Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 58 Lu Bu Squatting Cao Cao

Chapter 58 Lu Bu Squatting Cao Cao

On the road about fifty miles away from Xiaopei, one hundred thousand black-armored Cao troops are marching mightily.As the saying goes, if there are more than [-] people, there will be a sea of ​​people, not to mention the [-] troops.

[-] cavalry cavalry of the Cao army lined up in front and back, and there were also scouts wandering on both sides.In the middle is a total of [-] infantrymen. Anyway, under the banners are unfurled countless black armored soldiers, exuding a chilling aura of killing.After the soldiers, there is billowing yellow dust and smoke.

Under the banner of the Chinese army, Cao Cao, who is short in stature, is being surrounded by a group of generals.In addition to Cao Ren, Xu Chu, and the two generals in the headquarters, there are the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang who have just come here.Besides these warriors, Cao Cao was surrounded by a frail scholar in a white robe.

This person is Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao, who is known as a genius all over the world. Cao Cao was able to start from a Yanzhou and become the most powerful man among the warlords in the world. This person has contributed a lot.

There is a saying in the previous life that ghosts never die, and crouching dragons come out. From this we can see that Guo Fengxiao's talent is not inferior to Zhuge Kongming.

As the saying goes, no one is perfect except the protagonist.Just as Husky's appearance is exchanged for IQ, Guo Jia's ingenuity can be said to be exchanged for life.He, Guo Jia, was good at everything, but one thing was that he died early.

"My lord, when you reach Xiaopei, you still need to beware of Lu Bu's sneak attack." Guo Fengxiao, a ghost in white, reminded him.

Cao Cao immediately twisted his five-short body, and said carelessly: "Lu Fengxian is indecisive, ruthless, and ungrateful. He will definitely not fight for Li Chen. He has a weak force, and he dare not send troops to attack."

Guo Fengxiao said heartily: "Others may not come to attack, but you may not be sure. Lu Bu and Chen Gong don't like you very much."

But Cao Cao is his boss, since ancient times, people who openly hate the boss will never end well, such as Xun Yu.Guo Fengxiao is such a smooth person, he didn't take Cao Cao seriously when he saw him, so he didn't try to persuade him.

After all, the cavalry under Lu Bu's command is only [-] Bingzhou cavalry, even if they attack, they may not be of any use to the [-] army.What's more, among their [-] troops, there are [-] cavalry.

The [-]-strong army was not marching fast. Thirty miles away from Cao Jun, Lu Bu was leading the soldiers to cut down green bamboos and tie them into bamboo rafts.However, this is strange, this is a valley terrain, and there is no river, but I don't know what Lu Buza's so many bamboo rafts mean.

An hour later, Cao Cao's army had reached the valley where Lu Bu was lying in ambush.This valley and the road below form a slope of about [-] degrees. It stands to reason that this should be a very suitable terrain for cavalry charges.However, the road down from the valley is uneven, and the rocks and rocks can be said to be a natural trap.

"Report, General Cao Cao's vanguard troops have entered the canyon, and the Chinese troops will arrive in at most an incense stick." On the valley, scouts came to report.

Lu Bu heard the words, and immediately ordered: "I will keep an eye on Cao Cao's Chinese army banner later, don't worry about everyone else, let me keep an eye on that old thief Cao Cao."

"No." All the generals under Lu Bu's command clasped their hands together.

Immediately, Lu Bu turned his head and asked Chen Gong: "Gongtai, have you ever done a good job in rowing?"

Chen Gong smiled and replied: "It's ready, as long as Cao Jun's banner is here. Let's push down the connected bamboo rafts, and the general's iron cavalry will rush up. It will surely make Cao Jun suffer some hardships."

The terrain here is quite favorable for Lu Bu. The huge impact brought by the [-]-degree dive angle also allowed Lu Bu to lead [-] Bingzhou cavalry to penetrate Cao Cao's central army in the first place.

The most important thing is that this slope is full of chaos, which is not conducive to the cavalry charge. Cao Jun will definitely not think that Lu Bu will attack here.But he, Chen Gong, did the opposite and thought of using hemp rope to push the bamboo rafts together, which would be like opening a smooth path for the cavalry.

Cao Cao's army marched to the middle of the canyon, which happened to be near the place where Lu Bu was ambushing.For some reason, Guo Jia felt a little uneasy.However, after examining the surrounding environment, Guo Jia felt that even if Lu Bu led an attack, he should not have chosen this place.

The nearby hillside is simply a natural horse trap. The cavalry rushing down from the hill, I'm afraid they will trap themselves in it instead.

"Maybe, I'm worrying too much." Guo Jia thought so.

The army continued to move forward, but just a few steps away, Guo Jia saw the green bamboo leaves on the ground, and the ominous premonition in his heart became deeper and deeper.He looked around again and found that there was no bamboo forest on the hillside, and his heart tightened.

Soldiers under Lu Bu's command dragged bamboo poles from a distance, and trimmed the bamboo on the hillside.During this process, a lot of bamboo leaves must be brought along. Some bamboo leaves were blown up by the wind and landed on the road below the valley.

Guo Jia is worthy of being called a ghost. While seeing the bamboo leaves, he also looked at the surrounding hillsides at about sixty degrees.He understood Lu Bu's intention in an instant. If a road was paved with bamboo rafts, then this would be an excellent place for cavalry to charge.

"My lord, get out of the valley quickly, lest there be an attack." Guo Jia immediately reminded Cao Cao.


"Feng Xiao is too worried. Although the hillside here is gentle, but there are many rocks, how can we ambush the soldiers." As if to prove what he said, there happened to be a pile of hot horse dung on the side. Cao Cao pointed to the horse dung on the ground and said: "Bong Xiao, have you seen this pile of horse dung? If Lu Bu ambushed his troops here, I would swallow this pile of horse dung alive. No! I would swallow all the horse dung of the entire army alive."

As far as Cao Cao is concerned, his ability to cheat food and drink is still top-notch.

Before he could finish his words, he only heard the sound of "唰, 唰, 唰" coming from all around.On the hillside, bamboo rafts were pushed down one after another, and these bamboo rafts were connected with countless bamboo rafts with knots.In an instant, the hillside was covered with green bamboo rafts, like a layer of emerald green carpet.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

All of a sudden, a cavalry soldier came from the hillside on a bamboo raft, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes was like falling rocks and thunder.

The general at the head was wearing a purple gold crown with three prongs on his head, a chain armor with animal face swallowing his head, a red brocade cloak, holding a square sky painted halberd, and a red rabbit horse under his crotch.

Lu Bu always took the lead in every charge, and behind him were seven or eight generals, all of whom were his confidants.

"Don't worry about anything else, follow me straight to the banner of the Chinese army, we will only kill Cao thief today." Lu Bu shouted at the generals behind him.

When we were young, when we fought in groups, if there were too many enemies, we couldn't beat them.This kind of situation is usually beaten head-on, and then the opponent is caught and hammered alone.It can be seen from this that Lu Bu also understood this truth.

Although the three thousand Bingzhou iron cavalry under Lu Bu's command are elite, if they want to bite Cao Cao's one hundred thousand army, they will inevitably be a little weak.Therefore, Lu Bu simply stared at Cao Cao and killed him alone.Even if Cao Cao couldn't be killed, he would still have nightmares for a few days.
Today is the third update for the time being—the day after tomorrow my sworn brother in Taoyuan gets married—it should only be three or four updates the day after tomorrow—the poor chapters will be added one after another after I finish his bridal chamber——
(End of this chapter)

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