Chapter 61

On the head of Xuzhou city, under the banner of the Chinese army, behind Li Chen stood Liu Bowen, Yuwen Chengdu and other civil servants and generals.The wind is buzzing, the flag is flying, and there is a solemn atmosphere.

"My lord, you can send the generals to battle." Behind Li Chen, Liu Bowen cupped his hands and said.

Looking at Cao Jun's camp under the city wall, Li Chen's heart was also surging.This was a battle with a total of 20 troops from both sides, and it was the first time that Li Chen did not command so many people to attack from the bed.

But after thinking about it again, in the past, he had commanded hundreds of millions of elite soldiers to attack cities and lands on Zhen Mi's body.If you look at it this way, commanding 10 people is nothing more than pediatrics.

"Master Dian, the last general, Yuwen Chengdu, invites you to fight." Yuwen Chengdu took the lead in the battle, and asked for the battle.

Yuwen played in Chengdu, so this must be a sure thing.Among the generals under Cao Cao's command, no one is the opponent of Yuwen Chengdu.

However, there is no king bomb in Dou Landlord, it must be a pair of threes first to test it out.

If you want Cao Jun's aura to collapse, you must first raise their aura to the peak, and then defeat them severely.First lift them up to the clouds, and then let them fall down heavily.

Li Chen turned his head to look at the generals under his command, and found a pair of three among them.

There is no doubt that Cheng Yaojin is this pair of threes.

As we all know, Cheng Yaojin never fought wars.This guy is a lucky general, let's not talk about whether he is great or not, but metaphysics still has to be believed.Cheng Yaojin's luck was definitely not his fault.

"Yaojin, you fight the first battle." Li Chen glanced at Cheng Yaojin and ordered.

"Me!" Cheng Yaojin obviously felt a little unbelievable against Li Chen, after all, he should be regarded as the weakest in martial arts among the crowd.

Cheng Yaojin was taken aback for a moment, then rejoiced.As a general, there is nothing more honorable than being ordered to fight the first battle.It can be said that it is Li Chen's trust in him.

Li Chen did trust Cheng Yaojin, but what he trusted was not his martial arts, but his luck.

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Yuwen Chengdu teasingly, then picked up his two big axes and walked down the city.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The three-way drum sounded, and only the sound of gears turning was heard. The suspension bridge on the moat was slowly lowered, and then the gate of Xuzhou City opened wide.

Holding a double axe, Cheng Yaojin came out of the city swaggeringly, behind him were a thousand black cavalrymen.

Cheng Yaojin led a thousand cavalry to form a formation outside the city, and then he rode his horse forward alone, and shouted at Cao Jun's stronghold: "Hey! Cao Ang, Cao Zhi, two yellow-haired children, your grandpa Cheng came to invite you to fight. , Hurry up to fight. Of course, if you are afraid, go home and nurse."

In Cao Jun's camp, Zhongjun rose sharply.


A loud shout sounded, and a scout rushed in, knelt on one knee, cupped his hands and said, "Report to the eldest son. There are enemy generals shouting outside the camp, and the obscenities can't be heard."

"My lord, let's see me, Xiahoudun, go to take the head of the enemy general." In the tent of the Chinese army, Xiahoudun cupped his hands and asked for a fight.

"At the end, Jin will ask for a fight." Yu Jin, who was on the side, also asked for a fight.

"In my opinion, it's better for me, old Dian, to go, just a young general, and watch me take his life with a halberd." Dian Weiweng's voice sounded.

Among the rankings of local generals in the Three Kingdoms, it can be said that there are one Lu, two Zhao, three Dianwei, four passes, five horses and six Zhang Fei.Dian Wei's military strength can be said to be second only to Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, and unlike Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, they both fight on horseback, while Dian Wei is good at fighting on foot.

Like Lu Bu, Dian Wei also used a halberd.The halberd is a weapon that must be proficient in martial arts.The difference is that Lu Bu used Fang Tian's painted halberd, while Dian Wei used short halberds and flying halberds.The short big iron halberd is Dianwei's weapon for fighting on foot, and the flying halberd is a weapon for throwing, which is a bit like a large flying knife.

After pondering for a moment, Cao Ang said: "Going out of the stronghold to meet the enemy, this first battle is about morale, if you can win and you can't lose, then General Dian will go up."

As the saying goes, a raging soldier is a raging nest.This sentence is even more important in ancient times. Morale can be said to be very important in ancient wars.However, there is nothing that can improve morale more than beheading the enemy generals in front of the battle.

In the middle of the battlefield, Cheng Yaojin was riding a big horse, looking down at Dian Wei who was striding forward.Both of them are five big and three thick, one holding a double axe, and the other holding a double halberd and looking at each other.

Cheng Yaojin has always been unforgiving with his mouth, because of this mouth he was often beaten by Yu Wencheng.It's not enough to be cheap to one's own people, let alone to the enemy.

Seeing that Dian Wei was coming on foot, Cheng Yaojin squinted his eyes and mocked: "Hey, General Cao, you are so poor that you can't even afford a horse. I don't think you look like a general. , on the contrary, it looks more like the one who cut firewood and collected wages on that mountain."

However, Dian Wei is not the clumsy Yuwen Chengdu, as soon as Cheng Yaojin finished speaking, Dian Wei replied.

"You butcher and meat seller are rich, and you can afford such a good horse. But later, I will behead you and your horse together. Let the king of Hades also eat your pork. "

Dian Wei and Cheng Yaojin, in front of the two armies, perfectly explained what it means to not do anything if you can force it.The two of them are you mocking me for chopping firewood for salary, and I mocking you for killing pigs and selling meat. You come and go, and they are very happy for a while.

This scolding battle lasted for a long time, and in the end Cheng Yaojin had the upper hand, and Dian Wei suffered a loss from his lips, so he naturally wanted to get it back from his hard work.Ever since, screaming and screaming, he raised the short halberd in his hand and charged towards Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin's force is not as good as Dianwei's, but because Dianwei fights on foot, Cheng Yaojin fights on horseback, and with the help of horsepower, Cheng Yaojin is evenly matched with Dianwei.

In this fight, Li Chen and Cao Ang used different tactics.Cao Ang sent the strongest Dian Wei at the beginning, and Li Chen was an old man who was afraid of horse racing, so he first sent Cheng Yaojin who was not very strong but very lucky.

Use the weakest to deal with the strongest first. In this case, as long as Cheng Yaojin doesn't get killed in front of the formation, it will be considered a victory for Li Chen.However, relying on the luck of the mascot Lao Cheng, he will definitely not be killed in front of the battle.

On the battlefield, the more Dian Wei fought, the more he felt that something was wrong. Gradually, he even felt slighted, because the enemy general he was fighting with used only three moves.

"Hey, boy, you look down on me, why do you keep using three tricks repeatedly." Dian Wei shouted with some dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, my set of 36 Tiangang ax techniques is invincible in the world, but only three moves are enough to deal with you." Cheng Yaojin insisted.

Hearing this, Dian Wei felt a feeling of being despised spontaneously.
Today's Chapter 1--I just came back from my buddy's wedding, and I'm so tired. (Why am I tired of participating in the wedding? You can judge by yourself.) ——Mainly because I have entered a small stock——
I just coded when I came back, and I haven’t eaten until now—the rest of the chapters may be late——from tomorrow, let’s continue day by day——
(End of this chapter)

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