Chapter 54

The situation in Youzhou is pretty good now, Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu are in the honeymoon period.Apart from the fact that the aliens from the grassland came up from time to time to "crack" and cause some friction, there was no war.

Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, advocated government affairs, and Gongsun Zan, as the prefect of Beiping, held most of the military power in the whole territory of Youzhou.And war horses, a strategic material, were naturally controlled by Gongsun Zan.

"My lord, Gongsun Zan loves white horses like an idiot. Except for self-sufficiency, most of the war horses in Youzhou are exchanged by Gongsun Zan for white horses."

"A good white horse can be exchanged from Gongsun Zan for three or five horses with the same foot strength. If the white horse is of better quality, it may not be impossible to exchange ten or eight horses." Chen Deng explained to Li Chen.

When Chen Deng said this, Li Chen understood instantly.This is a hobby, and men always like it.For example, some people like to smoke and drink to burn their heads, and some people like to pinch their feet in the sauna, hehehe.

Gongsun Zan only likes white horses, Li Chen understands this habit, white color looks clean, Li Chen also likes white, especially white
Now comes the problem. Gongsun Zan of Youzhou has horses, but they don’t sell them. If you want them, you have to exchange them for white horses.The point is that Li Chen doesn't even have a horse, so where is there a white horse?

Li Chen also couldn't understand, why did Gongsun Zan like white horses so much?Doesn't he know the three dead horses on the battlefield?
Those who ride white horses, those who wear golden armor, and those who wield silver spears.

A white horse is exchanged for three or five horses of the same foot strength, which is even ten or eight healthy horses.This must be a very good deal, but the question arises where can I get so many white horses.

and many more!

Suddenly, Gao Fei seemed to think of something.A few days ago, there was a whole ton of white hair dye in the daily necessities gift package opened by opening the blind box?

In theory, there should be no difference between human hair and horse hair.Something that can dye hair could theoretically also dye horses.

"I'm such a fucking little clever ghost." Li Chen thought in his heart.

"Yuanlong, come with me." Li Chen hurriedly greeted Chen Deng to the backyard of the state pastoral mansion.

Li Chen rummaged through the warehouse in the backyard, and finally found those white hair dyes.These white hair dyes are a bit like the red dye used to dye sheep red in the countryside in the previous life, except that this is a white powder dye.

Li Chen has finally discovered that there is nothing out of the blind box system that you can't use, the only difference is whether you can use it or not.

A mature system will not only prepare supporting auxiliary tools for you, but also prepare instructions for you.

According to the description in the instructions, this is a very strong hair dye.Once dyed, it can guarantee that the color will not fade for life.

What?You ask, what if the horse grows new hair after losing its hair?
Then I can only tell you that the matter of horse hair growth does not belong to hair dye.

"Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Yaojin?" Li Chen shouted outside.

After a while, Cheng Yaojin came, and he said in a low voice, "Master Dian, is your name me?"

"Go, bring me a good horse, the best?" Li Chen ordered.

Not long after, Cheng Yaojin led a tall horse and walked ahead, while Yu Wencheng chased him from behind.

Good guy, Cheng Yaojin has brought Yuwen Chengdu's Sailong Wuban horse.

Cheng Yaojin led the horse to Li Chen, and Yuwen Chengdu just caught up with him.

"What are you doing with my horse?" Yu Wencheng looked at Cheng Yaojin and said angrily.

"The commander-in-chief asked me to lead the horse, so I brought it here. Why are you so stingy, you can still kill and eat meat for you." Cheng Yaojin replied, and then whispered: "But your horse With such a strong horse, the meat must be very strong."

Cheng Yaojin thought that he spoke in a low voice, and he was afraid that everyone except the deaf could hear him.Yu Wencheng's face turned dark in an instant, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have given Cheng Yaojin a long memory.

But, it's probably useless to fight like this, Cheng Yaojin is a typical example of remembering to eat but not to fight.

"Master Dian, you want to ride a horse. Tell me if you want to ride a horse, and I will send the horse to you." Yu Wencheng asked.

Li Chen replied: "I don't ride a horse, let Yaojin lead a horse to try some things."

"Bite gold, go change a horse, just choose a healthy horse from among the military horses." Li Chen ordered again.

Although Xuzhou has few horses, except for the cavalry of the Xuanjia Army.Usually there are two to three thousand horses for scouts to ride.

"Master Dian, you just said you wanted the best horse?"

"In Xuzhou, the best horse is this guy from Chengdu." Cheng Yaojin said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and lead the horse." Li Chen glared at Cheng Yaojin, a bastard, and said angrily.

It is a good idea to dye Yuwen Chengdu's Sailong five-spotted horse white.However, Li Chen reckoned that if Sailong's five-spotted horse was dyed white, Cheng Yaojin would probably have to be beaten purple by Yuwen Chengdu.

Not long after, Cheng Yaojin brought a healthy horse.This horse is naturally much worse than Yuwen Chengdu's Sailong five-spotted horse, but it can be used as a military horse, and it is also very strong.

According to the method in the manual, mix a certain proportion of water into the hair dye, and then Li Chen started to dye the horse with the brush equipped with the system.

This dyeing process is roughly equivalent to brushing the horse's hair. The horse not only did not resist during the whole process, but also seemed to enjoy it very much.

Li Chen swiped for about half an hour. After all, it was the first time he did this kind of thing, so he was very cautious during the whole process.It was done very meticulously, without any flaws.

After the whole busy work was over, Cheng Yaojin, Yuwen Chengdu and Chen Deng who were beside him were completely stunned.

This method of turning a yellow horse into a white horse really belongs to the blind spot of the three of them.Especially Chen Deng, he felt that he had been humiliated by studying hard for ten years.

"My lord, can you still juggle?" Cheng Yaojin replied dumbfounded.

Li Chen cast a glance at Cheng Yaojin, and didn't bother to talk to this fellow.

At this time, Yu Wencheng glared at Cheng Yaojin fiercely, thanks to him catching up, otherwise his racing dragon and five-spotted horse would be dyed white.

"My lord, what's going on?" Chen Deng also asked with a puzzled face.

Li Chen explained: "This is a kind of pigment, just like dyeing cloth in a dyeing workshop. However, this color will never fade. The only disadvantage is that once the horse loses its hair, the new hair that grows is still the original color."

"My lord, do you want to use such a white horse? To exchange horses with Gongsun Zan?" Chen Deng understood Li Chen's meaning in an instant.

Li Chen nodded and asked, "Does Yuanlong think this is feasible?"

Chen Deng looked around the "white horse", looked carefully and said: "This is not only feasible, it is simply too feasible. There is no stray hair on this white horse, and it will definitely sell for a good price."

Li Chen thought in his heart, if he just dyed it, it doesn't have a stray hair?

Li Chen felt that this was not a trick to Gongsun Zan. After all, what he wanted was a white horse, and what he gave was also a white horse?It doesn't matter whether the white horse was born white or turned white later.As long as the horse is white when I hand it over to him, that's enough.

In the previous life, there were water injection pigs, waste oil and so on. Now I have a dyed horse, it shouldn't be too much.
Today's Chapter 2—two more chapters to follow—
(End of this chapter)

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