Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 552 Bloody Vengeance! ! !

Chapter 552 Bloody Vengeance! ! !
Chengdu, Shu Palace.


"Report to the King of Shu, the second general's convoy has arrived thirty miles outside the city!" The scouts from the Kingdom of Shu came to report in a hurry.

"Quick, drive!"

"My king is going out of the city to meet you!" Liu Bei said, and walked out of the palace.

Although Liu Bei still doesn't know the news of Guan Yu's death, the two brothers also have a strange feeling.

In the past few days, Liu Bei's heart has finally been panicked, as if something bad happened.

Hearing that Guan Yu was back, Liu Bei hurried out of the city to greet him. These days, he really wanted to kill his second brother.

Liu Bei waited outside Chengdu until noon, and only then did he see a team approaching from a distance.

The morale of this team is very low, like a group of roosters who have lost their fight.

Liu Bei saw that the leader was his nephew Guan Ping, but he couldn't see his second brother Guan Yu!
Liu Bei took a closer look and found that Guan Ping was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife of his second brother Guan Yu in his hand, and a bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

"Guan Ping, where is your father?" Liu Bei asked tentatively.


"Father was poisoned and killed by Cao thief!" Guan Ping said and burst into tears.

"Pfft!" Hearing that his second brother had been poisoned by Cao Bandit, Liu Bei spat out a mouthful of blood immediately.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Liu Bei vomiting blood and fainting, a group of officials quickly supported Liu Bei and pressed him hard.

After a while, Liu Bei woke up slowly, broke away from the crowd, and ran towards the middle of the convoy.

"Second brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Cao thief, I, Liu Bei, are different from you!" Liu Bei shouted tearfully.

"Guan Ping, what's the matter?" Immediately afterwards, Liu Bei asked Guan Ping again.

Guan Ping also stopped crying, and slowly narrated what happened that day to Liu Bei. He heard that Guan Yu threatened Cao Cao to take his head when they met next time. After Cao Cao offered Guan Yu a glass of wine, Guan Yu died.

All of this made Guan Yu's death from poisoning seem so reasonable.

"I killed my second brother, I shouldn't have let him go to Xudu!" Liu Bei said guiltily.

"Uncle! Please also avenge my father!" Guan Ping knelt on the ground and said.

"Get up, Ping'er, the enmity between the second brother will definitely be settled with Thief Cao!"

"Now, it's urgent at noon, let the second brother go to the ground first!" Liu Bei said in a deep voice.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

For the rest of this month, Liu Bei was busy arranging the funerals of his second younger brother Guan Yu and Han Xiandi, and now, the two of them were finally buried in peace.

As soon as Guan Yu's funeral was over, Liu Bei immediately expressed his intention to send troops to attack Wei with all his might.

Chengdu, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Zhuge Liang is a little worried these days. Guan Yu's death disrupted the whole plan.

Zhuge Liang understands very well that the friendship between the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang is greater than that of Jiangshan Sheji.

The three of them started from scratch together. It can be said that for this brotherhood, Liu Bei is willing to give up everything.

Once Guan Yu dies, it means that the contradictions between Shu and Wei are irreconcilable, and it is bound to reach the point where you die and I die.

However, it is unwise to send troops now.Not to mention that the chances of winning are not great, and it is very likely that Li Chen will benefit from it.

"Yuanzhi, we have to persuade the king of Shu. At this time, we can't say anything!" Zhuge Liang said to Xu Shu.

Xu Shu looked solemn, and replied: "Kong Ming, the Second General died, and now I am afraid that no one can persuade the King of Shu. The last time I persuaded me, I was hit by dozens of boards. If anyone dares to persuade me this time, I am afraid that I will Lose your head!"

Last time, when Liu Bei was going to send troops to attack Wei, almost all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty persuaded Liu Bei to proclaim himself emperor first.However, this time Liu Bei was going to send troops to attack Wei, but no one dared to persuade him.

It is related to Guan Yu's death, whoever goes up to persuade Liu Bei now will lose his head if he can't say it.However, the more no one persuaded, the more Zhuge Liang had to persuade.

"No, I have to persuade the king of Shu, otherwise my country of Shu will be destroyed!" Zhuge Liang said, and went to the palace of the king of Shu.

As soon as Xu Shu saw that Zhuge Liang had gone, he quickly followed with strides.

"King of Shu, the more eager we are to avenge the Second General, the less impulsive we are!"

"Sending troops rashly at this time, not only will we not be able to avenge, but we will also be defeated!"

"If we lose, how will the second general's revenge be avenged!"

Zhuge Liang understood Liu Bei's thoughts very well, so what he said to persuade Liu Bei was to avenge Guan Yu.

Sure enough, Liu Bei listened to Zhuge Liang's words.

"Kong Ming, what do you think should be done?" Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang.

"King of Shu, the top priority now is to become emperor first!"

"After proclaiming yourself emperor, you issued a call to action against the thieves to the world. We can only win this battle and avenge the second general only if we occupy the principles of heaven and righteousness!" Zhuge Liang said.

"proclaim oneself emperor!"

"If I don't avenge my second brother, I will have trouble sleeping and eating. The matter of proclaiming the emperor is too complicated. I can't wait that long!" Liu Bei shook his head and vetoed.

Zhuge Liang opened his mouth quickly and said to Liu Bei, "King of Shu, let's keep everything simple. In this way, you give me some time. It can be three months at the earliest, and half a year at the slowest. I will definitely handle the matter of proclaiming emperor."

Liu Bei seemed to think that what Zhuge Liang said was also reasonable. After proclaiming the emperor and occupying righteousness, he could get twice the result with half the effort when he sent troops.

"Three months, no matter what, I will send troops to attack Wei after three months!" Liu Bei said a time limit.

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei's expression and knew that this was the bottom line of time that Liu Bei could tolerate.I had no choice but to nod my head and agree: "Okay, just three months."

When Liu Bei left the Shu Palace, Xu Shu was waiting for him at the gate.

"Kong Ming, what's the matter?" Xu Shu hurriedly stepped forward to ask Zhuge Liang as soon as he came out.

"Three months, it has been delayed for three months!"

"In any case, after three months, the king of Shu will send troops!" Zhuge Liang replied.

"Kong Ming, I'm in a hurry to become emperor in three months!" Xu Shu said seriously.

"I don't care about so much, I can do it to the extent I can. Only by proclaiming the emperor and occupying the righteousness, can I have a slight chance of winning!" Zhuge Liang said with a solemn expression.

After Zhuge Liang returned to the mansion, he began intensive preparations for Liu Bei's proclaiming himself emperor.However, just when Zhuge Liang thought he could spend three months safely.

On Zhang Fei's side, another moth appeared.

Since the death of his second brother, Zhang Fei drank his sorrows every day, thinking about avenging his second brother.

After the second brother was buried, Zhang Fei thought to himself that the eldest brother would send troops soon, so he decided to ask him to be the vanguard, cut off the heads of Cao thief's family, young and old, and put them in front of the second brother Guan Yu's grave.

However, Zhang Fei waited and waited. The second brother Guan Yu had been buried for a month, but there was no movement of troops from the elder brother's side.

Guan Yu asked people to inquire, and they heard that his eldest brother planned to proclaim himself emperor first and was sending troops.Upon hearing the news, Zhang Fei immediately became furious.

Proclaiming the emperor first, and then sending troops to avenge the second brother, doesn't this mean that the friendship between their brothers is not as good as that shit's throne!

(End of this chapter)

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