Chapter 55
Using dyed horses to pit Gongsun Zan, Li Chen can be said to have no psychological burden at all. Anyway, this old boy can't pee in the same pot as himself.

As for the matter of dyeing horses, to put it bluntly, it is a psychological effect.Whether it's a white horse or a dark horse, they are all the same in terms of foot strength. Li Chen really can't understand why Gongsun Zan insists on being entangled with the white horse.

Look at Li Chen, he doesn't struggle at all.

Although Li Chen is not good at riding during the day, he likes riding at night.

Just like the horse he rode this night, Li Chen has always been Reba, and Nazha is also good.There's nothing to be picky about this thing.

"Yuanlong, how many horses do we have in Xuzhou?" Li Chen looked at Chen Deng and asked thoughtfully.

Now under Li Chen's command, Chen Deng and Liu Bowen are the only civil servants who can take action. Now Liu Bowen is in charge of Xuzhou's government affairs, while Chen Deng is in charge of Xuzhou's finances.

How many horses and grain are there in Xuzhou City? Ask Chen Deng about this kind of thing.

Chen Deng made some calculations in his mind, and said slowly: "My lord, at present, there are still three thousand healthy horses in Xuzhou City. If it is for transportation, there are many poor horses for pulling carts, but I am afraid that these poor horses are not enough. way to trade."

"Squeeze three thousand horses and there are still some."

"Sure enough, this city is so big, if you want something, you can squeeze it in and there will always be something."

"It's like a woman's penis, which can only be squeezed out if it's big enough. If it's too small, you might not be able to squeeze it out even if you want to."

Li Chen paused, then made a decision: "Reserve [-] healthy horses for the scouts, and then dye [-] white horses to come out."

"It's just Yuan Long, we just had a conflict with Liu Bei, I'm afraid Gongsun Zan may not easily trade with us."

As soon as Li Chen said this, Chen Deng immediately said with a smile: "My lord, keep your heart in your stomach. I can guarantee that as long as the news that you have a large number of white horses in your hands spreads, then Gongsun Zan will beg us to make a deal. "

There is a saying, as the so-called scarcity is the most precious, war horses are a scarce resource in this era, and white war horses are even more scarce among the scarcity.So once Gongsun Zan knew that Li Chen had enough white horses.Then, according to Gongsun Zan's enthusiasm for white horses, he will definitely find ways to make a deal with Li Chen.

For Li Chen, it would be best for Gongsun Zan to come to the door on his own initiative.After all, let the other party take the initiative to come to the door, he will definitely be able to grasp a greater initiative.However, what Li Chen wants now is not just Gongsun Zan's visit, but Gongsun Zan's visit as soon as possible.

The heavy rain near Xuzhou has come to an end recently, and as soon as the muddy condition of the road improves after the heavy rain, Cao Jun may launch another attack on Xuzhou at any time.

Li Chen wants to buy horses as soon as possible, and then complete the expansion of the army.Otherwise, when Cao Cao really came to fight, why would he want a horse.The light cavalry fought deep guerrilla warfare, while the heavy cavalry fought frontal shock warfare.

But neither the Lancers, nor the light cavalry or heavy cavalry could defend the city.If you want Cao Cao to surround Xuzhou, it will be useless to ask for cavalry yourself.

Li Chen said with a worried face: "Yuanlong, time doesn't wait for me, this matter needs to be implemented as soon as possible."

Chen Deng smiled and said to Li Chen: "My lord, when can we turn two thousand black horses into white horses?"

Li Chen pondered for a while, and then secretly calculated in his heart: "It takes less than half an hour to dye a horse, but this matter cannot be leaked and can only be dyed by trustworthy people."

"According to the number of Jin Yiwei, one day, at most two days is enough."

Counting the time as close as possible, Li Chen hurriedly replied: "One day, at most two days is enough."

Chen Deng nodded, and then Li Chen said: "My lord, this is it. After the two thousand horses are finished dyeing, you can ask General Yaojin to drive the horses around outside the city. Remember that the momentum must be magnificent." Bigger."

Business in this era is basically controlled by the aristocratic family, and the rules of the aristocratic family are generally for the eldest son or the more outstanding children to become officials.Most of the incompetent partial house disciples were assigned to their own chambers of commerce to be responsible for making money for the family.

Most of these aristocratic families will choose a large warlord force to join them.Just like the Chen family took refuge in Li Chen, and the Mi family took refuge in Liu Bei.Even those aristocratic families that did not turn to the warlord forces on the surface were inextricably linked with these warlord forces secretly.

Therefore, it can basically be concluded.Among these aristocratic families in Xuzhou City, there must be some people who have business contacts with Gongsun Zan.

Merchants extend in all directions, and once a large number of white horses appear in Xuzhou City, those aristocratic families related to Gongsun Zan will inevitably seek benefits from them.

A day later, two thousand dyed horses were slaughtered, and the speed of slaughter was comparable to the water-injected pigs in the previous life.

After the [-] dyed horses came out, Cheng Yaojin immediately drove the horses around the city of Xuzhou.Soon, news spread that Li Chen had obtained two thousand white horses, and that he was going to form a white horse righteous army.

Beyond Xiaopei, on the boundary of Yuzhou.

"Xuande, are you really not going back to Beiping with Brother Wei?" Gongsun Zan looked at Liu Bei and said seriously.

"Senior brother, I won't go with you. After all, the governor of Youzhou is still Liu Yu. If I go, I will only cause trouble for you." Facing Gongsun Zan's invitation, Liu Bei refused.

Liu Bei rejected Gongsun Zan's invitation, what Liu Bei needed was a foothold.But he couldn't plot Gongsun Zan's Beiping, because Liu Bei prided himself on benevolence and righteousness, and the whole world knew that Gongsun Zan was his senior brother.Now he has nothing but the name of benevolence and righteousness. If he plots against Gongsun Zan, he will lose even the last of benevolence and righteousness.

Gongsun Zan repeatedly invited, but Liu Bei repeatedly refused. Gongsun Zan had no choice but to let him go.The two naturally parted ways. Gongsun Zan went straight to Peiping, while Liu Bei stayed where he was, a little confused.

After thinking about it, Liu Bei sighed heavily and said, "Let's vote for Cao Cao."

Liu Bei and his party in Xuzhou can be said to have accompanied his wife and lost his army. Not to mention that Xuzhou did not get it, and his original Pingyuan County was gone.

Speaking of Gongsun Zan, just after parting with Liu Bei, he saw a guard galloping up to him and said, "My lord, Li Chen from Xuzhou has obtained two thousand white horses. It is said that he will form a white horse follower?"

"What? Li Chen is so shameless. First he used a subordinate who looks like Yun Chang to deceive Xuzhou, but now he wants to destroy my reputation as a white horse righteous follower." Gongsun Zan said angrily.

"You tell the Zhang family to find a way to exchange this white horse. Tell them, I will exchange [-] healthy horses for [-] white horses." Gongsun Zan ordered.

The Zhang family is the spokesperson of Gongsun Zan in Xuzhou, and they usually sell some horses, of course, most of them are rough horses for civilian use.
Today's Chapter 3——There will be another chapter later——The foreshadowing is about to end——
(End of this chapter)

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