Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 70 Who Can Resist This?

Chapter 70 Who Can Resist This?

Li Chenshi was planning to save Lu Bu, not to mention Lu Bu's character, even though he was sorry to the world, but this time he didn't let himself down.That being the case, Xiaopei had to be saved.

It's just that it's late at night, which is not good for the whole army, and Xuzhou soldiers need a good night's rest after a day's fighting.

After Liu Bowen arranged guest rooms for Diao Chan and Lu Lingqi, he also left on his own.

In the guest room, Lu Lingqi's face was ugly.She was eager to save her father at this time, but she didn't understand Li Chen's intentions.It's just that Li Chen treats Xiao Pei's affairs very coldly, and also thinks that Li Chen was originally a bandit, so he must be a money-grubbing and lustful person.

Lu Lingqi came along the way and didn't see a single soldier of Cao Jun, so Li Chen said that after fighting Cao Jun all day, the soldiers were exhausted.In her opinion, these words are just Li Chen's excuses.

Thinking about her father and mother, Lu Lingqi felt that she was the hope of the whole Xiaopei now.If reinforcements are not invited, I am afraid that Xiaopei will not be able to defend.

Thinking of this, Lu Lingqi bit her delicate lips, as if she had made some difficult decision.

Speaking of Li Chen, when he returned to the bedroom, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.Thinking of Xiaopei being in danger right now, Li Chen didn't feel sleepy at all.

The plot of the previous life was like this, Liu Bei temporarily took refuge in Cao Cao, while Lu Bu was surrounded by Cao Cao.

Lu Bu was defeated and beheaded at Baimenlou. The rest of the generals surrendered to Cao Cao, Chen Gong and Gao Shun refused to surrender, and they also died of martyrdom.

Although he decided to support Xiaopei, Li Chen was really not sure if he could save Lu Bu's life.

Now that it was decided to rescue Xiaopei, Li Chen also set Xiaopei as the battlefield for the battle with Cao Jun.Setting the decisive battle in Xiaopei can also prevent the flames of war from spreading to Xuzhou.

This battle is Li Chen's battle to become famous. If Li Chen wins this battle, he will definitely be able to rise in a short time and become one of the world's largest warlords.

Similarly, this battle is extremely important for Cao Cao.Whether Xuzhou can be won or not depends on whether Cao Cao can dominate the Central Plains in the future.

If Xuzhou is defeated in this battle, Cao Jun will lose 30 troops, and I am afraid that there will be no chance to plan another attack in three to five years.

Li Chen got up from the bed, put on his clothes, went to the study and studied the map.Thinking about how to fight this battle beautifully.

Talking about Lu Lingqi, she thought Zaisan felt that she couldn't wait any longer, and she had to persuade Li Chen to agree to send troops tonight no matter what.

Lu Lingqi left the guest room, and walked all the way to the backyard.The layout of mansions in this era is similar. Although Lu Lingqi has never been to Li Chen's mansion, it is still clear that it is the master's bedroom.

As soon as she entered the backyard, Lu Lingqi saw that the light in the study was still on, and she could vaguely see a figure in the study.

The study is an important place, under normal circumstances it is impossible for outsiders to enter, so Lu Lingqi judged that Li Chen must be in the study.

Thinking of being in Yunlong Palace before, Li Chen said that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to rest.But now he didn't sleep in the study, could it be that the phrase sleepy is implying something.

Thinking of this, Lu Lingqi couldn't help but blushed, and then lightly said: "What a womanizer."

Lu Lingqi had already concluded Li Chen's plot, although she felt a little reluctant, but when she thought of her father and mother who were in danger now, she couldn't care less.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Before coming to the study, Lu Lingqi knocked on the door of the study with trepidation.

"Who is it?" In the study, Li Chen put down the map in his hand and asked.

Outside the study, Lu Lingqi was stunned for a moment, then replied respectfully: "Uncle, it's me."

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.Not to mention that there are still people asking for it now, so even though he doesn't want to call this lustful man who is not much different from himself uncle, but he has to.

"Uncle?" Hearing Lu Lingqi calling himself that, Li Chen's first reaction was quite exciting, after all, this thing has the same meaning as calling him father.

Second reaction?He also felt that there was nothing wrong with calling him that way, after all, he and his father, Lu Bu, were considered brothers.

"The door is open, come in." Li Chen replied in the study.

"The door is not even closed, there is indeed a conspiracy." Thinking of this, Lu Lingqi couldn't help but lighten again.

If Li Chen knew that Lu Lingqi's inner drama was so rich, he would definitely scream in his heart.He's fucking at his own house, why don't he close the door if he has nothing to do.

Lu Lingqi walked into the study step by step, and then did not forget to bolt the door from the inside. After all, it would be embarrassing for others to see what was going to happen later.


Lu Lingqi bolted the door, and began to take off her armor and clothes without saying a word.

At this time, Li Chen was studying the map on his own, but he didn't care about Lu Lingqi.


Lu Lingqi's armor slipped off her body, and there was only a "plop", which was the sound of the armor falling to the ground.

Li Chen was awakened by this inexplicable voice, and then looked up, only to see Lu Lingqi standing in front of him wearing only red obscene clothes.

"???" Li Chen asked with a black face.Of course, her eyes were still staring at Lu Lingqi's exquisite figure.

"What did this girl grow up on?" Li Chen thought in his heart.

Among other things, just those two pieces of meat can be used as a meteor hammer.

In an instant, Li Chen already had a picture of the meteor hammer hitting his face in Li Chen's mind.

"Lingqi, what are you doing?" Li Chen said hastily.

Lu Lingqi took two steps forward, and then said with a pleading face: "Please also ask uncle to send troops to save my father."

Li Chen groaned in his heart, in the middle of the night, you just wear this and call me uncle.Who the hell can resist this chicken.

"Help, I didn't say no." Li Chen said hastily.

"I also ask uncle and uncle to send troops. I can give everything Lingqi has to uncle." Lu Lingqi took two steps forward and lay down in front of Li Chen.

Li Chen hurriedly pushed Lu Lingqi away and said, "What are you doing, put on your clothes quickly. Troops will definitely be dispatched, but no matter what happens, they must be dispatched at dawn."

Lu Lingqi was shocked: "Uncle really wants to send troops at dawn?"

Li Chen said with a dark face: "The troops will be dispatched at dawn, you put on your clothes quickly."

Li Chen felt that his vajra was about to burst, so he hurriedly urged Lu Lingqi to put the clothes on board.

In fact, it's not that Li Chen is not interested in Lu Lingqi, on the contrary, he is very interested in a girl like Lu Lingqi who is huge and full of wildness.It's just that now that his father is fighting against the enemy at the front line, if he continues to rescue him in the rear and gives the girl to him, it's really a bit shameless.

Mr. Lu Xun said that a gentleman loves sex, and he gets it in a proper way.If you like it, you like it, but you can't use these dirty methods.

(End of this chapter)

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