Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 73 Lu Bu is about to be tricked

Chapter 73 Lu Bu is about to be tricked

Below the city of Xuzhou, five square teams are neatly arranged. Each square team has 1 people, which is a full army of [-].

Among the [-] troops, except for the [-] veterans, the remaining [-] are recruits who have just experienced the defeat of Cao Ang's [-] troops.

This battle boosted the morale of the recruits, and they more or less had the meaning of elite soldiers at this time.Standing straight with their waists straight, they are full of morale.

The biggest gap between recruits and veterans is not in combat quality, but in morale.The veterans of all battles will not collapse no matter what the situation is, but the recruits are different. When the morale of the recruits is low, there is a high possibility of desertion, large-scale defection, or even camp screams.

The first battle under Xuzhou City boosted the morale of these new recruits. With [-] veterans and [-] new recruits, after rounding up, Li Chen's [-] troops are basically considered to be the combat effectiveness of elite soldiers.

It's not that Li Chen is reluctant to send troops, now with the captive Cao army, the strength of Li Chen's troops has far exceeded [-].However, except for [-] veterans, the rest are recruits and prisoners, and the combat effectiveness of these recruits and prisoners is worrying.

It is the best ratio to use [-] veterans to carry [-] elite soldiers. Once too many recruits are carried, it will affect the combat effectiveness of this army.

Under the city of Xuzhou, there are densely packed armies that have been prepared.At the forefront of the army are the generals under his command who are ready to fight.

Li Chen looked down, and couldn't help but slightly nodded.In just a few short months, he had grown from a bandit who only had a few thousand bandits in his hands to the Howling Yunlong Mountain.It has become a warlord who dominates a state and has a 10,000+ army in his hands.

I'm afraid, even if Cao Ah Man was thinking about it, he couldn't figure out why a bandit had grown into a warlord who could wrestle with him in just a few months.

Lu Lingqi was dressed in red armor, standing behind Li Chen, looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't help feeling a little shy when thinking about what happened last night.

"It was rumored that he was greedy for money and lustful, why did he agree to send troops to rescue daddy so easily?" Lu Lingqi thought suspiciously.

"Thank you uncle for your help. My uncle's kindness will never be forgotten by my Lu family." Lu Lingqi leaned in front of Li Chen and said softly.

Looking at this little goblin, Li Chen remembered those two big meteor hammers last night, and couldn't help but look fiery.

"Uncle, I will call you Uncle."

"Sooner or later, I will ask you to call me Dad." Li Chen secretly said in his heart, but he said unhappily: "I said saving your father will definitely save your father. I, Li Chen, have no intention of doing anything."

Standing on the city wall, Li Chen looked at his generals below the city. Now he can be considered to have many soldiers and generals, and he has both people and food in his hands.

If you're talking about fame, hmph, forget it, it's fine if you don't replace it.

As soon as his fame was mentioned, Li Chen immediately became angry, and he didn't know who spread the rumor that he was greedy for money and lustful.If I let myself catch him, I have to stuff him into the second kicker and jump into the sky.

"Brothers, although we defeated Cao's army, the front is Xiaopei, a hundred miles away from our Xuzhou city. General Lu Bu led an army of less than [-] people, and resisted the attack of the main force of [-] Cao's army for us."

"We are from Xuzhou. What we guard is our hometown. Behind us are our wives and children. But General Lu Bu, who is from Bingzhou, but he stayed in Xiaopei without hesitation and helped us fight Cao Jun."

"Brothers, tell me, should we support Xiaopei, should we save General Lu Bu?" Li Chen stood on the city wall with one foot on the wall and shouted aggressively.





The soldiers below the city shouted collectively, and the sound resounded through the sky.

"Okay, the whole army obeys the order, and send troops to Xiaopei." Li Chen stood on the city wall and shouted.

The mobilization of an army of 5 people is not a trivial matter, and it is not easy to operate the grain, grass and military equipment carried by the army.So even though Li Chen's army was mobilizing in an orderly manner, the entire marching speed was not fast.

This army of 5 people is walking on the road to Xiaopei. At the front and rear of the [-] infantry, there are [-] elite cavalry equipped with the three treasures of the cavalry, Xuanjiawei, Modaobing, and Infantry. The elite troops were guarding Li Chen's central army.


Before the sky was fully lit, Lu Bu brought Gao Shun who turned back, and Chen Gong and Zhang Liao were patrolling the city wall.

On the city wall of Xiaopei, there are exhausted soldiers, among them there are some Xiaopei people who have not left and participated in the defense of the city spontaneously.Among these common people, there are even half-grown boys and some elderly people who are dying.

"Xiaopei's people treat me like this, how can I, Lu Bu, bear Xiaopei's parents and folks down?" Lu Bu looked at the people on the city wall, and couldn't help but shouted to the sky.

At this time, Lu Bu's eyes were red and bloodshot, and it was obvious that he hadn't rested for a long time.

Lu Bu is trying every means to keep Xiaopei. Didn't he know that his three subordinates are already planning to sell him for a good price.

At this time, Song Xian, Wei Xu and Hou Cheng, who were resting on another city wall, seemed to be plotting something.

Song Xian looked at the two colleagues and said solemnly: "Two brothers, do you think we can keep Xiaopei?"

As soon as Song Xian finished speaking, Hou Cheng sighed and said: "Now there are only three thousand soldiers, but the Cao army under the city still has more than [-] men. What are we going to do to guard Xiaopei? In my opinion, when this At daybreak, I'm afraid that Xiaopei City will change hands."

Wei Xu looked at the two worried brothers and said: "The lord has the red rabbit horse and Fang Tian's painted halberd. If he wants to go to the world, no one can stop him. The big deal is to let Xiaopei go, and start from the beginning."

As soon as Wei Xu's words fell, Song Xian continued: "I heard that the lord doesn't want to leave this time, and it seems that he is going to live and die with Xiaopei."

As soon as Song Xian finished speaking, Hou Cheng also said: "My lord, it is good to have a red rabbit horse and Fang Tian painted a halberd, but we don't have one. If Cao Jun encircles us, we are afraid that we will surely die."

"Hey, what a pity, this Xiaopei is our burial place." Song Xian continued.

In fact, Song Xian and Hou Cheng saw that Xiaopei was about to fall, and they had secretly taken refuge in Cao Cao.They have already sold Lu Bu to Cao Cao, and at a good price.The reason why Wei Xu is bluffing with singing and singing together is to pull him into the water together.

Wei Xu controlled the scouts in Lu Bu's army, Song Xian and Hou Cheng's plan must have Wei Xu's participation, otherwise Lu Bu would definitely see the flaws.It is also because of this that the two spared no effort to win over Song Xian.

After the two sang together, Wei Xu was somewhat shaken in his heart, so he tentatively asked, "What are the two brothers' plans?"

(End of this chapter)

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