Chapter 71 Another one

Seeing Lu Lingqi put on her clothes, Li Chen's expression softened a little.He is naturally not a gentleman, but at least he is not a shameless villain.If they used the threat of rescuing Lu Bu to cause something to happen to Lu Lingqi, it would be worse than a beast.

Although this twisted melon can also quench thirst, it is not sweet after all.The present said that even with Zhen Mi in Li Chen, he was not too thirsty.

Lu Bu was defending Xuzhou against Cao Cao's troops in Xiaopei. Since Lu Bu did not defeat Li Chen, Li Chen naturally could not defeat Lu Bu.

At this moment, Lu Lingqi's face was flushed, and she felt uncomfortable all over.After all, she is still a big girl, if not to save her parents, how could she do such a shameless thing.

Li Chen glanced at Lu Lingqi, the little girl was so angry that she teased herself, so she naturally didn't look good towards her.

"Who taught you such methods?" Li Chen asked angrily.


"No one taught me. It is rumored outside that you are greedy for money and lust. I thought you didn't want to send troops to save my father because you wanted it." Lu Lingqi said shyly, somewhat hesitantly.

"Greedy and lustful?" Li Chen was stunned, why the rumors about him were actually greedy and lustful, shouldn't he be tall and mighty?

Li Chen really felt good about himself.

If Lu Lingqi could know what Li Chen was thinking now, she would definitely say, you don't have any b numbers in your heart.I don’t know how you started your business. Cao Cao’s father murdered someone, not to mention his family property, and even his daughter-in-law.

Isn't such behavior greedy for money and lustful?

Li Chen was also puzzled, Lu Lingqi obviously entered the city at night, where did she hear the rumors that she was greedy for money and lustful.

Could it be that this little girl made it up.

Li Chen thought of this, and asked, "Where did you hear the rumors that I was greedy for money and lustful?"

Lu Lingqi did not hesitate, and said innocently, "Xiao Pei? Does the whole city know about it?"

Li Chen's face was dark, looking at the innocent Lu Lingqi, he thought, do you think you are very humorous?

Hey, Li Chen feels that his personality has collapsed?
The greed for money and lust has even spread to Xiaopei. Damn it, the whole of Xuzhou may know about it now, and it may not be far from spreading to the whole world.

Li Chen felt that Luo Yangxing had to start investigating tomorrow, starting from the source, to find out who told the secret of his greed for money and lust.

Bah, who spread this rumor.

"Go back and rest first, I will send troops to rescue your father tomorrow morning." Li Chen issued an order to expel Lu Lingqi.

"Thank you uncle." Lu Lingqi bowed and saluted Li Chen.

It's called that, who the hell can stand it.

"Go, go." Li Chen urged Lu Lingqi to leave, without even getting up to see her off.

It's not that Li Chen doesn't want to send it off, the key is that it's a bit difficult to get up now.

After Lu Lingqi left, Li Chen felt uncomfortable all over. This feeling of wanting to eat but not being able to eat was really disturbing.

Li Chen forcibly pulled back the thoughts that came to him, and forgot about the plot of the meteor hammer hitting the face and a long spear hitting Huanglong.Forcibly began to enter the state of a saint, and began to look at the map to study the current form of his own side and Cao Jun.

In the side room, Diaochan in red was sobbing softly.Thinking that Lv Bu treated her well, but she didn't have the courage to stay with him, Diao Chan couldn't help but blame herself.

"Li Chen doesn't want to send troops, what should you do, Junhou?" Diao Chan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Suddenly, Diao Chan thought of when Lu Bu was entertaining Li Chen.Those big hands that hit her chest, and that big mouth.

Everyone's hands are black, but Li Chen monologues, so there is no doubt about who owns that big mouth.

Diao Chan is an extremely charming woman, and she is still very confident in her own charm.Thinking of this, Diao Chan couldn't help thinking of a way to persuade Li Chen to send troops.

"Your Majesty, you definitely won't blame me." Diao Chan said to herself, as if trying to convince herself.

Not long after, Diao Chan finished her crying makeup and walked towards the backyard.

Here, Li Chen has just entered the state for a while, and the hotness in his abdomen has just been suppressed.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The door of the study was knocked again.

"It's endless, right?" Li Chen thought it was Lu Lingqi again, and was speechless for a while.

"Come in?" Li Chen said while suppressing the anger in his heart.

The door of the study was pushed open, and it was Diao Chan who walked in, wearing a red dress. Judging from her makeup, it was obvious that she had been well-groomed.

If Lu Lingqi is a delicate and charming rose, then Diaochan is a blooming rose.


Diao Chan's process of entering the house was the same as that of Lu Lingqi. Both of them entered the house and then bolted the door.But the process behind this is different. A young girl like Lu Lingqi only knows how to take off her clothes when she comes in.

Diao Chan was different, as soon as Diao Chan entered the room, she sat on Li Chen's lap.Then she lay on Li Chen's shoulder and said softly: "If the commander-in-chief is willing to send troops to rescue Xiaopei, the slave family will be the commander-in-chief tonight."

The hot breath from Diao Chan's mouth was in Li Chen's ears, and the fragrance from her body was directly drilled into her nose.Seeing that Li Chen was about to do something worse than a beast, Li Chen ruthlessly pinched his leg to wake himself up.

"Don't ask, if you are asking, you will send troops at dawn."

"How decent is a woman, that's enough, hurry up and go back to rest." Li Chen pushed Diao Chan away from his mountain and scolded angrily.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief." Diao Chan bowed to Li Chen with some grievances.

After leaving the study, Diao Chan touched her face, thinking, maybe it is because she is old and her charm is no longer what it used to be.

After Diao Chan left, Li Chen felt mixed feelings.I can't help but slap myself a few times, damn it, I have to be a gentleman.If you don't eat the small ones, why don't you eat the big ones.

Thinking of Diao Chan, Li Chen finally knew why Cao Cao liked this.Damn, the ancients were generally younger when they got married.At Diao Chan's age, it is like a ripe peach.

"Damn it, don't read it." Li Chen dropped the map in his hand, then bowed and hobbled towards Zhen Mi's room.

After a fierce battle, Zhen Mi's room was like a war. After the battle, Zhen Mi lay on Li Chen's chest.

"Hmph, do you smell like two women?" Zhen Mi said coquettishly.

"Hey, those two women from Lu Bu's family have nothing to do to tease me. Fortunately, I am determined." Li Chen said angrily.

"Hehe, is your husband sanctified today?" Zhen Mi laughed.

"What are you talking about? Lu Bu was fighting the enemy on the front line, and if I insulted his wife and daughter behind his back, I would be no different from that Cao thief." Li Chen said seriously.

"Husband, I also think that Lu Bu must be saved. No matter how famous Lu Bu is, he has never failed my husband."

"My husband's family background is not good, so we should set an example of benevolence and righteousness. Otherwise, when he seeks high positions in the future, some people will use today's events as excuses." Zhen Mi persuaded.

Hearing Zhen Mi's words, Li Chen also understood why Zhen Mi could fascinate several men from two generations of old Cao's family.

There are countless beauties in the Three Kingdoms, Diao Chan, Cai Wenji, Xiao Qiao, Mi Zhen, Gan Mei, Lu Lingqi, Sun Shangxiang and so on.

In terms of beauty, these people have their own charms, but in terms of virtue, it must be Zhen Mi.This woman seems to be born to be the mother of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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