Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 537 All the Han officials escaped and ascended to heaven.

Chapter 537 All the Han officials escaped and ascended to heaven.

After Xun Yu used the seal on the two secret orders, he returned the seal to Cao Cao, and then took the opportunity to hide the other order in his sleeve and went to pass the order to Xu Chu.

Xun Yu knew in his heart that there was not much time left for him, and he had to leave Xudu with Fu Guozhang and others before Cao Cao could react.

Xudu, the imperial palace.

Xu Chu led the army to surround the palace, not to mention people, even flies and mice could not escape from the palace.

"Mr. Xun Yu, why are you here! But, King Wei is awake!" Xu Chu hurriedly asked when he saw Xun Yu.

Xun Yu nodded, and said without changing his expression: "The king of Wei woke up and called you to go and ask questions. You were the first to rush in that day. From your words, it is impossible to say that the king of Wei can find some clues."

"By the way, the King of Wei has a secret order, you give me a troop!" Xun Yu said, and handed the forged secret order to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu picked up the secret order and took a look, only to see that the secret order stated that Xu Chu would see him quickly, and Xun Yu led a team of soldiers to hide Uncle Fu and others in a dark place! "

This secret order is stamped with Cao Cao's seal, and there is no room for falsehood.Xu Chu ordered a team of soldiers to bring Fu Guofu and others out, tied them up and stuffed them into the carriage, and then arranged for a hundred-man cavalry to escort Xun Yu and others out of the city.

At the same time, Cheng Yu was investigating the secret incident of Jin Yiwei. Hearing that King Wei woke up, he quickly put down what he was doing and went to see King Wei Cao Cao.

Xun Yu came to Cao Cao to take a look, and found that all the ministers around were there, but Xun Yu was missing, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"Where's Wen Ruo?" Cheng Yu asked, grabbing Guo Jia's hand.

"You, you, don't ask King Wei, what are you doing about Wen Ruo?" Guo Jia laughed.

"Feng Xiao, where is Wen Ruo?" Cheng Yu said solemnly here.

Cheng Yu always felt that there was something wrong with Xun Yu, and Cheng Yu knew that Xun Yu sympathized with the Han family.However, when something like this happened, Xun Yu behaved too abnormally and calmly.Therefore, Cheng Yushi has been secretly observing Xun Yu.

"Wei Wang sent Wen Ruo to kill Uncle Fu Guo and others!" Guo Jia said in Cheng Yu's ear.

Hearing this, Cheng Yu was shocked.Let Cheng Yu pass the order, isn't that the same as letting the dog cut down the latrine?

"It's broken, I'm pregnant!"

"A big event is about to happen. The king of Wei asked Wen Ruo to pass the order, and Wen Ruo will definitely let Uncle Fu Guo and others go!" Cheng Yu was shocked.

"Ha ha!"

"Mr. Cheng is overthinking, how can Wen Ruo betray me?" Cao Cao laughed loudly.

Looking at Cheng Yu's appearance, Guo Jia didn't seem to be joking, and asked solemnly, "Is it a little alarmist?"

"Wei Wang, you are awake, I heard your laughter from a long distance away!" At this moment, Xu Chuweng's voice sounded.

Seeing Xu Chu, everyone suddenly felt bad.Dozens of Hanchens, big and small, were imprisoned in the palace, and they were all killed. It shouldn't be so fast.

But why did Xu Chu come back?

"Have you killed it?" Cao Cao asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Did you kill it?"

"Kill who?" Xu Chu scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"Wen Ruo, can't I show you the secret order?" Cao Cao asked.

"Look, didn't the king of Wei call me back to ask questions, and ordered Mr. Wenruo to lead people to hide the people in the palace and imprison them elsewhere?"

"According to the time, I should have left the city by now!" Xu Chu took it for granted.


"Wen Ruo loses me, Wen Ruo loses me!"

"Xu Chu, order all the soldiers and horses to chase after me immediately, kill, kill them all!" Cao Cao was furious, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and shouted angrily.

Cao Cao never imagined that Xun Yu, whom he single-handedly raised, would betray him one day.If he didn't have himself, he, Xun Yu, would still be a teacher.

An dare to do this, An dare to do this!

Although Xu Chu was not very smart, he was not a fool either. In this situation, how could he not know that he was being deceived by Xun Yu.

Xu Chu immediately took the order to go out, and led his troops to chase out towards the city gate.

After Xu Chu chased to the gate of the city, he learned that Xun Yu had led people out of the city for a while.If you go out of the city, it's far away from the emperor, so it's not easy to find.

After a while, Xu Chu saw the body of the guards he had sent and the abandoned carriage.

Xun Yu actually planned to rescue Fu Guozhang and others a long time ago, so it is naturally impossible that he did not leave behind at all.He had secretly contacted some people early on to meet them outside the city.

Xu Chu saw that the guards he had sent were killed, and Xun Yu replaced the carriage with a larger target with a horse with a smaller target.

Moreover, the speed of horses is much faster than that of carriages.In this way, it is not easy to find it when you want to find it.

After all, if these people go to any corner of the mountain, they will undoubtedly find a needle in a haystack.However, Xu Chu thought again, these people are mostly pampered people, and there is a woman like Empress Fu, so they will definitely not go to the mountains and wild places.

"Quickly go back and report to King Wei that Xun Yu has already left the city and needs the support of the army to search!" Xu Chu ordered to his subordinates.

Out of the city, there are countless escape routes, but he has only one Xu Chu, so Xu Chu needs support at this time.

After Cao Cao received the news from Xu Chu, he immediately ordered many of his generals to lead their troops to carry out a carpet search.

Xudu, Beidaying.

The Northern Camp was in charge of the surrendered general Ju Yi. Since Ju Yi took refuge in Cao Cao, he was regarded as highly valued by Cao Cao.

Chinese army tent.

Just as Ju Yi was about to leave the camp, he bumped into Gao Lan and Zhang Yun.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" Zhang He asked pretending to be surprised.

Zhang He, Gao Lan, and Ju Yi were all generals who surrendered after Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao. After Ju Yi surrendered, they also surrendered.


"Since the king of Wei gave the order, I will naturally arrest Xun Yu!" Ju Yi said quickly.

Zhang Yun said with a smile: "I don't think my elder brother is going to capture Xun Yu, but he wants to abandon Cao with Xun Yu!"

"Brother, we are all brothers, why bother to cover up."

"There are three hundred missing soldiers in your battalion. Without the help of your three hundred soldiers, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Xun Yu to escape outside the city." Gao Lan said bluntly.

The person Xun Yu secretly contacted was Ju Yi, and it was Ju Yi who helped Xun Yu kill Xu Chu's hundred cavalry guards outside the city.

"Since the two brothers know about it, I won't hide it anymore."

"When I surrendered that day, I made an agreement with Cao Mengde to surrender to the Han and not to surrender to Cao. Today, Cao Mengde has committed such a rebellious act. How can I, Ju Yi, work for him?"

"Brothers, I must leave today as a brother, so don't wait for the two of you to obstruct each other!" Ju Yi said seriously.

"Brother, we are not here to stop you!"

"The two of us will leave together with you, we will go wherever you go!" Zhang Yun said.

Not long after, Ju Yi, Zhang Ying, and Gao Lan led [-] cronies out of the Peking Camp under the pretext of surrounding Xun Yu.

Li Chen's pot of dirty water made Cao Cao bear the name of regicide. For a while, Cao Wei could be said to be distracted.

(End of this chapter)

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