Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 554: Zhang Fei Li kills 3 generals and dies! ! !

Chapter 554 Zhang Feili kills three generals and dies! ! !

Zhang Fei waited for three full days, and finally waited until Cao Cao left the palace of Wei. Zhang Fei didn't care where Cao Cao went out of the palace. No matter where Cao Cao was going, Zhang Fei had to send him to the Palace of Yama.

One day, Zhang Fei and Guan Ping were still on the second floor of the inn, observing the surrounding situation.

"Three generals, the thief Cao has left the palace and is coming towards us!" At this time, the spies who were watching at the Palace of Wei came to report.

Hearing this, Zhang Fei's spirit couldn't help but cheer up. After waiting for so many days, it's finally today.No matter what, Cao thief must be beheaded today to avenge the blood hatred for the second brother.

"Guan Ping, you lead someone to stop Cao Bandit's guards, and I'll kill Cao Bandit!" Zhang Fei ordered.

"Thank you uncle for avenging my father, and my nephew would like to respect you for a glass of wine!" Guan Ping said, pouring Zhang Fei a glass of wine, and respectfully kowtowed three times to Zhang Fei.

At this time, the two uncles and nephews had already embraced the will to die.You know, this is Xudu.Even if they can kill Cao Cao smoothly, there is absolutely no possibility of rushing out of Xudu.

On the street, under the protection of a group of guards, Cao Cao was heading towards the residence of the military advisor Guo Jia.

Cao Cao fell ill a few days ago and has been recuperating in the Wei Palace.I went to Guo Jia's house today because Guo Jia was also sick.

For the military advisor Guo Jia, Cao Cao was very caring. When he heard that Guo Jia was seriously ill, Cao Cao couldn't care less about himself, and quickly ordered someone to drive to Guo Jia's house.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

Suddenly, a rain of arrows shot from around, and the guards in front of Cao Cao immediately fell down.

"Assassin, assassin!"

Many guards panicked and quickly put up their shields to keep Cao Cao behind.

"Zhang Yide from Yan is here, thief Cao, give back my second brother's life!"

At this time, I saw a war horse rushing out of the front, and on top of the war horse was a dark man holding a zhangba snake spear.

"Zhang Yide!" Seeing Zhang Fei coming towards him, Cao Cao was astonished.

Cao Cao is very familiar with the three Liu Bei brothers.Naturally, he also knows Zhang Fei's martial arts, and it can be said that he has unstoppable courage.

Guan Yu died on the way back to Chengdu from Xudu, so Cao Cao didn't know that Guan Yu was dead now, and he didn't know that he was inexplicably blamed again.

At this time, Cao Cao was puzzled by Zhang Fei's inexplicable assassination.

Zhang Yide, I have formed an alliance with your elder brother, what are you going to do? " Cao Cao asked Zhang Fei.


"Be an alliance with my elder brother, do you deserve it?"

"Today, I will take your head!" Zhang Fei shouted and replied, but the movements in his hands did not slow down. With his backhand, many soldiers of Cao army were thrown away with a single Zhangba Snake Spear.

"Kill Cao thief, revenge!"

"Kill Cao thief, revenge!"

At this time, Guan Ping also took five hundred school swordsmen and began to charge Cao Cao's guards.

This sudden attack made Cao Cao feel a little confused!At this time, Cao Cao hadn't realized why Zhang Fei and Guan Ping wanted to assassinate him!

"Black thief, don't be presumptuous!"

Seeing Zhang Fei slaughtering his own soldiers wantonly, Xu Chu couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed his gold-backed door knife and went towards Zhang Fei.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

After the two fought for twenty or thirty rounds, it was hard to tell the winner.Although Zhang Fei's martial arts were stronger than Xu Chu's, they were not so strong.

Zhang Fei knew that it might not be so easy to defeat Xu Chu in a short time.However, Zhang Fei also knew that they couldn't procrastinate any longer, as the time dragged on for a long time, once Cao Cao's support arrived, their previous efforts would be wasted!
Meng Zhang Fei, what he said was that Zhang Fei did things regardless of the consequences, all relying on a bloody courage.

Xu Chu slashed at Zhang Fei, but Zhang Fei didn't swing his spear to block it, but stabbed Xu Chu's throat with a straight spear.


Zhang Fei let out a roar, and his left arm was chopped off by Xu Chu.However, Xu Chu didn't have time to call out, and Zhang Fei's spear just happened to plunge into his throat.

Xu Chu couldn't believe it until his death, but Zhang Fei actually exchanged his life with his left arm.

"Third Uncle!" Guan Ping, who was on the side, saw Zhang Fei's broken arm and hurriedly shouted.

"Zhongkang!" Seeing Xu Chu's body fall from the horse, Cao Cao couldn't help feeling a throbbing pain in his heart.

The blood from the wound on Zhang Fei's left arm was still gushing, but Zhang Fei ignored the wound and went straight to kill Cao Cao.

At this time, Zhang Fei had a broken arm, and his face was covered with blood, like a demon god walking out of hell.

"Zhang Yide, what are you going to do!" At this moment, Cao Cao panicked!
"Cao thief, take your life!" Without saying a word, Zhang Fei rode his horse to kill Cao Cao.

"Zhang Yide, don't be presumptuous, Li Dian is here too!"

"Let's come in!"

At this moment, Li Dianle came forward and stood in front of Cao Cao.

Seeing Li Dianle come in, Cao Cao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Zhang Fei, the black servant, was determined to kill him.

Zhang Fei didn't say much, he swung the Zhang Ba Snake Spear in his hand and charged towards Li Dian and Le Jin.

Li Dian and Le Jin were Zhang Fei's opponents, they fought for about thirty rounds, and both of them died in Zhang Fei's hands.

However, with the successive battles and excessive blood loss, Zhang Fei was at the end of his battle at this time.

"Tie Cao, you killed my second brother!"

"Today, let's go down and make amends for my second brother!" Zhang Fei gritted his teeth.

"Kill your second brother?"

"Guan Yunchang is dead?"

"Zhang Yide, there was a misunderstanding, it wasn't me! I didn't!" Cao Cao denied it.

However, Zhang Fei is a person who admits death. He believes that Cao Cao killed Guan Yu, so how can he listen to his explanation.

Zhang Fei approached Cao Cao step by step, stabbing at Cao Cao with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.

Compared with Zhang Fei's, Cao Cao's martial arts are mediocre.Facing the spear stabbed by Zhang Fei, Cao Cao had no choice but to fall off his horse with a carp.

This flustered fall happened to hit the ground head-first, and Cao Cao immediately fell with his head broken.

However, after dodging Zhang Fei's first spear, the second spear came one after another.

Cao Cao had no way to hide, no way to avoid, so he could only close his eyes and wait for death, thinking to himself: "This is how life should be!"


However, Zhang Fei's spear did not come down, but Zhang Fei's body crashed down instead.

Cao Cao opened his eyes and saw that there was a small halberd stuck in Zhang Fei's chest.

"Come on, save me!" Cao Cao yelled when Dian Wei arrived.

"Third Uncle, Thief Cao, take your life!" Seeing Zhang Fei's death, Guan Ping rushed over holding his father's Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

"Strangle them all!"

"Not one will be left alive!" Cao Cao ordered angrily.

This clay figurine is still angry, let alone Cao Cao, who has been blamed one after another, and being assassinated today, has completely plunged Cao Cao into a mania.

(End of this chapter)

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