Chapter 57
In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. During this month, the whole Xuzhou can be said to be operating at full capacity.

With Li Chen's generous salary and treatment, [-] strong men were quickly recruited and added to the army.Although the combat effectiveness of these young men who have just formed an army is definitely not comparable to that of the elite Cao army, they should still be enough for defending the city.

The equipment that Li Chen entrusted to the Zhen family to sell from Yuan Shu in Nanyang was also transported by water, and the horses traded with Gongsun Zan also arrived a few days ago.

In this way, Li Chen has a [-] army, and Xuzhou City can be regarded as having a large number of soldiers.

Xuzhou, State Shepherd's Mansion.

In the morning, Li Chen's breakfast was quite rich.There was ham sausage from the big gift package of daily necessities, and Li Chen ate the ham wrapped in steamed buns, with a glass of milk in front of him.

"Master Dian, Lu Bu's general Cheng Lian is here." At this time, Cheng Yaojin hurried in and reported.

"Let's go and see you." Li Chen drank the milk in the cup in one gulp, and then said to Cheng Yaojin.Xiao Peiding was in front of Xuzhou. Since Lu Bu sent his generals, it was probably Cao Jun who arrived.

"My lord, what did you drink just now?" Cheng Yaojin asked curiously.

Li Chen replied: "Milk."

People in this era don't drink milk, so Cheng Yaojin asked very curiously: "Master, can this milk still be drunk?"

"Of course you can drink it. This milk is a good thing. After drinking it, you will strengthen your health. If you drink it every day, you may one day be able to beat that kid Yuwen Chengdu." Li Chen joked.

Li Chen didn't know, what he said so casually, Cheng Yaojin took it seriously.

Li Chen quickly came to the Yunlong Hall from the inner courtyard, only to see Cheng Lian was already waiting in the hall, looking like a traveler.

"Meet the Commander-in-Chief." Seeing Li Chen, Cheng Lian hurriedly cupped his hands and saluted.

Although Cheng Lian was Lv Bu's general, but now Lv Bu is also Li Chen's subordinate in name, so there is still a proper etiquette.

Li Chen's eyes sank, he looked at Cheng Lian and asked, "But Cao Jun has arrived."

Cheng Lian bowed his hands and hurriedly reported: "That's right, Commander-in-Chief, it is Cao Jun who has arrived."

"Go, get the map." Li Chen waved his hand and said to the guard beside him.

"Let's see, Commander-in-Chief, Cao's army of 10 people is currently led by his second son Cao Pi, and they are in charge of food in Qiao County. Cao Cao personally led a hundred thousand troops to come straight to Xiaopei. When I came to report the letter, Cao's army was not far away from Xiaopei. It's three hundred miles away. Its [-] vanguard troops, led by his eldest son Cao Ang and third son Cao Zhi, cut in from the flank, and they should be heading for Xuzhou City, the commander-in-chief."

Cheng Lian pointed to the map, and shared the information detected by Lu Bu's army with Li Chen.

Li Chen looked at the map and pondered. It seems that in Cao Cao's eyes, he is still not as important as his old opponent Lu Bu.This fellow led an army of [-] to deal with Lu Bu, but let his two sons deal with him. This is really contemptuous of himself.

Cao Ang and Cao Zhi are just two buds, Li Chen doesn't take them seriously.And from the perspective of generals, although his new army is not as elite as Cao Jun, it has a defensive advantage.And in terms of generals, he obviously has the advantage.

On his side, Li Chen was not worried. On the contrary, what Li Chen was worried about was whether Xiaopei's Lu Bu could withstand Cao Cao's attack.You must know that Lu Bu doesn't have many troops. The most important thing is that Lu Bu has a criminal record. If he can't defend Xiaopei, will he stab himself back.

As the old saying goes, the red rabbit is among the horses, Lu Bu is among the people, and Fang Tian draws a halberd to stab his foster father.

Hey, I have to say that being Lu Bu's ally is really frightening.If it wasn't for his beautiful sister-in-law, who the hell would want to be his ally.

Li Chen came back from his thoughts, looked at Cheng Lian and asked, "How is Xiaopei's situation, can he be sure to defend against Cao Jun's offensive."

Cheng Lian calmed down, cupped his fists and said, "Report to the Commander-in-Chief, my lord has said so. Although I, Xiaopei, are not worth ten thousand, I will not retreat even if I fight to the end."

Hearing this, Li Chen looked at Cheng Lian, but he wondered whether he could believe Lu Bu's words.

After delivering the information, Cheng Lian left in a hurry.The battle of Xiaopei may break out at any time, and he must return to Lu Bu's side as soon as possible.

After Cheng Lian left, Li Chen looked at his highness and generals and asked, "Do you think Lu Bu's words are credible?"

At this time, Liu Bowen stood up and said: "According to Jin Yiwei's information, Lu Bu has been recruiting soldiers these days. Lu Bu is no richer than the palace commander. It is said that in order to help Lu Bu raise the money needed for recruiting soldiers. His wife, Yan, took the family members and sold them as a pawn. Jewelry and brocade clothes. From this point of view, Lu Bu probably has no intention of giving up on Xiao Pei."

As soon as Liu Bowen finished speaking, Chen Deng also stood up and said: "My lord, Chen Gong, Lu Bu's counselor, Chen Gongtai has always looked down on Cao Cao. I thought that Lu Bu would not join Cao Cao and beat us up instead."

The two advisers under his command thought that Lu Bu was trustworthy for the time being, so Li Chen felt relieved.Now even with the recent recruits, Lu Bu has no more than [-] people under his command.Wanting to rely on him to block Cao Cao is somewhat idiotic.

However, Li Chen felt that with Lu Bu's bravery and Chen Gong's plan, it shouldn't be difficult to help him block Cao Cao for a while.On my own side, I annihilated Cao Ang and Cao Zhi's vanguard in the fastest time, which greatly narrowed the gap between the two sides.

Li Chen's plan is the same, and Cao Cao's plan is also the same.As the saying goes, encircle them three times and attack them ten times. How could Cao Cao not understand such a simple truth.

From this, it can be seen that the purpose of Cao Cao ordering Cao Zhi and Cao Ang to lead an army of [-] to Xuzhou was not to capture Xuzhou City, but to keep Li Chen in check and prevent him from rescuing Lu Bu.

Xiaopei happened to be next to Cao Cao's grain road, and because of this, Cao Cao had to place a large number of troops around the grain road to protect the grain road.Otherwise, if Lu Bu's cavalry attacked, it would probably damage Cao Cao's food supply.

It is precisely because of this that Cao Cao first targeted Lu Bu.The [-] army led by Cao Cao is ten times that of Lu Bu.Even if the walls of Xiaopei City were strong and thick, Cao Cao was sure to take it down.

Although Lu Bu was brave, Cao Cao also had brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang who had just defected.The scenes of the Eighteenth Route's feudal lords begging for Dong, and the Sanying battle against Lv Bu in Hulao Pass are still vivid in my mind.With the three brothers around, the big deal is to stage a scene of the three heroes fighting against Lu Bu under Xiaopei City.

When attacking Xiaopei, Cao Cao's generals only left Xu Chu, Cao Ren, and two other generals.And like the Xiahou brothers, Dianwei, Xu Huang and Yu Jin followed Cao Ang and Cao Zhi's army to Xuzhou.

This time, in order to win Xuzhou Cao Cao can be said to have come out in full force.

Among the warlord forces in the world today, Yuan Shao occupies the land of the four states and is the largest.Although Cao Cao occupies the land of the three states, he has the strongest military force.Although Yuan Shu's territory is small, it is full of affluence, and he is the richest in terms of financial resources.Sun Jian occupies Jiangdong's ancestral land, and Jiangdong's waterways are criss-crossed, easy to defend but difficult to attack, so it should be the most stable territory.

Now if Cao Cao takes Xuzhou, he will also occupy the land of the four states, and he can be the number one warlord in the world with his military strength and territory at the same time.
Today's Chapter 1--there are three more chapters in the future--ask for a recommendation ticket in the new week--
(End of this chapter)

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