Chapter 68


On the top of the city, Lu Bu was wearing a scarlet cloak, looking a little lonely against the afterglow of the setting sun behind him.

"My lord, I can't keep it anymore." Chen Gong's voice was a little low, and there was something indescribable in the low voice.

When Chen Gong said this, he was not trying to shake the morale of the army, he was explaining a fact.Xiaopei's city walls are still the same, but their strength is getting smaller and smaller.As a result, the entire city wall is full of loopholes that cannot be defended.

Xiaopei's city wall is now like a dilapidated house with air leaks everywhere. If it is pushed so hard, it may collapse at any time.

Lu Bu turned his head and looked at the soldiers behind him, their eyes were full of death.

These are all iron cavalry that Lu Bu brought out from Bingzhou. After so many years of running around, now there are only more than a thousand people left.

Although there are not many soldiers in Bingzhou, their eyes are as firm as iron. In their eyes, they follow Lu Bu to the death.Today, it was they who ran around like firefighters, which allowed the recruits on the top of the city to withstand Cao Jun's attack.

"I, Lu Fengxian, have been running around for half my life. This time, I will not leave. If Xiao Pei is here, I, Lu Fengxian, will be there. When Xiao Pei loses, it is the day that I, Lu Fengxian, die."

"If Cao Jun wants to cross Xiaopei, he must first cross my body, Lu Fengxian." Lu Bu pointed Fang Tian's painted halberd directly at Chang Tian, ​​and his heroic spirit soared to the sky for a while.

"The city is in and the people are in it, but the city is lost and the people are dead."

"The city is in and the people are in it, but the city is lost and the people are dead."

"The city is in and the people are in it, but the city is lost and the people are dead."

The Bingzhou soldiers under Lu Bu's command shouted in unison, and then the recruits recruited from Xiaopei also began to shout.

Pei people are good at martial arts, even ordinary people in Pei country can wield swords and swords.You know, this is the hometown of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty. It can be said that nearly half of Liu Bang's heroes in destroying Qin came from Xiaopei.

Pei people have a long history of being fond of martial arts, and it is precisely because almost all of Lu Bu's recruits are Pei people that they were able to achieve ten and three without collapsing.

It is hard to break an earthen pot from the mouth of the well, and the general will inevitably die before the battle.At this time, Lv Bu, a general from other places, had made the decision to live and die with Xiao Pei, so what reason did these Pei soldiers not follow.

"Gongtai, go and gather the people to the city, I have something to say." Lu Bu sighed and said to Chen Gong.

"No." Chen Gong had already guessed what Lu Bu was thinking, so he didn't say anything, just responded.

About half an hour later, all the people in the city had gathered under the city.

Before the start of the war, basically all the people who could walk in Xiaopei City had left, and now there are only 3 to [-] people left, and five or six out of ten of these people are lonely old people who cannot leave their homeland.

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Lu Bu stood on the city wall and shouted to the people below the city: "Folks, Cao Cao has issued an order. After the city is broken, there will be no military discipline within three days. Cao's army is like wolves. Once they enter The city will inevitably be slaughtered, burned, and looted. You go back and clean up later, and I will order General Gao Shun to lead you to break through the north gate after dark. You go north, go to Xuzhou and go to Xuzhou Mu Lichen."

"Let's go, my old man won't go. I'm already old, born and raised in Xiaopei, and even if I die now, I will die in Xiaopei too." At this time, gray-haired but robust The old man stood up and said.

"That's right, General Lu, don't worry. We won't drag down the defenders, we can help you carry supplies. If the city wall can't be defended anymore, old man, I will hold Cao Jun and jump off the wall." At this time, another An old man stood up and said.

"Yes, he is considered an old man." Another old man stood up.

At this time, it was these old people with half of the loess buried up to their necks who were more carefree.They have lived enough and are not afraid of death, even if they die, they will die in their homeland.If it went to another country, how could this soul return.

The elderly have no fear, on the contrary, those middle-aged people with their families are in a dilemma.Although they are not afraid of death, they must also consider their wives and children.

At this time, Lu Bu didn't have the time to persuade these stubborn old people.Having finished speaking, those who are willing to leave will be sent away, and those who intend to stay, Lu Bu has no choice.

"Folks, go back quickly and pack your bags. Those who are willing to leave, gather at the North City Gate in an hour." Lu Bu said to the people below.

"General Lu, I heard that Xuzhou Mu Li Chen has [-] elite soldiers, and he calls himself the Commander of Lao Tzu. Why didn't Li Chen send troops to rescue Xiao Pei?" At this time, a middle-aged man in the city asked.

Before Lu Bu could reply, a commoner replied, "I heard that Li Chen was originally a bandit. He is greedy for money and lustful. If there is no benefit, I'm afraid he won't rescue him easily."

Lu Bu hurriedly interrupted the following words, and said loudly: "Cao's army is now divided into two groups, and another [-] Cao's troops are blocking the way to Xuzhou's source. Now even if Xuzhou wants to rescue Xiaopei, I'm afraid it will be powerless."

"Folks, Xiaopei is an isolated city right now. I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for any reinforcements. If you can leave, let's leave as soon as possible." Lu Bu continued to advise.

After the words were finished, the people in the city gradually dispersed, leaving only a few people who stayed where they were, not knowing what they were thinking.

It is hard to leave the homeland, especially in this era, people's nostalgia for the homeland is particularly important.However, at this time, if you don't leave your homeland, you will be buried in your homeland.


The dismantled county guard's mansion.

"Ma'am, Lingqi, you go first. Only when you leave can I defend the city without distractions." Lu Bu was urging the two wives and daughters to leave Xiaopei.

"Father, Xiao Pei can't keep it anymore, right?"

"I just heard it in the city. That Xuzhou Mu Li Chen is greedy for money and lust, and he doesn't want to come to the rescue."

"Hmph, such a shameless person, how dare he call you a commander in chief." The heroic Lu Lingqi said indignantly.

"Your Majesty, take us away."

"Once upon a time, just like before." Diao Chan looked at Lu Bu, and said in a low and soft tone.

Lu Lingqi was furious, she was angry that her father was helping Li Chen to defend Xuzhou against Cao Jun's attack, but Li Chen did not come to support.

Diao Chan was praying, she was praying that Lu Bu could take their family away as before.

At this time, the only person who did not speak was Lu Bu's official wife, Yan Shi.She looked at Lu Bu with piercing eyes, as if she had seen through Lu Bu's thoughts.

"Dad has been traveling all his life, and finally found a place for you to stay. How could you lose it?"

"Lingqi is obedient, take your mother and Erniang first, and father will definitely guard Xiaopei." Lu Bu looked at his daughter and said dotingly.

"Father, I'm not leaving."

"I can fight too. Uncle Zhang Liao is no longer my opponent." Lu Lingqi shook her head and said stubbornly.

Lu Bu, father and daughter, are more stubborn than the other, and both of them are as stubborn as donkeys.

"Sir, you go out first, I'll persuade Lingqi." At this time, Lu Bu's wife, Yan Shi, said.

(End of this chapter)

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