Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 538 There are twists and turns.

Chapter 538 Twists and turns.

On the official road, Xun Yu led a dozen guards from the Han Dynasty, and a guard of hundreds of people arranged for him by Ju Yi to run wildly on the official road.

Although he knew that the goal of taking the official path was great, Xun Yu had no other choice.The average age of these Han ministers is not young, and now even if they are riding a horse, they can't increase their speed.

If you don't take the official road, but take the mountain trail, you have to abandon your horse and walk.It's about time, how can this group of old people climb mountains and mountains.

I'm afraid that before they are overtaken by Cao Cao's men, they will roll off the cliff and die one by one.These ancient cliffs are not comparable to the mountains and forests built into scenic spots in later generations, they are all barren mountains and wild mountains.

Crossing mountains and ridges in the mountains depends on using both hands and feet. Obviously, these Han ministers do not have the ability to cross mountains and ridges.

First of all, Xun Yu was counting on the Cao army in the rear not to discover them for a while. In this case, he had a forged secret order in his hand and could pass the customs smoothly. As long as they left the territory of Wei State, they would be safe and sound.

"Cough cough!"

On the galloping horse, Empress Fu coughed.The rush all the way made Empress Fu, who was already relatively weak, a little uncomfortable.

"Wen Ruo, let's rest!"

"Let's rest for now!" Fu Guozhang felt sorry for his daughter and hurriedly said to Xun Yu.

"Master, no!"

"We don't have much time. Once Cao thief comes after us, we will have no way out!"

"Let's persevere, the farther we escape now, the safer we will be!" Xun Yu shouted.

"Father, I'm fine!"

"We must escape. Only by living can we tell the world about Cao's viciousness!" Empress Fu said, supporting her body.

At this time, Empress Fu was certain in her heart that it must be Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty who was killed by Cao Cao.You know, there are Cao Cao's people up and down in the palace, except Cao Cao, who can stun her and Han Xiandi.

Although Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie was a coward, he treated Empress Fu very well. The relationship between the husband and wife was harmonious. Now that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie died in the hands of Cao thief, Empress Fu was determined to avenge him. .

Everyone also knew that what Xun Yu said was right, the faster they ran now, the safer they would be.Now, I can only pray that Cao Cao will not be able to find them for a while.

A group of old, weak, sick and disabled held back their bodies and galloped wildly. However, they were less than ten miles away.Two of Cao Cao's generals, Li Dian and Le Jin, have found their traces.

Le Jin twirled the horse dung on the ground, and said to Li Dian who was beside him: "The horse dung is still warm, it should not have gone far."

After finishing speaking, Le Jin immediately shouted: "Scout out, find traces of Xun Yu and others for me."

What Cao Cao hates the most is others betraying him. He can say that he would rather I betray the world than the world betray me. This shows Cao Cao's aversion to betrayal.

What's more, Xun Yu was single-handedly promoted by Cao Cao, but he betrayed him at this time. Cao Cao hated Xun Yu at this time.

Therefore, Cao Cao had already issued an order to kill Xun Yu, and those soldiers under him would kill anyone who saw Xun Yu.

Xun Yu and the others are civil servants after all, how can they be the opponents of these horse generals who are on the battlefield.Now, their whereabouts have been discovered by Li Dianlejin, and their situation is already precarious.

After about half an hour, Li Dianle had already confirmed the location of Xun Yu and the others.Immediately, Li Dianle's advance was divided into two groups, one went around to the front to intercept, and the other continued to pursue from behind.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Xun Yu and his party rode their horses and ran wildly. Although they knew that the hope of escaping was very slim at this time, they still had to continue to run wildly.

However, not long after, Li Dianle came forward and blocked Xun Yu's group completely.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, why bother to betray the King of Wei. You stop, I will save your life. After seeing the King of Wei and sincerely admitting his mistakes, the King of Wei will surely forgive Mr. Wen Ruo." Li Dian persuaded earnestly.

"I, Xun Yu, is a minister of the Han Dynasty. I will never help the tyrant to do evil. If I want to kill, I will kill it, and if I want to cut it, I will cut it!" Xun Yu knew that there was no possibility of escaping, so he didn't say anything more.

Li Dian, Le Jin is Cao Cao's confidant general, it's a dream come true for these two to let them go.

Although he did not escape with the queen and the ministers of the Han Dynasty, Xun Yu had already tried all his strength.

Do everything according to the destiny of the heavens, now it seems that the heavens will not give them a way out!Xun Yu mourned in his heart.

"Cao Thief, when you do such a thing of anger and resentment, there must be punishment from heaven, there must be punishment from heaven."

"Cao thief, sooner or later he will die suddenly."

"I'm just waiting to take a step first, Cao thief will follow us soon!"

Many ministers knew that there was no way out for them today, so they decided to go all out, cursing at the top of their lungs.

Li Dian and Le Jin looked at each other, knowing that Xun Yu was determined to die with these Han ministers.

"Kill!" Li Dian gritted his teeth and gave the order.

Cao Cao was ordered to kill all the ministers who escaped the Han Dynasty immediately on the spot.You don't even need to bring Xu Du with you later.

Changes will happen later, who knows what troubles will happen again if he is brought back to Xudu.Only the dead will not cause trouble. Therefore, according to Cao Cao's order, it is only necessary to bring everyone's heads back to verify their integrity.

Li Dian gave an order, and Cao Jun immediately killed him.Although Xun Yu had hundreds of soldiers sent by Ju Yi standing in front of them, there were 2000 cavalry cavalry from the Cao army around them.

Ju Yi's hundreds of soldiers were protecting Empress Fu and the others, but they were about to die.

Once these personal guards were killed and injured, Queen Fu and the others would be the next to die.

"Han General Ju Yi is here, Li Dian, Le Jinxiu must be presumptuous!"

"Zhang He, Gao Lan is here, Li Dian, Le Jin is here for his life!"

At this critical moment, Ju Yi led Zhang Yun, Gao Lan and three thousand armored cavalry to attack from behind Li Dian and Le Jin.

"Ju Yi, the King of Wei has taken you well, so are you going to rebel too?" Li Dian shouted.

At this time, Li Dian also felt a little panicked.Ju Yi brought more troops than him, and the three brothers Ju Yi, Zhang Yun, and Gao Lan were not inferior to him and Le Jin in terms of martial arts.

"When I surrendered, did I surrender to Han instead of Cao?"

"Now, Cao thief has done such an outrageous thing, and I, Ju Yi, am now in Baohan's room, eliminating rebels, so why rebel?" Ju Yi said firmly.

"Master, our savior is here!"

"Yesterday, outside the city, it was General Ju Yi who sent someone to help us escape!" Xun Yu said to Master Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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