Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 72 The main force goes out to support Xiaopei

Chapter 72 The main force goes out to support Xiaopei

Holding Zhen Mi in his arms, Li Chen thought that the blind box for defeating Cao Ang's [-] troops had not been opened yet.How to say this is also a platinum blind box, it should be able to open good things.At this time, all reserves must be converted into hard power on paper.

Li Chen sank his thoughts into his mind, only to see a square box made of platinum in his mind.

[Whether to open the blind box. 】

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

"Yes." Li Chen replied with his thoughts.

[Open the Platinum Blind Box. 】

[Platinum level character, Yu Qian. 】

Li Chen: "???"

Seeing the character drawn out of the blind box, Li Chen couldn't help but smile wryly, Yu Qian, damn it, why don't you give me Guo Degang?
and many more?

Yu Qian?

It seems that there was more than one Yu Qian in history. Besides the Yu Qian who burned his head by drinking and smoking, there seemed to be one Yu Qian in the Ming Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, Yu Qian, styled Tingyi, was known as Yu Shaobao.As Minister of the Ministry of War of the Ming Dynasty, Yu Qian, Yue Fei, and Zhang Huangyan were called the Three Heroes of the West Lake.Being able to stand side by side with Yue Fei shows that this is extraordinary in Shaobao.

Yu Qian was a Confucian general, and he once wrote the eternal quatrains like "Don't be afraid to be broken into pieces, and stay innocent in the world".

Yu Qian's most famous battle was the battle to defend the capital, which was called to prolong the Ming Dynasty's life for 200 years.In the 14th year of orthodoxy, Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen led the country's elite division to face the destruction of the entire Oala army.At that time, the officials of the entire imperial court basically advocated moving the capital, but Yu Qian was the only one who firmly opposed it.

Li Chen checked Yu Qian's attributes in his mind, and seeing Yu Qian's attributes, Li Chen couldn't help but feel relieved.Just worrying that he supported Xiaopei, and Xuzhou City was unguarded, the blind box system gave him Yu Qian who was good at defending the city.

[Shaobao Yuqian: force value 75, intelligence 91, commander 92, politics 89.Special skills, stick to it. 】

From the data point of view, Yu Qian and Li Siye are both the characters of the Platinum Blind Box.Li Siye surpassed Qian in terms of personal force, while Yu Qian far surpassed Li Siye in politics and command.From the data point of view, Yu Qian is even more like a civil servant, but he has the ability to command large-scale operations.

It is indeed the style of the Ming Dynasty to use civilian officials to control military generals and to use civilian officials to command operations.This kind of characters who go to the court with literary ability and go to the battlefield with martial arts will only appear in that era.

He led the generals to support Xiaopei, and then handed over Xuzhou City to Yu Qian to guard. In this way, Xuzhou must be safe.You must know that Yu Qian has the attribute of sticking to it. Li Chen believes that after he leaves, no matter who comes to attack Xuzhou, Yu Qian will definitely be able to stick to it.Because no matter how unstable Xuzhou is, it will not be more difficult than the siege of the capital.

The next day.

The cock had just sounded, and it seemed that it had just passed the fifth watch.Yuwen Chengdu, Li Siye and other generals came to the Yunlong Hall one after another, and Li Chen had to order generals in the Yunlong Hall early in the morning.

All the generals under Li Chen's command are full of fighting spirit. What the generals look forward to most is war, and war is the stepping stone for the generals to become famous.

"Da da da."

As soon as Li Chen entered the Yunlong Palace, everyone looked at Li Chen with piercing eyes, their eyes were full of fighting spirit.There is no doubt that all of them hope to go to Xiaopei instead of staying in Xuzhou.

"Master Dian, Yuwen Chengdu invites you to fight." As soon as he saw Li Chen, Yuwen Chengdu immediately cupped his hands and asked for a fight.

As soon as Yuwen Chengdu called for a fight, there were voices of calling for a fight one after another in Yunlong Hall.

"Master Dian, Guan Sheng invites you to fight."

"Marshal, Li Siye please fight."

"Marshal, Sun Guan please fight."

"Master Dian, Zang Ba invites you to fight."

"Marshal Dian, my old Cheng also invites to fight." After everyone finished speaking, Cheng Yaojin's voice came out.

However, Li Chen felt that Cheng Yaojin's voice today seemed a bit leaky?
Li Chen turned his head and looked at Cheng Yaojin, only to see that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and two front teeth were broken.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin's miserable appearance, Li Chen reckoned that Cheng Yaojin must have gone to tease Yuwen Chengdu again, and then he was beaten into this appearance.

"Chengdu, are you beating someone again?" Li Chen looked at Yuwen Chengdu and said.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Yu Wencheng immediately came up with three consecutive denials: "I didn't, it wasn't me, don't talk nonsense."

Hearing Yuwen Chengdu's words, Li Chen couldn't help being a little puzzled. It wasn't Yuwen Chengdu's words, but who beat Cheng Yaojin into this appearance.

"Bite gold, who made you look like this?" Li Chen asked curiously.

"Marshal Dian, didn't I get beaten?" Cheng Yaojin said in a low voice, with some leaks between his words.

"Didn't someone beat him? Could it be that he fell?" Li Chen asked.

Li Chen broke the casserole and asked Cheng Yaojin, which made Cheng Yaojin a little embarrassed, but when Li Chen asked, he had to say it again.

He could only bite the bullet and explain: "I drink milk?"

"Drink milk?" Li Chen was surprised.

This is truly a world full of wonders. It is the first time I have heard of the fact that my nose was bruised and my face was swollen from drinking milk, and I even lost two of my front teeth.

Cheng Yaojin said with a resentful face: "I was really drinking milk, but who knew that the cow sat down while I was drinking it."


"You fucking drink like this?" Li Chen smiled wryly to himself, and said to himself, this is really an idiot.

It has to be said that Cheng Yaojin really has a talent for being funny, and his little episode eased the tension in the entire Yunlong Palace a lot.

After the roar of laughter, everyone was still solemn, and everyone was waiting for Li Chen to order.Although everyone hopes to be able to fight Xiaopei, they also know that Xuzhou City also needs someone to defend.

Li Chen glanced at the generals, and then said to them: "This time, you will go to Xiaopei."

Both go?

The generals were pleasantly surprised, but they were a little puzzled. If everyone went, who would stay in Xuzhou?

"My lord, if we all go, who will defend Xuzhou City?" Chen Deng hurriedly tried to persuade him.

At this time, you can't take the lead. Xuzhou is the place of the Fourth World War. Although Cao Cao is on the front.But it borders on Sun Jian, Yuan Shao and other forces.If everyone left, it would be difficult to protect Yuan Shao, and Sun Jian would not draw Xuzhou's attention.

"How about Yuanlong come to guard?" Li Chen looked at Chen Deng and said with a smile.

"No, no."

Hearing this, Chen Deng waved his hand and refused.He is still clear about how much Chen Deng weighs, and he is naturally capable of making suggestions and sorting out internal affairs.But if he is asked to command the army and defend Xuzhou, it will be difficult for him.

"Yuanlong, don't worry, I'll arrange an assistant with you, Xuzhou must be safe." Li Chen said, and called out: "Ting Yi, come in."

At this time, a handsome middle-aged Confucian scholar walked in.

"My servant is Yu Qian."

"I have seen the handsome man."

"I have seen my colleagues."

Seeing the person coming, Chen Deng understood in his heart that this must be another civil servant under Li Chen's command who will vote.At this moment, Chen Deng instantly understood Li Chen's intentions.Yu Qian had just joined and lacked prestige, so Li Chen arranged him as Chen Deng's assistant.

Chen Deng is in charge of Xuzhou's government affairs, and Yu Qian is in charge of Xuzhou's military affairs. In this way, even if he does his best, Xuzhou City will certainly have no worries.


"My lord, please don't worry, brother Ting Yi and I will stick to Xuzhou." Chen Deng clasped his hands and said.

(End of this chapter)

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