Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 550 Jia Xu makes another poisonous plan! ! !

Chapter 550 Jia Xu makes another poisonous plan! ! !

At the same time, Guan Yu led a cavalry on the way to Xudu.Whether he can successfully welcome back the corpse of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty has become the key to whether Liu Bei can justifiably ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

However, after these years of development of Jinyiwei, it can be said that the world is full of hidden piles of Jinyiwei.

As soon as Guan Yu's front foot left Chengdu, Jin Yiwei's secret pile has already begun to pass information to Jinling.

The next day, Jinling.

Qin Palace.

"Report to the King of Qin, there is a letter from Chengdu that Liu Bei has sent Guan Yu to Xudu to welcome back the body of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty!" Luo Yangxing bowed and reported.

Li Chen thought, this is not good news.Obviously, Liu Bei wanted to win back the corpse of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, but he didn't want to start a war for the time being, and wanted to proclaim himself emperor first!

If Liu Bei is allowed to proclaim the emperor in a straightforward manner, then wouldn't the initiative be handed over to Liu Bei.

There is already a Han Emperor dead in the world, and there cannot be another Han Emperor.Now that Emperor Han dies, as long as there is no one to succeed him for the time being, then in just a few years, the world will no longer be the Han Dynasty.

What is the purpose of Li Chen's effort to kill Han Xiandi Liu Xie? It is to break the relationship between Wei and Shu, and let the two countries go to war!

Now if the two countries don't go to war, how can Li Chen reap the benefits of being a fisherman? No matter what, Cao Cao and Liu Bei have to fight.

As long as the two countries fight at all costs, Li Chen will inevitably take over the world in the end.

"Tell the two gentlemen to come here!" Li Chen said to the servants in the palace.

Not long after, Jia Xu and Liu Bowen came to the palace, and Li Chen shared the information sent by Jin Yiwei with them.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this information, instead of panicking, Jia Xu's eyes lit up.


The world of my Daqin is stable.

"King Qin, I have a plan to make the relationship between Wei and Shu irreconcilable!" Jia Xu said seriously.


"Sir, do you plan to come out?" Li Chen asked.

Jia Xu was startled, and said in a deep voice, "Kill Guan Yu and blame Cao Cao!"

I have to say that Jia Xu's strategy is brilliant. Cao Cao was poured the same basin of dirty water twice, which made Cao Cao irrefutable.

It can be said that as long as Guan Yu died on Cao Cao's territory, as long as his hands and feet were agile and no evidence was caught, then this basin of dirty water could be poured on Cao Cao again.

For Liu Bei, what is the most important.

Hanshi and brothers!
Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie died, and Liu Bei could still continue the Han Dynasty by proclaiming himself emperor.However, if his brother died in the hands of Cao Cao, this man would never be resurrected.

Poisoner Jia Xu, well-deserved reputation!

It can be expected that once Guan Yu dies, the great battle between Wei and Shu is absolutely inevitable.Under such circumstances, if Cao Cao is allowed to speak out, Liu Bei will also do his best to attack Cao Wei.

You can say that Liu Bei's love for the people is a fake, but you can never say that the brotherhood of Liu, Guan and Zhang is fake.

Based on the history of the previous life, the most fundamental reason why the Shu Han declined rapidly from prosperity was because Guan Yu was defeated and killed in Maicheng.Liu Bei desperately sent troops to attack Wu, and was burned by Lu Xun for eight hundred miles, and then died in Baidi City.

The death of Guan Yu caused Zhang Fei to be assassinated by Fan Jiang and Zhang Da, and then caused Liu Bei's defeat in Baidi City.

The three brothers fulfilled the vow they made when they became sworn brothers. They did not want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but they wanted to die in the same year, the same month and the same day.

The brotherhood of Liu, Guan and Zhang is more important to Liu Bei than the gains and losses of Jiangshan.Therefore, as long as Guan Yu dies, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei will lose their minds and attack Cao Wei at all costs.

Although it is very puzzling why Liu Bei, as a generation of emperors, would give up his life for brotherhood, but in the history of his previous life, this is indeed the case.

Perhaps, this is the power of love.

"Luo Yangxing, you do it yourself, and bring Chengdu, Yuan Qing and Zilong with you. No matter what, this matter has to be done beautifully for me!" Li Chen told Luo Yangxing.

"No!" Luo Yangxing replied.

After Luo Yangxing got the order, he rushed towards Xudu with the three strongest members of the Qin army and a group of management subordinates.

After half a month, Xu Du.

Wei Palace.


"Guan Yu's team is less than ten miles away from the city!" Wei Jun Tan Ma hurriedly reported.

"Quickly, let's go, the king personally goes to meet Guan Yu!" Cao Cao, the king of Wei, got up quickly and ordered.

At the same time, in a private house not far from the city gate.

"Everything has been arranged, but I don't know if Guan Yu can drink this glass of wine."

"When Guan Yu comes, Cao Cao will definitely hold a banquet. If Guan Yu drinks this glass of wine, counting the time, he will die of poison at the banquet!"

"I hope the plan will go well!" Luo Yangxing sighed.

Killing Guan Yu with poison was Luo Yangxing's first plan, and this plan was the most perfect and most impeccable.Once the first set of plans is successfully implemented, Cao Cao will be unable to argue.

If the first set of poisonous killing plans doesn't work, then we can only take risks. On Guan Yu's way back to Chengdu, let Yuwen Chengdu, Zhao Yun, and Pei Yuanqing lead the soldiers who sneaked in to intercept and kill them halfway.

But the risk of intercepting and killing was too great. After all, Guan Yu was a team, and once one of them escaped, the matter would definitely be exposed.

At the same time, Guan Yu's team was about to reach Xudu.

"General Guan is here, General Guan is here!"

"The big man has hope, the big man has hope!"

The people in Xudu City came out of the city to welcome them one after another. It can be seen that the people all over the world still have a heart for the Han Dynasty.At this time, Guan Yu was the representative of the Han Dynasty.

"General Guan, the Great Han depends on the King of Shu!"

"General, I am waiting for the grassroots to do something. Before entering the city, the old man represents the people of Xudu and offers the general a glass of wine."

At this time, a white-haired old man in the crowd came over and stopped Guan Yu's team.

I saw this person holding a jar of wine in his left hand and a bowl of wine in his right hand.

Seeing that the people love him, Guan Yu wants to toast him, and he will pick him up if he dismounts.

"Father, at this time in Xudu, don't drink indiscriminately!" Guan Ping on the side reminded.

"Little baby, how could this old man assassinate General Guan!"

"This wine, this old man can drink it himself!" After finishing speaking, the old man downed the bowl of wine in one gulp and turned his head to leave.

"Wait a minute, old man!"

"My son is innocent, I didn't intend to offend the old man!"

"This glass of wine, Guan can drink it!" Guan Yu called to stop the old man, took the wine jar from the old man's hand, and gulped it down.

Among the crowd in the distance, Luo Yangxing watched Guan Yu drinking, and felt certain in his heart, as if a stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground.

Big plan, steady!
This old man is Jin Yiwei's hidden stake, and the whole plan was carefully designed by Luo Yangxing according to Guan Yu's personality.

Guan Yu is proud and loves the people.The old man made a toast on behalf of the people of Xudu, and he would definitely drink it.Luo Yangxing had already expected that someone would stop him, that's why the old man had a drink by himself.

The person toasting the toast was an old man, so Guan Yu didn't have anything to guard against, adding that he drank a glass himself, it was tantamount to letting everyone know that the wine was not poisonous.

It's just that everyone was negligent. The old man drank the wine from the bowl, and Guan Yu drank the wine from the altar.

The wine in the bowl is not poisonous, but the wine in the jar is poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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