Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 553 Two uncles and nephews, vow to kill Cao thief! ! !

Chapter 553 Uncle and nephew, vow to kill Cao thief! ! !

"Liu Xuande, I'm asking you once, whether you will avenge your second brother's revenge or not!"

"This soldier, you don't even fire!"

Above the court hall, the courtiers were discussing matters, Zhang Fei rushed in drunk, pointed to Liu Bei's nose and smelled it.

"Third brother, how can we not avenge the second brother's revenge!"

"It's just that now is not the time to take revenge. For three months, you give the eldest brother three months. Once the three months are up, you can send troops to avenge the second brother!" Liu Bei persuaded.

"Shit is not the time, I think you just want to be emperor!"

"This bullshit throne is more important than the second brother's life!"

"Liu Xuande, let me tell you, let alone three months, I can't wait even three days!" Zhang Fei shouted.

"Third General, there is no need to rush this kind of thing, three months is already the fastest!" Zhuge Liang persuaded from the side.

Zhang Fei ignored Zhuge Liang, but looked at Liu Bei with red eyes, and asked again, "Brother, I'm asking you again, it's not good for you to send troops!"

With tears in Liu Bei's eyes, he gritted his teeth and replied, "Three months, send troops in three months!"

"Fart, what shit brotherhood!"

"Brotherhood, bullshit!" Zhang Fei was furious and left in a huff.

Zhang Fei went out of the hall, stepped on his black-tailed horse, held a Zhangba snake spear, and left Chengdu alone.

Zhang Fei left Chengdu and headed straight for Xudu, the horse galloped wildly, and the sound of hunting and hunting kept reminiscing in his ears.

Liu Bei didn't want to send troops to avenge Guan Yu at this time, and Zhang Fei didn't know if it was true or not within three months.However, whether it is true or not, Zhang Fei can't wait for three months.

Every moment is a torment for Zhang Fei, and now, borrowing wine can't quench his sorrow!

Since Liu Bei didn't want to send troops at this time, Zhang Fei went to avenge his second brother himself. It would be a good thing if he succeeded, but if he didn't, he would be fine if he died.

Chengdu, Shu Palace.


"King Shu, the three generals left the city alone and headed towards Xudu!" Zhang Fei had just left the city, and the city gate guard immediately rushed to report.

No one dared to stop Zhang Fei, who was in a state of rage, so he could only rush to report to Liu Bei.

The three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang are not biological brothers, but they are better than biological brothers.For Zhang Fei, Liu Bei didn't know much about it.

Hearing that Zhang Fei left the city alone, Liu Bei immediately understood that he must go to Xudu alone to avenge his second brother.

"Quick, send someone to stop him!" Liu Bei hastily ordered.

At this time, Guan Ping stood up and said in a deep voice: "King of Shu, I will go, I will definitely persuade my third uncle to come back!"

After thinking for a while, Liu Bei nodded and told Guan Ping, "No matter what, you must persuade your third uncle to come back!"

"Three months, waiting for three months, this king will definitely send troops to avenge my second brother!"

After Guan Ping took the order, he ordered all five hundred swordsmen under Guan Yu's men, and chased after Zhang Fei in the direction he was leaving.

The black horse under Zhang Fei's crotch is a good BMW horse that travels thousands of miles a day and eight hundred nights. Although Guan Ping chased after him desperately, he did not catch up with Zhang Fei who had signed his name.

Zhang Fei ran all the way in the direction of Xudu, tears streaming down his big black face covered with beards.

"I am the Empress of King Jing of Zhongshan."

"I am Liu Bei, I am Guan Yu, and I am Zhang Fei"

"I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day"

"May the three of us brothers help the Han Dynasty together."

"Guan is willing to die for elder brother."

"Me too."

Everything that the three brothers have experienced together these years, like a slide lamp, is constantly emerging in front of Zhang Fei's eyes.

From having nothing to becoming a prince who dominates one side, but now, the second brother is gone.
"I don't regret Zhang Fei's death, but I vow to avenge my second brother."

"Tie Cao, if I don't kill you, I, Zhang Fei, will not be a human being." Thinking of this, Zhang Fei urged the mount on his crotch again.

After more than ten days, Zhang Fei had sneaked into Xudu for two or three days.These days, Zhang Fei has been squatting near Wei Wangfu, looking for an opportunity to assassinate Cao Cao, but unfortunately, Cao Cao has not appeared these days.

Zhang Fei lived in an inn not far from Wei Wang's mansion, and was looking for opportunities to do something every day. Once he had the opportunity to make a move, Zhang Fei would definitely not show mercy.

While drinking, Zhang Fei was staring at the direction of Prince Wei's mansion. At this moment, he suddenly felt someone grab his hand.

"Guan Ping, why are you here!" Seeing the person coming, Zhang Fei was a little surprised. After the surprise, Zhang Fei said in a deep voice: "Brother asked you to come, you go back and tell Big Brother, if you don't avenge Second Brother, I will Won't go back!"

"Third Uncle, I didn't come to persuade you to go back!" Guan Ping looked at Zhang Fei and said with piercing eyes.

Looking at Guan Ping's appearance, Zhang Fei immediately understood what he meant. Guan Ping didn't come to persuade him to go back, but to help him!

"No, if something happens to you, how can I explain to my second brother!" Zhang Fei shook his head.

"Third Uncle, the grace of nurturing is greater than the grace of procreation. Although I, Guan Ping, was not born to my father, my father treats me just like the two brothers!"

"Even if I, Guan Ping, die, I have to avenge my father. There are two brothers Guan Xing and Guan Suo at home, so I, Guan Ping, can rest assured even if I die!" Guan Ping looked at Zhang Fei with a firm gaze.

Seeing Guan Ping's appearance, Zhang Fei was speechless for a while.Yes, brotherly love, how can it be better than father-son love.

Now, no matter how sad Zhang Fei felt, Guan Ping was even more upset than him.Zhang Fei wanted revenge, but how could Guan Ping not want to.

"Okay, let's uncle and nephew work together to kill Cao thief!"

"Uncles and nephews are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold!" Zhang Fei and Guan Ping put their hands together and said in a deep voice.

Guan Ping is not Guan Yu's biological son, although he is the eldest son, he is an adopted son.It is precisely because he is an adopted son that Guan Ping's affection for Guan Yu is deeper.

It is natural to have children and raise them.Only, this is not born but raised, which is the most touching.

Guan Ping said to Zhang Fei: "Third Uncle, I brought my father's five hundred school swordsmen, the people below are all ours!"

As Guan Ping said, he pointed out from the window of the box on the second floor.Zhang Fei found that there were many more stalls scattered on the street, as well as some scattered strong men.

Zhang Fei nodded, or his nephew was being thoughtful.No matter how brave he is alone, it is even more difficult to assassinate Cao Cao.

However, with the cover of five hundred school swordsmen now, it will be much easier to act when the time comes.

Zhang Fei and Guan Ping were waiting outside Wei Wang's mansion, but Cao Cao was not in good health these days and had severe headaches, so he didn't leave the mansion.

After having Guan Ping as his companion, Zhang Fei's temper improved a lot, and the uncle and nephew waited very patiently.

In the blink of an eye, another three days later, the opportunity Zhang Fei had been waiting for finally came!

(End of this chapter)

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