Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 60 No Assists, All Main Attacks

Chapter 60 No Assists, All Main Attacks

Three days later.


At this time, Cao Cao was leading his [-] army Chen Bing and Xiaopei to the city.

Cao Cao is cautious, even a little suspicious.Since Cao Cao concluded that Lu Bu would not send troops three days ago, but was shot and injured by Lu Bu in the calf, Cao Cao can be said to be more careful.

On the Xiaopei city wall, Lu Bu and Chen Gong stood side by side.

Lu Bu frowned, and looked at the [-] Cao troops below the city in a daze: "Gongtai, do you think we can keep Xiaopei?"

Right now, there are only less than [-] soldiers in Xiaopei City, and most of them are recruits recruited by Lu Bu after he came to Xiaopei, while there are a total of [-] elite Cao troops in the city.

Guard the city?

Say something.

Chen Gong felt that there was little chance of Lu Bu wanting to keep Xiaopei.

Chen Gong said to Lu Bu with a serious expression: "Although Xiaopei is strong as the queen of the city, our army's strength is too thin, and we can defend it in the short term. If it lasts for a long time, we may run out of troops."

"But don't worry, my lord. Let's try our best to stop Cao Jun. If we are really powerless, we can retreat to Xuzhou."

As the wind rang, Lu Bu and Chen Gong on the top of the city were silent for a long time.

"Gongtai, I won't leave this time." Suddenly, Lu Bu said.

Chen Gong stared at Lu Bu. For some reason, he felt that Lu Bu looked a little different today than in the past.

After a long silence, Chen Gong said: "My lord, this son of Li Chen is not like Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo. This man is very particular about loyalty in the world. My lord sincerely rejects Cao for him. I think he will accept it." My lord."

"Gongtai, I didn't reject Cao Cao because of Li Chen, but because of myself."

"I thought that Li Chen would not give up Xiaopei so easily, but I never thought that Li Chen would give up Xiaopei to me so easily. I, Lu Bu, have been wandering for half my life, and finally found a place to stay. This time, I can't panic anyway Like a lost dog."

"If Xiaopei really can't keep it, then I, Lu Bu, will take my life and replace him with Li Chen to protect my family's Xiao Zhouquan." Lu Bu said slowly, he has been in a mess all his life, this time he wants to be decent, even if he dies, he wants to die Be decent.

Chen Gong was speechless, he stared at Lu Bu's back for a long time, and said in a low voice: "My lord, since you don't want to leave, then I won't leave either."

Lu Bu, Chen Gong, the master of Chen, stood in the strong wind, and this small city of Pei might be their burial place.

Lu Bu, in his previous life, he was evaluated as a house slave of three surnames, ruthless and ungrateful. All in all, almost all comments on him seemed to point him at a heartless and ungrateful person.

However, if you want to look at it from the side, is Lu Bu really this kind of person?

Among other things, from the point of view of Chen Gong's willingness to die for each other, Lu Bu should not be a heartless and ungrateful person.

When Cao Cao failed to assassinate Dong Zhuo and was ordered by Dong Zhuo to hunt him down.When Cao Cao fled to Zhongmou County, Qiao County, he was captured by local soldiers.At that time, Chen Gong was the county magistrate of Zhongmu County. Chen Gong gave up his official post as county magistrate and fled with Cao Cao without hesitation.

After that, Cao Cao's killing of Lu Boshe's family and many other actions made Chen Gong feel that Cao Cao was not like a famous master, so he abandoned Cao Cao and left.

Chen Gong abandoned Cao Cao, but chose to die for Lu Bu. This shows that Lu Bu is definitely not as ruthless and ungrateful as the rumors say, at least he is more trustworthy than Cao Cao.

If it is said that Chen Gong abandoned Cao Cao and voted for Lu Bu because he was convinced by Lu Bu's character and integrity, then it can be said that Chen Gong is a staunch man.

Of course, there is another possibility.Lu Bu, who is nine feet tall, has almost reached the peak of his appearance, while Cao Cao is a short black man.If Chen Gong was impressed by Lu Bu's appearance, then Chen Gong was a man with anal fissure.

All in all, Lu Bu, who can be called a flying general by foreigners in the grassland, may not be as recorded in history.

Outside Xiaopei City, Cao Cao confronted Lu Bu.Cao Cao was suspicious by nature, so Lu Bu dared to attack him rashly.This made Cao Cao wonder whether Lu Bu had received support from Li Chen, and whether reinforcements had already arrived in Xiaopei City.

However, in the past few days, Cao Cao has been very close to Xiaopei's situation, and it seems that the attack on Xiaopei is only a matter of a day or two.

At the same time, under the city of Xuzhou, the troops of Cao Ang and Cao Zhi have also blocked the city for a few days.

[Trigger task to defeat Cao Jun. 】

After Cao Jun finished deploying under the city of Xuzhou, Li Chen finally heard the system's notification sound in his mind.

That's right, the reason why Li Chen didn't launch an attack on Cao Jun under the city was because he had been waiting for the system to issue a mission.If the system doesn't release the task, wouldn't it be a waste of time to fight this battle.

"Bang the drum, raise the account." Li Chen waved his hand and said to the guards beside him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A big drum sounded, and all the generals in the city rushed towards Yunlong Hall in their respective camps.

Being blocked by Cao Jun in the city of Xuzhou for the past few days, these arrogant soldiers under Li Chen have already geared up and are ready to go.Now that Li Chen raised his tent with drums, he made it clear that he was going to launch an offensive against Cao Jun in the city, which made them feel as if they had been beaten to death.

Xuzhou, Yunlong Hall.

When all the generals were assembled, Li Chen glanced at them and said, "I intend to attack Cao Jun, what do you all think?"

At this time, Liu Bowen stood up and said: "My lord's words are right. It's time to attack Cao's army. We must not only fight, but also fight well, and try to defeat Cao's army in one fell swoop."

"Now our army and Cao's army are about equal in terms of strength, but the reason why Cao's army is besieging and not attacking now is to wait for Cao Cao to finish Lu Bu, and the two sides will form a siege."

"Now, whoever wins between our army and Cao's army will depend on whether Cao Cao gets rid of Lu Bu first, or we get rid of Cao's army outside the city first."

"Marshal, the last general, Guan Sheng, please fight."

"Marshal, the last general, Li Siye, invites you to fight."

"Marshal Dian, the last general, Yuwen Chengdu, invites you to fight."

In an instant, the voices calling for battle in Yunlong Hall rang out.

Li Chen looked at Liu Bowen and asked: "Military Master, all the generals invite you to fight, how should this battle be fought?"

Liu Bowen smiled, then looked at the map and said, "My lord, there is an empty space outside Xuzhou City. There is really no strategy to use when fighting. It is just whoever has the most powerful troops and the most courageous morale will win. "

"But this time, I see that most of the enemy army is infantry, and there are no tiger and leopard cavalry, the ace of Cao Jun. Cao Jun outside the city must not have expected that our army already has more than [-] cavalry capable of fighting."

"I thought we should fight the generals first, and use them to weaken their momentum. Then General Yuwen Chengdu led the cavalry to attack the local central army. Then our infantry attacked directly. There was only one battle in this battle. This first battle is about morale, Cao Jun must If we cannot win a battle, I am afraid that Cao's army will retreat and defend, and our army will have no chance to take advantage of it."

After listening to Liu Bowen's analysis, Li Chen also understood.There is an open area outside Xuzhou City. Everyone is playing their cards on this terrain, and no tricks can be used. At this time, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road.

Li Chen stood up, looked at the generals, and yelled: "In this battle, there are no assists, but the main attack. You opened up the fight for me, and the brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road. I am a bandit, and I pay attention to the word reckless. This Just one request in a war, and you will die, and when the mother dies, the chest must be facing the front of Lao Tzu."


His Highness and all the generals clapped their hands together and shouted loudly.
Today’s Chapter 2—the rest of the updates should be in the evening—tomorrow my brother gets married—I just had a bowl of dumplings for breakfast—now I want to see his wife——
(End of this chapter)

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