Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 56 Cavalry Has Three Treasures

Chapter 56 Cavalry Has Three Treasures

On the Xuzhou side, the horse-for-horse business is progressing smoothly.During the entire negotiation process, Li Chen could be said to have firmly grasped Gongsun Zan's thoughts.

In the end, the exchange of one white horse for eight horses with the same leg strength became a deal. Originally, Gongsun Zan planned to exchange [-] horses for [-] white horses, but in the end he paid nearly double the price. healthy horse.

Gongsun Zan needed these white horses, and Li Chen also said that he wanted to form a white horse follower.This is unacceptable to Gongsun Zan. It took him a lifetime of fighting to make Baima Yicong's name resound throughout the world.Now when one mentions Baima Yicong, one can think of him, Gongsun Zan. If Li Chen is also asked to form a Baima Yicong, wouldn't it be messed up to mention this Baima Yicong in the future.

Of course, the reason why the transaction went so smoothly was that Li Chen's two thousand white horses were simply too perfect.No matter what you say about a normal white horse, there will still be some withered, yellow, dull miscellaneous hair.But Li Chen's white horses are different, it can be said that they can't find a single hair.

Of course, from Gongsun Zan's point of view, this is not a loss, after all, these handsome "white horses" can be used as stallions.When the time comes, the big horses will give birth to ponies, and the ponies will grow up and give birth to ponies, so that there will be an endless supply.

Of course, Li Chen reckoned that when Gongsun Zan watched two white horses give birth to a group of young black horses, he would definitely feel what is called a collapsed world view.

After Li Chen and Gongsun Zan reached a consensus on the transaction, the transaction was handed over to the Chen family's chamber of commerce.Li Chen, on the other hand, spent the whole day at home thinking about something that could overturn the entire history of the Han cavalry once it came out.

That's right, the things Li Chen wanted to take out were stirrups, saddles and horseshoes.

There were no such things as saddles, stirrups and horseshoes in the Eastern Han Dynasty.Even after Sima Yi fled to Wei and established the Jin Dynasty, it was not until the Western Jin Dynasty that the horses of princes and nobles gradually had single stirrups.The single stirrups of the Western Jin Dynasty are different from the double stirrups. The double stirrups are used to borrow strength and maintain peace, while the single stirrups are only used to assist princes and nobles to mount their horses.

The single stirrup is the same as the single ponytail, which is of no practical use, but for psychological pleasure.The double stirrups and double ponytails are the same reason, the emphasis is on practicality, and they can maintain balance and leverage when showing some high-skilled riding skills.

It is also because there are no saddles, stirrups, and horseshoes.Therefore, the cavalry in the Eastern Han Dynasty belonged to a high-tech unit. Especially when charging on the battlefield, they needed to maintain balance on horseback while fighting the enemy. This often required cavalry to go through several years or even more than ten years of training. skilled.

Saddles, stirrups, and horseshoes don't have much technical content to put it bluntly, and there are no technical barriers to manufacture.It can even be said that once Li Chen's cavalry is equipped with these things, once they are captured by the enemy, they can be imitated in batches within a few days.

However, it is impossible not to equip your own cavalry with these things because you are afraid of being imitated by others.

Xuzhou is not rich in cavalry, and even the entire Xuzhou army does not have many soldiers who are proficient in cavalry.It can be predicted that once Li Chen's cavalry is equipped with the three treasures of cavalry, even soldiers who are not very proficient in riding can still fight against elite cavalry.

The most important thing is that the cavalry battle in the past was a very labor-intensive thing. Soldiers needed to clamp the horse's belly with their legs to ensure their balance so that they would not fall off the horse. At the same time, they had to fight with weapons.This kind of cavalry battle is a very high-frequency battle that consumes physical strength.

But with the three treasures of the cavalry, the saddle can keep people balanced on the horse's back, the stirrup can be used for strength, and the horseshoe can reduce the wear and tear of the horse's hoof.In this way, Li Chen's disadvantage in the source of cavalry can be said to be completely made up for by horseback.

As the so-called cavalry has three treasures, it is stable, strong, and durable.

Li Chen drew the saddle, stirrup and horseshoe with the memory of his previous life.This kind of simple painting is not difficult for Li Chen, because he has been very talented in painting since he was a child.

At that time, Li Chen was still young and his family was poor, so he had no money to buy paintbrushes.But people are poor and have a lot of ambition. If you have a brush to paint, you have to paint without a paintbrush.Li Chen overcame difficulties and obstacles. He didn’t have a paintbrush and paper, so he used a small water gun to draw on the sheets every night. He could draw everything, including elephants, lions, and tigers.

Just because he liked drawing since childhood, Li Chen was often beaten.

Xuzhou, Yunlong Hall.

"Yuanlong, would you like to take a look at these three objects?" Li Chen, who is very talented in painting, handed Chen Deng the Three Treasures of the Cavalry that he drew overnight.

Chen Deng took the drawing paper in Li Chen's hand, looked at the Three Treasures of the Cavalry drawn on the drawing paper, and fell into deep thought.

Chen Deng is very unfamiliar with saddles, stirrups, and horseshoes. For the Eastern Han Dynasty, this is a cross-age product.

Not long after "this", Chen Deng's breath became short of breath, and he seemed to have thought of where it was used.His face is full of shock, and it can be said that he is astonished by such a design.

"My lord, is this used on cavalry?" Chen Deng is worthy of being a unicorn in Xuzhou, and it didn't take long for him to guess the use of the things on the drawing paper.

Li Chen nodded approvingly and said, "That's right, this item is equipped on horses. Not only can it keep the cavalry in balance, but it can also be used for better leverage."

"My lord, the design of this thing is simply ingenious. You see, this saddle is placed on the horse's back, so that people don't need to clamp the horse's belly with their legs. Then the people's legs hang on the stirrups, and Stirrups can be used to borrow strength. In this way, people on horseback are no longer rootless duckweeds. In this way, the cavalry's slashing and killing will inevitably be more powerful." Chen Deng pointed to the saddle and stirrups as if he had discovered a new world.

"Wonderful, wonderful."

"With this thing, the entire history of the cavalry will definitely be overturned. And in this way, the gap between our cavalry and the northern cavalry will be greatly reduced." Chen Deng couldn't help admiring.

"It's just my lord, where is this thing used?" Chen Deng pointed to the horseshoe on the drawing paper.

Li Chen looked at the horseshoe he drew, and then explained to Chen Deng: "This thing is called a horseshoe, also called a horseshoe. If a horse runs for a long time, it will take a long time to repair the horseshoe when it wears down to a certain extent. If you have a good horse, you don’t need to worry about the wear and tear of the horse’s hooves.”

"Wonderful, wonderful, the Lord can think of such details."

"It's really a great talent in the world." Chen Deng couldn't help admiring.

Li Chen smiled slightly, not taking credit for himself, but said very modestly: "Yuanlong, hurry up and order the craftsmen in the government office to build this thing as soon as possible. As soon as Gongsun Zan's horses arrive, they will equip our cavalry." go up."
Catch up on yesterday's Chapter 4 --- I was too tired yesterday --- I fell asleep ---
Well, my brother, please help me to post a five-star review in the book review area. Hey, there have been a bunch of one-star bad reviews for no reason recently, and I have directly commented on this book to a few o'clock.

As you can see from the introduction of my book, this book flows easily.

Reading a book is like listening to a cross talk, please don't be serious, this book is easy and funny.The purpose is to allow readers brothers to laugh and relax after watching it after get off work.

I write pictures to make you have fun, and you will also have fun when you look at it. If I can make you smile, I will be very happy.

So for those readers who are serious about textual research, if you don’t like to watch yourself go, it’s fine to make so many one-star bad reviews that hurt others and benefit yourself.

Making a bunch of one-star reviews will continue to affect my future recommended resources.I saw it this morning and gave it a score of six o'clock. Hey, it really broke the defense.

(End of this chapter)

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