the ground, they frowned involuntarily.

"Suicide, it seems that it must be someone from Jinyiwei!"

"Li Chen's trick to defeat the enemy is so ruthless!"

"Cough! Cough!"

Having said this, Guo Jia coughed involuntarily.

Cao Cao already had a headache, but the vase hit his head, which made the headache even worse.

Cao Cao was in a coma for seven days, but he did not wake up.

As Cao Cao's coma lasted longer and longer, the inner and outer parts of the Xu capital became more and more undercurrent.

Fortunately, the eldest son Cao Ang came back at this time, and Cao Ang's return was equivalent to reassuring the civil servants and generals in Xudu City!
In the past few days, although Xun Yu was handling the government affairs as usual, he was thinking of ways to save Guozhang and others.

Xun Yu knew Cao Cao too well. Cao Cao would rather let the world down than me.Now that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is dead, Cao Cao will definitely not save the lives of the Zhang Guozhang and others.And once Cao Cao woke up, it was the time when Fu Guozhang and other Han officials died.

However, what he was afraid of would happen, and at this moment Cao Cao woke up.

"Cough, cough."


"Feng Xiao is here too, what's the matter?" Cao Cao looked at his eldest son Cao Ang first, and then at Guo Jia, asking in confusion.

"Wei Wang, don't you remember anything?" Guo Jia asked solemnly.

"Remember what?"

"what happened?"

"The lonely king only remembers that during the banquet, a young eunuch came to the harem and said that His Majesty called me, but when he arrived in His Majesty's bedroom, he didn't remember it!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao seemed to have anticipated what happened, and hurriedly asked, "But what happened?"

Guo Jia looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "King Wei, Your Majesty is dead, it was your sword that stabbed His Majesty to death. The sword pierced the heart, we entered the bedroom, and you threw yourself on Queen Fu in disheveled clothes. "



"I didn't, I didn't!" Cao Cao yelled hysterically, spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

Cao Cao was wronged in his heart. He swore that he never did such a thing. This is a false accusation, this is a false accusation.

"Of course we know that the king of Wei would not do such a thing, but Fu Guozhang and the others have also seen it, I am afraid they will not believe it." After Guo Jia finished speaking, he continued: "There is a suicide in the palace The eunuch is probably the hidden stake of Jin Yiwei!"

"Assassinate Your Majesty and put the blame on the King of Wei. In this way, the Wei-Shu alliance will be broken. Moreover, Liu Bei lives as the Han family clan himself. Once this news gets out, Liu Bei will definitely send troops to attack Shu!"

Liu Bei started his business under the name of the clan of the Han family, and Liu Bei must be a Han family to be able to justify his name.Therefore, when Cao Cao killed Emperor Xian of Han, Liu Bei had to send troops to attack Wei.

Liu Bei enjoyed the benefits brought by the name of the clan of the Han Dynasty, and he was able to become a member of the tripartite confrontation.Now, it is inevitable to fulfill the responsibilities of the clan members of the Han Dynasty.

"Li Chen, good trick!"

"Good trick!"

"No matter what, this news cannot be spread. As long as the Wei and Shu coalition forces defeat Li Chen, we can turn around and deal with Liu Bei."

"Order Xu Chu to kill all those who may leak the news. Dead people will not leak secrets!"

At this time Cao Cao was exceptionally calm and gave the most correct order at the moment.

After killing Fu Guozhang and others, if Fu Guozhang and others live for a day, it is a variable.However, a dead variable is no longer a variable.

At this time, Xu Chu led the army to guard the palace. Without the order of King Wei, no one could order Xu Chu.But now that Cao Cao is on the sickbed, he cannot deliver the order in person.

After thinking for a while, Cao Cao said to Xun Yu, "Wen Ruo, draw up a secret order and let Xu Chu do it himself, so that no one will be left alive."

Hearing this, Xun Yu couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Sure enough, just as Xun Yu expected, when Cao Cao woke up, it was the day when Fu Guozhang and others died.

As usual, after Xun Yu drafted the document, he presented the document to Cao Cao for review, and then Cao Cao would hand over his seal to Xun Yu, who would use the seal.After using the seal, Xun Yu will return the seal to Cao Cao.

Thinking of this, Xun Yu couldn't help thinking of a trick, and now it's the only trick that can save the lives of Uncle Cao and the others.

On the desk two or three feet away from Cao Cao's couch, Xun Yu was drafting a secret order.At this time, everyone's eyes were on Cao Cao, and no one noticed that Xun Yu had drafted two secret orders.

After drafting, Xun Yu handed the top copy to Cao Cao, covered the bottom copy with rice paper, and walked towards Cao Cao's couch.

"King Wei, look." Xun Yu handed the secret order to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's body was not used to it at this time, and after a slight glance, he saw that there was probably nothing wrong with it.He took out the seal from the pillow, handed it to Xun Yu, and said weakly, "Go and use the seal!"

"Remember, instruct Xu Chu to destroy the secret order after viewing it!"

"Yes, King Wei." Xun Yu replied.

No one noticed that when Xun Yu was using the seal, he quietly stamped the seal on another secret order below.

Fortunately, everyone's eyes were on Cao Cao at this time, otherwise, if Xun Yu's little tricks were discovered, he might end up like Uncle Fu Guo and others.

(End of this chapter)

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