Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 551 Guan Yu is dead! ! !

Chapter 551 Guan Yu is dead! ! !

"The king of Wei is here!"

At this moment, a high-pitched shout sounded, and a group of frames came from afar.

"Yun Chang, I have been waiting for you for a long time, why don't you come to the city to talk?" Cao Cao invited Guan Yu.

It can be said that Cao Cao attaches great importance to talents. For a general like Guan Yu, Cao Cao has always been very important.

In Guan Yu's heart, Cao thief is actually a Han thief, and Cao thief is the murderer who killed Han Xiandi.If it wasn't for the elder brother Liu Bei's country, Guan Yu would have taken Cao Cao's head at this time.

Guan Yu didn't want to see Cao Cao very much, so naturally he didn't give him any good looks.Seeing Guan Yu's face, he said in a cold voice: "Guan has no friendship with King Wei, and King Wei doesn't need to be so polite."

"I won't enter this Chengguan. I also ask King Wei to send out His Majesty's body. If necessary, Guan can rush to Chengdu to return."

If Guan Yu and Cao Cao stayed together for an extra moment, he would not like it too much. He was afraid that he couldn't bear it for a while, and took Cao Cao's life with one knife.

"General Guan, since my King Wei has prepared a banquet, the general might as well go to the city to have a talk, it won't take much time?" Chen Qun smoothed things over.

"Guan is not hungry, there is no need for Mr. Chen to persuade him!" Guan Yu said with a straight face.

Chen Qun looked at Cao Cao with a helpless expression on his face.This Guan Yu is like a stubborn donkey. When he gets stubborn, no one can persuade him unless Liu Bei comes to persuade him.

Cao Cao looked at Chen Qun, and Chen Qun approached Cao Cao and whispered, "King Wei, everything has been settled, just give him the body of Han Xiandi!"

When Cao Cao heard this, he couldn't help but relax a lot. Now that the matter has been negotiated, it doesn't matter whether Guan Yu stays or not.

"Since General Guan doesn't want to go to the city to talk about it, then it's inconvenient for me to force it." After saying this, Cao Cao ordered to his subordinates: "Come here, go and take out your majesty's coffin."

Since the death of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty until now, that seems to have passed.It stands to reason that the corpse of Han Xiandi should have smelled long ago.

However, Cao Cao had thought of this a long time ago. Therefore, within a few days after the death of Emperor Han Xian, Cao Cao ordered people to deal with the body of Emperor Han Xian first.

There were mummies in ancient Egypt, and Buddhism even had flesh Buddhas.Naturally, the imperial court also had no shortage of ways to preserve the corpse and prevent the corpse from stink.

At this time, the body of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was specially processed by Cao Cao.Not only is it not rotten and smelly, but it is lifelike, and even exudes some fragrance.

About half an hour later, the coffin of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was transported out of Xudu City by Cao Cao.

Seeing the coffin filled with Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, the people around were all weeping.Although Han Xiandi has been a puppet since he succeeded to the throne.

First Dong Zhuo's puppet, then Li Que, Guo Si's puppet, and finally Cao Cao's puppet.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had been a puppet all his life and had not made any political achievements.But after all, his surname is Liu, and he is the only true legal heir of the Han Dynasty.

Now that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie, is dead, and the legal heir of the Han Dynasty is gone, these people are naturally weeping for it.

After Guan Yu led his men to inspect the coffin and the corpse inside, Guan Ping, the son of the commanding plan, was in charge of driving the carriage pulling the corpse himself.

The carriage with the coffin was arranged by Guan Yu in the middle of his team, which was the safest place for the whole team.Once there is a problem, support can be provided both before and after.

Seeing Guan Yu's reluctance to go to the city for a banquet, this made Luo Yangxing, who was mingling with the crowd, a little anxious.If Guan Yu hadn't died at the banquet, the effect of this strategy would have been much worse.

At this time, Guan Yu pointed at Cao Cao with the Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand: "King Wei, next time we meet, Guan will take your head!"

When Guan Yu said this, instead of getting angry, Cao Cao laughed loudly and said, "Haha, General Guan really has a true temperament!"

"Come on, bring the wine!"

Cao Cao yelled loudly, and someone behind him picked up a bowl of wine. Cao Cao took the drink and handed it to Guan Yu: "Second General, after drinking this wine, I will take Cao's life next time!"

"Okay!" Guan Yu took the drink and drank it down.


"set off!"

Throwing the wine bowl to the ground, Guan Yu immediately ordered the army to return to Chengdu.

Among the crowd, Luo Yangxing saw that Cao Cao also gave Guan Yu a bowl of wine, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Cao Cao's bowl of wine sent him to hell.After Guan Yu was poisoned, others would naturally think that it was Cao Cao who poisoned Guan Yu.

On the way back to Chengdu, Guan Yu's army was not marching fast because they were escorting the coffin.

After marching for about an hour, Guan Yu suddenly felt unwell and frowned involuntarily.With chest cramps, he almost fell off the horse.

"Father, what's the matter!" Guan Ping realized something was wrong, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.




Before he finished speaking, Guan Yu fell headlong under the horse. Guan Ping hurriedly helped his father up, and he was already dead when he checked his breath.

"Father" Guan Ping's eyes were filled with hot tears, and he looked up to the sky and screamed.

"Young general, it must be the second general who threatened Cao thief on the city wall. Cao thief's glass of wine is poisonous!" The deputy general thought.


"Cao thief, I'll kill you!" Guan Ping mentioned his father's Qinglong Yanyue knife, and he was about to mount his horse and kill Cao thief back to Xudu City to avenge his father by killing Cao thief with this knife.

"Young general, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

"Major General, if you go now, you will die!"

"Major General, think twice!"

"Young General, the plan for now is to return to Xudu, and ask Your Majesty to avenge the Second General!"

A group of generals and deputy generals held Guan Ping down, and they couldn't let him go to Xudu!

If Guan Ping went to Xudu now, it would not be revenge, it would be giving away the head.That designation, this just died, the son also had to die.

After calming down for a while, Guan Ping gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Go around and buy a coffin. Let's take father back to Chengdu first."

Guan Yu was also a hero of a generation, and he died under the poison for no apparent reason.

This is a battle in the world. Every time the war in the world lasts for a day, the people who suffer are the people.Although Li Chen's method is disgraceful, it is the most effective way to end the war.

Once Guan Yu died, Cao Cao's scapegoat was firmly on his back, and the war between Wei and Shu was inevitable.

Jinling, Qin Palace.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, luckily the plan to live up to one's fate has succeeded!" Luo Yangxing reported to Li Chen.

Immediately, Luo Yangxing shared with Li Mu the whole process of implementing the plan.

The implementation process of this plan can be called God Blessing Daqin.Among them, if there is a mistake in one link, the whole plan will be wasted.

However, it happened to be a perfect success. Isn't this just God helping Daqin?
(End of this chapter)

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