Chapter 74 The Three Traitors
When Wei Xu asked this sentence, Song Xian and Hou Cheng couldn't help being overjoyed.The two looked at each other, and then smiled at each other. They both knew that this matter was done.

When Wei Xu asked the two of them what their plans were, it showed that Wei Xu actually had the intention of betraying Lu Bu.Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.This is true even for couples who share the same bed, let alone these generals.

Plan, since Song Xian and Hou Cheng came to persuade Wei Xu, they naturally had a plan, and they planned to put Lu to death.

They wanted to take refuge in Cao Cao, but it can be said that Cao Cao's subordinates are like clouds and civil servants are like rain.Given their level, it is obviously not easy to get ahead under Cao Cao's command.

Therefore, if Song Xian and the others wanted to seek a high position under Cao Cao's command, they must come up with a weighty vote.At present, in Xiaopei City, the most important vote is Lu Bu's head.

But Lu Bu has the courage of all men, and as Lu Bu's subordinates, they know Lu Bu best.If you want to deal with Lu Bu, let alone the three of them, even thirty of them might not be able to deal with it.Therefore, if you want to take Lu Bu's head, you must use tricks.

When Song Xian and Hou Cheng contacted Cao Cao secretly, Cao Cao's counselor, who was good at conspiracies, was Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.A sure-fire plan has been made for them, but if they want to implement this plan, they must have the cooperation of Wei Xu, so this is the scene where Song Xian and Hou Cheng win over Wei Xu.

Song Xian lay beside Wei Xu's ear, whispering softly, and after a while, knowing smiles appeared on the faces of the three of them.

These three people are like stones in a latrine, they smell like each other.The three of them got together and made a total, Wei Xu immediately turned against him, and agreed to cooperate with the two to plot Lu Bu, and then joined Cao Cao together, using Lu Bu's head to find a good family for the three of them.

"Brother Wei Xuxian, don't worry, if this matter is accomplished, you will be the first to contribute. At that time, I'm afraid this official position will still be higher than that of our two brothers." Seeing that Wei Xu agreed, Song Xian patted Wei Xu on the shoulder and said. .

"The two elder brothers have flattered you. This matter requires the three of us to work together to achieve success." Wei Xu also bowed his hands towards the two of them, complimenting them.



The three of them complimented each other, as if they had fantasized about the days when they would be in high positions in Cao Ying, and they were inevitably a little smug.

The sun had just leaked out, and a pot was buried in Xiaopei City to cook food.Fortunately, Xiaopei is considered a wealthy place, and there is plenty of food and grass in Xiaopei city, so it is not a problem for the soldiers under Lu Bu's command to have enough food.

"Kick, kick, kick."

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Wei Xu, who was wearing an armor and a sword across his waist, came in a hurry.


Wei Xu called out, then leaned into Lu Bu's ear and whispered softly.

Hearing Wei Xu's words, Lu Bu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then beamed with joy.

"Xiao Pei is saved, Xiao Pei is saved!"

"Xiao Pei is saved, Xiao Pei is saved!" Lu Bu said in surprise, pacing back and forth.

"My lord, why are you so surprised?" Chen Gong asked a little puzzled.

"The military commander doesn't know, but our scouts have detected traces of Cao Jun's grain road. At least an hour later, Cao Jun's grain transport team will arrive. Now that Cao Jun has surrounded us, the grain transport team is very lax. If we burn Cao Jun's food and grass at this time, by then The morale of Cao's army has been frustrated, and if there is no food and grass in the army, the siege of Xiaopei can be lifted." Lu Bu said happily.

Wei Xu has been with Lu Bu for many years, so Lu Bu did not doubt Wei Xu's words, and Chen Gong also did not doubt Wei Xu's words.

"My lord, this plan is feasible, but we have no soldiers?" Chen Gong said after hesitating for a moment.

These days, Xiaopei's defense is getting more and more difficult. Now all the soldiers in the city are going up to defend the city, including Lu Bu's Bingzhou cavalry, who have already dismounted to serve as infantry.

But if you want to make a surprise attack on Cao Junliang Road, you must have cavalry. Now that there are not many troops in the city, it can be said that the defense is still difficult, so there is no spare power to raid Cao Jun Liang Road.

"Zhang Liao, how many of my Bingzhou iron cavalry do I have left?" Lu Bu turned his head and asked Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao's face was a bit ugly, and he cupped his hands in a low voice and said, "My lord, are you already less than a thousand riders?"

Lu Bu's face turned cold, and he said, "It's less than a thousand horses, how many horses are there?"

Zhang Liao was taken aback for a moment, and then said an accurate number: "780 riders."

"Hey." Hearing Zhang Liao's words, Lu Bu couldn't help sighing.

From the beginning of the crusade against Dong Zhuo who brought 780 Bingzhou cavalry into Luoyang, to the [-] Bingzhou cavalry when he entered Xiaopei, now there are only [-] cavalry left.

This is a total of [-] families, and there are so many orphans and widows in Bingzhou.

He Lu Bu, I'm sorry for the folks in Bingzhou.

"Zhang Liao, order [-] cavalry, and follow me to attack Cao Jun's food road." Lu Bu ordered.

"Five hundred riders?" Zhang Liao was shocked.

You know, according to the strength of your naturalized Cao Cao, the team that transports food and grass, including civilian husbands and soldiers, cannot be less than [-] people.Five hundred cavalry were going to attack the [-]-strong grain transport team. Zhang Liao felt that this was more or less like trying to hit the south wall.

"My lord, can't you?"

"My lord, I'm afraid it will be difficult for five hundred riders to accomplish anything." Chen Gong also hastily dissuaded him.

Lu Bu looked at everyone, and said with a serious face: "There are only 780 cavalry in the city. It is no different from taking 780 cavalry with [-] cavalry. The rest of the people should leave some seeds for me and the state cavalry."

"My lord, if not, let's stick to the city wall?" Chen Gong said solemnly.

"Don't talk too much, I will make a decision."

"Attack Cao Jun's food road and burn Cao Jun's food and grass. This is the only chance to defend Xiaopei."

"I have a red rabbit horse, and Fang Tian draws a halberd. Who is the greatest enemy in the world? If I can directly attack the enemy's central army and kill its general. If this happens, the enemy army will definitely panic. This may not be the case. Impossible." Lu Bu raised his head to look at the great sun in the east, and his aura was unmatched for a moment.

Unbeknownst to Lu Bu, the opportunity he regarded as his only hope was actually just a trap aimed at him.

"My lord, I'll go with you." At this moment, Gao Shun stood up with a resolute face, and said with cupped hands.

Gao Shun was taciturn. When Lu Bu made a decision, Chen Gong might persuade him, Zhang Liao might persuade him, but Gao Shun was the only one who followed Lv Bu to the death regardless of right or wrong.

"No, if I leave, there must be no generals in the city. You stay and take charge of defending Xiaopei." Lu Bu said sternly.

"My lord, I'll go with you." Zhang Liao cupped his hands and said.

Lu Bu nodded and said, "Okay, then Wen Yuan will follow me."

"My lord, let me go too." Just at this moment, another voice sounded, this person was Cao Xing, the master archer under Lu Bu's command.

"Okay, add Wei Xu, let's go four people." Lu Bu decided.

As soon as these words came out, Wei Xu was a little confused.He didn't want to go, but it was Lu Bu's plan. If he was found to be a traitor, it would not be difficult to take his head even if he was out of ten thousand troops.

(End of this chapter)

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