Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 67 Xiaopei's offensive and defensive battle

Chapter 67 Xiaopei's offensive and defensive battle

The importance of rolling stones and rolling logs to the defense of the city is beyond doubt, and it can even be said to be the most important weapon for the defense of the city.When the enemy is climbing the city wall, it is difficult to have any effective way to kill the enemy. Rolling stones and rolling logs is an excellent way to kill.

Behind Lu Bu, Chen Gong pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Demolish the house, now the only thing to do is to demolish the house and use it as a rock and a log."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Lu Bu nodded and replied.

At this time, I can only let go of the small self and take care of the big self.If the house is demolished, there is still a chance to keep Xiaopei, but if it is not demolished, tomorrow if there are no rocks and rolling logs on the top of the city, it will be difficult to keep Xiaopei.

"My lord, if the house is demolished, I'm afraid the people in the city will complain." Zhang Liao cupped his hands and said.

Hearing Zhang Liao's words, Lv Bu's face turned cold. Zhang Liao was right, and rashly demolishing common people's houses would definitely make him feel resentful.

"Gao Shun." Lu Bu was stunned for a moment, then shouted loudly.

"The end is here." Gao Shun bowed his hands to obey the order.

"Remove it from my mansion first. You bring people in yourself. You only need to leave a few bedrooms for the women in the mansion." Lu Bu ordered in a serious tone.

"No." Gao Shun took the order and left.

Gao Shun was always upright, and he never compromised on Lv Bu's orders.


"My lord, why are you here?" Chen Gong said with a sigh.

Lu Bu shook his scarlet cloak and shouted, "If the city isn't here, what's the use of the mansion."

It was night, Gao Shun demolished Lu Bu's mansion overnight, and then many soldiers began to demolish the house from the city wall from near to far.Originally, the common people were complaining, but when they heard that Lu Bu's mansion was also demolished, leaving only a few bedrooms, the common people had nothing to say.

Lu Bu ordered people to set up tents in the city, and for the people whose houses had been demolished, Lu Bu temporarily placed them in the tents.

It was just dawn, and Cao Jun, who had rested for [-], started a new attack, as if he would not give up until Xiaopei was captured.

"Soldiers, take Xiaopei."

"There will be no military discipline within three days."

Under Xiaopei City, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of Cao Jun gathered, and some small schools began to boost the morale of their men.

What does it mean that there is no military discipline within three days? That is, once Xiaopei is captured, the soldiers can kill, burn, and loot at will within three days. It is conceivable that once Xiaopei is captured, these Cao troops who have been suppressed by the war for a long time Soldiers must vent like a volcanic eruption.


Casually waving the flag in the hands of the messengers, tens of thousands of Cao Jun, accompanied by various engineering equipment, began to rush towards the Xiaopei city wall.

On the city wall, Lu Bu's subordinates began to draw their bows and arrows, and shot towards the rushing Cao Jun.However, such a rain of arrows is not very lethal to Cao Jun who is holding a large shield.

Soon, Cao Jun rushed to the city.Under the city, the archers of the Cao army were shooting at Lu Bu's bow and arrow. Of course, there were more soldiers of the Cao army who were climbing the ladder.

On the city wall, the soldiers poured the boiled hot golden juice down.The boiling green golden juice exudes a disgusting smell.The pot of golden juice was poured down, and Cao Jun's soldiers on the ladder immediately started to tap dance on the ladder.

In this era, people who were scalded by the golden juice basically had no chance of surviving.The various bacterial infections that come with burns have completely surpassed the medical cognition of this era.

After the golden juice, stones and logs rolled down, and in an instant, the soldiers on the ladder fell down like dumplings.

Of course, occasionally a few soldiers of Cao Jun climbed up the city wall. Unfortunately, as soon as they climbed up the wall, the waiting knives and axes rushed up and chopped them into meat.

In this day's offensive and defensive battle, Lu Bu once again managed to hold on.However, more than 3000 soldiers under him were also lost.At this time, there were only [-] defenders on Xiaopei's city wall.

In the evening, after fighting for a whole day, Cao Cao withdrew his troops and returned to camp.

Cao Ying.

Chinese army tent.

Sitting in the middle of the big tent was the short, dark-skinned Cao Cao. He didn't look like a warlord, but more like a cake seller.

Although they look similar to the cake seller in the Song Dynasty, the difference between the two is huge.The cook cake seller in the Song Dynasty had no power and power, and he had only one brother who could beat him, so his wife had to be slept by others.

But Cao Cao is different. Although he is not tall and has dark skin, Cao Cao is powerful and has a group of brothers who can fight.So, this Cao Cao likes to sleep with other people's daughter-in-law.

After Cao Cao waited in the big tent for a short time, he saw groups of generals walking into the big tent.The armor of these people was still stained with blood, obviously they had just been withdrawn from the battlefield not long ago.

When everyone arrived, Cao Cao pulled out his green sword and shouted: "Everyone, Lu Bu is clearly stretched in today's battle. Tomorrow's battle will definitely win Xiao Pei."

"My lord, Xu Chu was originally the vanguard." Xu Chu came out, clasped his hands and said in a low voice.

"Since." Cao Cao was about to agree, but Liu Bei stood up.

"Ming Gong, the three of my brothers have not made an inch of merit since they came to you. Why don't you let the three of my brothers be the vanguard tomorrow." Liu Bei stood out and said, clasping his hands.

"Liu Xuande, there is a first-come first-come-first-served basis for everything. I invite you to fight first, and the vanguard will never get your turn." As soon as Liu Bei finished speaking, Xu Chu immediately said angrily.

Liu Bei didn't argue with Xu Chu, but looked at Cao Cao.

Who will be the vanguard, they will not be able to count on how powerful they are. In the end, Cao Cao must have the final say.

The reason why Liu Bei invited the vanguard was not that he really wanted to be loyal to Cao Cao.This guy Liu Bei is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

It's just because the three brothers haven't made any contribution since they took refuge.Cao Cao naturally wouldn't give them soldiers if he didn't make an inch of merit, but just let them obey orders under the tent.

Unable to lead soldiers, Liu Bei was a little anxious.The reason why he took refuge in Cao Cao was because Cao Cao had many soldiers and generals, and he wanted to find an opportunity to "borrow" an army from Cao Cao, and then plot to make a comeback.

As for when to return the borrowed soldiers, what?Why do I, Liu Xuande, have to return the things I borrowed with my ability.

I'm asking, I'm in a hurry, and I will pay it back next week.

Liu Bei would be eager to make meritorious deeds, and only if he made meritorious deeds would Cao Cao be able to let him lead the army.

After thinking about it, Cao Cao decided to let the three brothers Liu Bei be the vanguard. After all, it needs to face Lu Bu directly.Now in Cao Cao's camp, only these three brothers can rival Lu Bu.

"Okay, since Xuande is asking for a fight, the three brothers will be the vanguard tomorrow." Cao Cao said.

Boss Cao's prestige was unquestionable, and when he spoke, Xu Chu naturally didn't dare to say anything else.

Ps; the reader group number I added in the testimonial on the shelf seems to be harmonized, and it may not be added in the chapter.Brothers who want to join the group, read the words of the author at the bottom, I will post the group number in it.

 Readership, 1082631992
  This group is a qq group, and the group will give out red envelopes from time to time, and we can exchange plots and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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