Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 549 Li Chen: This makes my conscience very uneasy......

Chapter 549 Li Chen: This makes my conscience very uneasy.
Chengdu, Shu Palace.

Although Liu Bei had already been given a yellow robe in his camp outside Chengdu, that was only known to the insiders.

Although the common people have vaguely heard about Liu Bei's going to be emperor, but after all, Liu Bei has not really ascended the throne yet, right?

Liu Bei has not really ascended the throne and sat in the palace, but Fu Guozhang jumped the city wall and scolded Liu Bei for being a traitor. This made Liu Bei feel like stealing chickens and losing money.

Not long after, a group of civil and military ministers under Liu Bei had gathered here.All of these people had gloomy faces, obviously they had already heard about Fu Guozhang.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Liu Bei asked in a deep voice: "I want to send someone to bring back your majesty's body first. After I am buried in Chengdu, I will be proclaimed emperor in the future. I don't know what you think. , can you!"

Liu Bei is not a fool, on the contrary he is a very smart person.If there hadn't been such a thing as Fu Guozhang, he would have been able to call himself emperor grandly.

But now Fu Guozhang has just jumped the city wall, and he is yelling at him that Liu Bei and Cao Cao are the same.Under such circumstances, Liu Bei could not rush to proclaim himself emperor.

Not only can't be in a hurry to become emperor, Liu Bei has to do some things that can increase his prestige first.But now, the most prestige thing is to welcome back the corpse of Han Xiandi.

Liu Bei's idea has been unanimously recognized by everyone.Now at this time, it is time to transport the bones of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty back first.

Moreover, the enthronement ceremony took some days to prepare.Just use this period of time, firstly, to cool down the death of Fu Guozhang, and secondly, take advantage of the time to prepare for the enthronement ceremony, to welcome Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty back for burial.

"Minister, recommend the second general to meet the corpse of Emperor Han."

"The second general is the sworn brother of the king of Shu. It is inconvenient for the king of Shu to go, so it is most appropriate for the second general to go!" Zhuge Liang clasped his hands and said.

Liu Bei, king of Shu, traveled thousands of miles to welcome the corpse of Emperor Xian of Han into Shu. This event must be done grandly.The more solemn this event is, the more it can show Liu Bei's loyalty to the Han Dynasty.In this way, when Liu Bei ascends the throne and sits in the palace, he can be more justified.

It stands to reason that it would be best if Liu Bei personally went to meet the corpse of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.However, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.Naturally, Liu Bei, the lord of a country, cannot go to Xudu in person. Since Liu Bei cannot go, who is the most suitable person to go.

There is no doubt that it is most suitable for Guan Yu, the executive deputy lord of the Shu Kingdom, to go.

Guan Yu also understood what Zhuge Liang meant, and quickly cupped his hands and said, "King of Shu, Guan Yunchang is willing to go."

After Liu Bei thought about it, he felt that it was the best thing for his second brother Guan Yu to go.First, Guan Yu can represent himself, and second, Guan Yu is also very safe in doing things.

Without further delay, after the matter was settled, Guan Yu rushed to Xudu with his three thousand school swordsmen that day.

Along with Guan Yu, Chen Qun, who was on an envoy to Shu, also went to Xudu.At this time, Chen Qun also breathed a sigh of relief, waiting until Guan Yu welcomed back the body of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor.

In other words, Wei and Shu have temporarily reached a tacit understanding, and there will be no war between the two sides.

On Guan Yu's way to Xudu, the three brothers Ju Yi escorted Empress Fu to Jinling.

Jinling, Qin Palace.

"Queen Fu, as a minister of the Han Dynasty, Li Chen is naturally loyal to His Majesty. Don't worry, Empress, Cao's murder of the king is a treasonous act. I think that God will not let him go!"

After Empress Fu expressed her desire to ask Li Chen to send troops to attack Cao Cao, Li Chen condemned Cao Cao severely.

Although Li Chen's words were impassioned, they were not useful at all.What does it mean that the sky will not let Cao Cao go, is it possible that I have to count on a thunder in the sky to strike Cao Cao to death?
"Since the King of Qin also thinks that the Cao thief is a traitor, then I don't know if the King of Qin is willing to send troops to attack Wei!" Empress Fu asked straight to the point.

Li Chen didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Send troops to attack Wei, of course it must be attacked, it must be attacked!"

There is nothing wrong with Li Chen's words. He wants to rule the world, so he will naturally attack Wei, not only Wei, but also Shu.However, what to cut, when to cut, how to cut, that has the final say.

"Then I don't know when King Qin will send troops, and how many troops will be sent?" Empress Fu asked quickly when she saw the hope.

"I'll talk about it later, I'll talk about it later!" Li Chen responded.

Li Chen repeatedly emphasized that we can talk about it in the future, but he doesn't know whether it will be a noun or a verb in the future.

However, Empress Fu was obviously unwilling to give up this hope easily, so she had to ask for clarification.

Li Chen was a little annoyed by Queen Fu's question, so he had to deal with it: "Queen, don't worry, troops will definitely be dispatched. But this dispatch of troops is not just a matter of time. It will take time for the dispatch of food and grass, and the dispatch of soldiers."

"In this way, after discussing with all the civil servants and military generals, how about notifying the queen as soon as I have a specific date?"

Li Chen said that this is the point, and it is not easy for Empress Fu to ask, but what Li Chen said makes sense.For such a big event, it is really difficult to give accurate words on the spot.

Empress Fu nodded her head, and she agreed.

That night.

In the guest room of King Qin Palace, Empress Fu was sitting on the bed, she always felt that Li Chen was dealing with herself.However, this is her last hope.If Li Chen is unwilling to send troops again, how can she, a weak woman, be able to avenge her.

Thinking of this, Empress Fu bit her red lips and wiped away her tears.Then, put on a beautiful makeup.

"Boom, boom, boom."

At this moment, the lights in Li Chen's study were still on, and Empress Fu knocked on Li Chen's study.

"Is there anything else the queen can do?" Li Chen looked at the woman in front of him and asked.

However, after Queen Fu closed the door of the study room, she began to undress without saying a word.

To be honest, although Empress Fu is also a beauty, she is still inferior to Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Gan Mei and others.

However, she is the queen of the dynasty, and she is also a little widow who just lost her husband.Regardless of appearance, this identity alone can only be described as exciting.

"Queen, please respect yourself!"

"Queen, please take the initiative!"

After some cloud and rain, Empress Fu looked at Li Chen, and asked softly, "I've already given you what you want, why are you taking Cao thief's life for me?"

Li Chen thought about it, and said in a deep voice: "So, how about I promise you three years or something, and you must kill Cao thief?"

Empress Fu nodded heavily, and said: "As long as you can take Cao thief's life, everything about me will be yours."

Seeing Empress Fu's resolute appearance, Li Chen couldn't help feeling guilty.The reason why the woman in front of me is so determined to take Cao Cao's life is because she wants to avenge her husband.

However, she didn't know that the real murderer was right in front of her eyes.

Li Chen planned to kill Han Xiandi Liu Xie, but now he slept with his wife, which made Li Chen's conscience a little uneasy.

In order to appease his conscience, Li Chen had no choice but to ruthlessly
A moment later, there was another sound of cloud and rain from Wushan in the study.

(End of this chapter)

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