Chapter 59

Lu Bu's three thousand Bingzhou iron cavalry are elite cavalry, even if they are not far behind Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry.However, at this time, Lu Bu led the Bingzhou iron cavalry to rush up and down again, carrying the momentum of the impact and thundering down.

Lu Bu really had undue courage, the red rabbit and horse under his crotch were like a red cloud, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, regardless of other things, swept across and pointed at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao never expected that Lu Bu would be able to rush down from such a hillside.With intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, Cao Cao's flanking army was pierced in almost a moment.

Lu Bu and Cao Cao can be said to be old rivals. Cao Cao knew of Lu Bu's bravery. Seeing Lu Bu charging towards him, Cao Cao immediately retreated to the rear.

Now Lu Bu's goal is obviously the Chinese Army's Great Banner, Cao Cao thought, if you want this Chinese Army's Great Banner, I will give it to you, now the most important thing is to save your life.

Cao Cao was not stupid either. Lu Bu was able to penetrate his army at this time, relying on the cavalry rushing in from top to bottom.Now as long as there is no accident, wait until the momentum of Lu Bu's cavalry disappears.Then his [-] infantry can smash Lu Bu's [-] Bingzhou iron cavalry into pieces, and it is important to know that there are still [-] cavalry wandering around the periphery of the [-] army.At that time, even if Lu Bu wanted to run away, it would be impossible to escape.

Cao Cao killed his uncle Lu Boshe's family just out of suspicion, which shows that he was extremely careful.Assuming it was possible, Cao Cao would not take the slightest risk.

At this time, Cao Cao abandoned the banner of the central army, and made a gesture to retreat to the rear army.

"Hey, don't leave Cao Cao." At this time, how could Lu Bu let Cao Cao go? He pointed at Fang Tian's painted halberd and shouted loudly.

Lu Bu knew that he couldn't delay, and if he did, the entire Bingzhou iron cavalry would be trapped here, so he didn't care whether the cavalry behind him could keep up, and headed straight for Cao Cao with a red rabbit horse.All those who were blocked along the way were swept away by Fang Tian's halberd.

Cao Cao knew that if Lu Bu was ignored, it would be difficult for him to retreat into the rear army.

"Xuande?" At this time, Cao Cao whispered to Liu Bei who was beside him.

Liu Bei naturally understood that Cao Cao wanted them to stop Lu Bu.Seeing this, Liu Bei also knew that it would be impossible not to fight.Now that the three of them are living under Cao Cao's command, it is definitely impossible to work without effort at this time.

"Yun Chang, Yi De, help Duke Cao stop Lu Bu." Liu Bei ordered to the two brothers.

Liu Bei called Cao Cao Wei Cao Gong, not the lord. It can be seen that Liu Bei only regarded Cao Cao as an excessive point, and did not sincerely take refuge in him.

At this moment, the weapons in the hands of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were already hungry and thirsty, and they galloped towards Lu Bu one after another.

"Hey, you slaves of the three surnames, see Zhang Yide from a certain Yan family coming to fight you." Zhang Fei pointed forward with a handful of Zhangba snake spears, and attacked Lu Bu.At this moment, the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in Guan Yu's hand also slashed towards Lu Bu.

From the time when the Eighteenth Route princes were begging for Dong, the next battle at Hulao Pass, we can know that it takes the three heroes of Yin and Yang to fight against Lu Bu. Even if the two brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei work together, they are not Lu Bu's opponent.

They were defeated back then, and now the two brothers are still defeated. Of course, Guan and Zhang didn't even think about defeating Lu Bu.They only need to stop Lu Bu for a while, and when Cao Cao retreats into the army, where are you, Lu Bu, among the crowd, look for a dwarf Cao Cao.

Lu Bu swung the swords of Guan and Zhang brothers away with a halberd, and then looked back, only to find that Cao Cao had already retreated to the rear.

"How can this be done?" Lu Bu was startled.

If Cao Cao was allowed to avoid him safely, then this raid would not hurt Cao Cao, at most it would only hurt him a little bit.

Although he didn't want to watch Cao Cao retreat, Guan and Zhang entangled him tightly.Although Lu Bu was sure of defeating them, it would take at least a hundred rounds to get the result.But judging from the current situation, let alone hundreds of rounds, it is estimated that Cao Cao will run away without a trace after more than ten rounds.

Said it was late, then it was fast.Lu Bu attacked Guan and Zhang like a gust of wind, and after they retreated.Lu Bu quickly removed the strong attack hanging from the horse's back, drew his bow and set up an arrow, and then shot an arrow at Cao Cao.


Feather arrows flew towards Cao Cao with the sound of piercing through the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fei said disdainfully: "If you can hit it from this distance, I, Zhang Yide, will be a big bitch."

At this time, the distance between Cao Cao and Lv Bu was far beyond the range of an ordinary strong crossbow. Zhang Fei obviously thought that Lv Bu was at the end of his skills, and he just waited to shoot him with a bow and arrow to vent his anger.

However, was Lu Bu shooting Cao Cao really just to vent his anger?

The world is only Lu Bu on the battlefield, the red rabbit horse and Fang Tian's painting halberd are invincible in the world.Don't you know that Lv Bu, who killed the alien race in the grassland in Bingzhou back then, was fearless with both halberds and arrows, and Lu Bu, who was born fighting against alien races on the grassland, could not be sharp with his arrows.

"My lord, be careful."

Xu Chu, the bodyguard who had been following Cao Cao, exclaimed in surprise, subconsciously slashing at the arrow with the big knife in his hand.

Xu Chu's martial arts is also extraordinary, this knife actually cut off Lu Bu's arrow.The tail of the arrow with wings fell down, but the front end of the arrow still flew towards Cao Cao.

The arrow was chopped down by Xu Chu, which reversed the direction of the arrow that was originally aimed at Cao Cao's chest, and shot towards his calf.

"Ah." Cao Cao exclaimed, apparently in extreme pain.

However, the power of this arrow was obviously more than that. The arrow was actually shot from Cao Cao's calf muscles, and then nailed to the horse's belly.

"Hey law."

The horse under Cao Cao's crotch wailed, and Cao Cao was thrown flying in pain.Cao Cao drew a perfect parabola in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

He landed face first, and there was a pile of horse manure right under his face.

Sure enough, Boss Cao's oath always comes true, and usually it happens on the spot.

When Lu Bu saw Cao Cao fell from the horse, he didn't care whether Cao Cao was dead or injured, and he shouted directly: "Cao thief is dead, Cao thief is dead."

With such a shout, Cao Jun's morale immediately dropped.The three thousand cavalry under Lu Bu's command were rampant among Cao's troops, killing everyone they met.

At this time, Zhang Liao rode his horse and rushed to Lv Bu and said, "My lord, the cavalry of the Cao army on the two wings have returned to help."

As soon as Lu Bu heard that the cavalry of the Cao army returned to help, he knew it was time to retreat. Otherwise, he would be entangled several times with the cavalry of the Cao army, and it would be difficult to escape.

Lu Bu forced Guan and Zhang to retreat, and they were able to withdraw. Behind him were three thousand Bingzhou cavalry.Since Cao Cao fell from the horse, no one organized to intercept Cao's army at this time.Just like this, after letting Lu Bu kill him, he evacuated safely.

Cao Cao just injured his calf and fell off the horse, so there is no fear of his life for the time being.It's just that after everyone helped Cao Cao up, Lu Bu had already run away without a trace.

"Hey, Lu Bu's bravery was really invincible at that time?" Cao Cao couldn't help sighing while being supported, regardless of his own pain.

Liu Beixin said that it was not considered invincible at that time, such a fierce general Li Chen still had a Yuwen Chengdu in his hand.
Chapter 1--——asking for recommendation tickets——asking for recommendation tickets——kneeling and thanking everyone——
(End of this chapter)

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