Chapter 75

It can be said that Wei Xu was shot while lying down. He definitely didn't want to go, but when things got to this point, Lu Bu had already ordered his general, so he had to go. If he didn't go, Lu Bu would definitely be suspicious.

Up to now, Wei Xu has no choice but to grit his teeth and follow Lu Bu to prepare the army for war.

It can be said that it is a very difficult task for anyone to use five hundred cavalry to attack a grain team of tens of thousands.Only an invincible figure like Lu Bu can have such lofty ambitions.

"Push, push, push."

Not long after, Lu Bu led [-] cavalry, walked around the north gate, and ambushed towards the predetermined ambush site.

"Zhang Liao, Wei Xu, the two of you, take people to see if there are any ambushes around?" After arriving at the ambush site, Lu Bu was not a pure reckless man.

Wei Xu felt uneasy. He acted according to Guo Fengxiao's strategy. Wei Xu didn't know exactly how Cao Cao set up traps.That's why Wei Xu was panicking now. On the one hand, he was afraid that Lu Bu's previous efforts would be wasted if he discovered the trap, and on the other hand, he was afraid that after Lu Bu fell into the trap, if he revealed himself, Lu Bu would kill himself first to vent his anger.

Zhang Liao and Wei Xu patrolled around, but found no ambush, so they went back to report.

"My lord, everything around is normal." Zhang Liao and Wei Xu replied.

"Okay, then let's ambush Cao Jun's grain team here." Lu Bu nodded and pondered.

About ten miles away from where Lu Bu set up an ambush, I saw a mighty grain team advancing slowly.

This food team is naturally not a serious food team. Except for the soldiers in charge of the guards, the peasants in the grain team are not actually peasants. They are all disguised by Cao Jun's elite soldiers.These goods immediately covered with tarpaulins are not food, but elite Cao soldiers.

A total of 2 people, Cao Cao mobilized [-] soldiers from the front in order to perform such a play.For Lu Bu, this battle was undoubtedly a fatal disaster.

Don't you, Lu Bu, claim to have the courage of ten thousand people? Well, how about I, Cao Cao, arrange 2 people for you.

1 people can't stop you, so what about 2 people.

I have to say that using 2 people to design 500 people led by Lu Bu is really your fault.

The lineup of this food transportation team can be described as very luxurious. The three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang are in the Chinese army. The three of them will be the backbone to deal with Lu Bu later.Cao Cao led Xu Chu and Cao Ren in the rear of the food team, ready to support the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang at any time.

Regardless of this, these soldiers are not just Cao Jun's elite troops.The soldiers at the rear of the grain transport team were all disguised by Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry.It can be said that in order to deal with Lu Bu, Cao Cao did his best.

"My lord, can Lu Bu be fooled?" Xu Chu, who was disguised as an ordinary soldier, muttered in a low voice. Beside him were Cao Cao and Cao Ren, who were also disguised as ordinary soldiers.

"This is Feng Xiao's plan, that guy Lu Bu will definitely die today." Cao Cao's trust in Guo Jia is beyond doubt.

"Report, my lord."

"Cao Jun's grain transportation team is less than three miles away from here." At this time, Lu Bu's scouts came to report

Immediately, Lu Bu ordered to Zhang Liao beside him: "When Cao's army arrives here, I will kill the enemy's grain transport officer as soon as possible, and cut down the enemy's banner. Wen Yuan, you lead people to wait for the opportunity to burn the grain and grass."

"Promise." Zhang Liao bowed his hands to obey the order.

Not long after, I saw Cao Jun's grain transport team slowly and unsteadily approaching.Lu Bu led the army and hid not far from both sides of the road.

"Kick, kick, kick."

"Kill, kill, kill."

Just when Cao Jun's grain transportation team was halfway, they could only hear the sound of rolling horseshoes and shouts of killing on both sides of the road.

In an instant, Lu Bu took the lead, leading five hundred cavalry from Bingzhou, and rushed towards Cao Jun's grain transportation team.Obviously, Lu Bu's target was the grain transport officer and Cao Jun's banner in the grain team.

Say it's too late, it's too soon.

Seeing Lu Bu coming towards him, Cao Jun's grain transport officer quickly retreated. At this time, only three cavalry rushed out of Cao Jun, and rushed towards Lu Bu.

These three people are none other than the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang.

"My lord, get out, you've been tricked." Zhang Liao hurriedly reminded Liu Guanzhang when he saw Liu Guanzhang shouting badly.

Lu Bu looked around, and saw that Cao Jun's tigers and leopards were already riding up on the two wings, and the soldiers hiding in the carriages had also come out from under the tarpaulin. There were more than [-] people.

Withdraw, how to withdraw now.

Seeing this scene, Lu Bu couldn't help but his expression darkened, and then he cheered up instantly.

"Wen Yuan, I can't go away. Cao, this is going to kill me. You wait for the opportunity to escape. If you can't escape, you can surrender." Lu Bu said, and went up to meet Liu, Guan and Zhang. .

500 people fell into the well-designed encirclement of 2 people. Even if Lu Bu wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of how to get out.

If he couldn't get away, then even if Lu Bu died, he had to tell Cao Ah Li that Lu Bu was not so easy to bully.

"Brothers, swear to follow the master to the death." Zhang Liao shouted, and followed in the direction of Lu Bu.

At the same time, the five hundred Bingzhou iron cavalry launched a suicidal attack on the [-] Cao army without hesitation.

Lu Buce immediately stepped forward, Fang Tian pointed at Liu Bei with his halberd, and shouted: "Liu Xuande, you, a descendant of the clan with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually took refuge in Cao ah and acted as a minion for a tiger."

Before Liu Bei could speak, Zhang Fei immediately became reluctant when he heard that Lu Bu had reprimanded his elder brother.

"Lu Bu, you, a family slave with three surnames, have no face to criticize others." Zhang Fei shouted with a broken voice.

"Good job Zhang Yide, today I will take your life." Lv Bu shouted loudly and charged towards Zhang Fei.

"A certain family is not afraid of you." Zheng Hua also yelled, and the black horse under his crotch was like a black shadow, moving towards Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's red rabbit is a rare horse in this world, and Zhang Fei's black horse is not bad. In an instant, the two shadows, one red and one black, were fighting together.

Although Zhang Fei is known as the fierce Zhang Fei, whether he is fierce or not depends on who he is fighting.It is fierce to fight Zhang Fei with others, but compared with Lu Bu, it is inevitable that it is not enough.

So, whether it's fierce or not depends on who you fight with and how many times you fight.

For example, if Li Chen fights with Zhen Mi who is new to human affairs, then he is also very fierce.But if he fights with someone like Diao Chan who has been a wife for several years, then he may not be very fierce.If he fought with Zhen Mi, Diao Chan, and Lu Lingqi, then he wouldn't be aggressive at all.

When talking about Lu Bu, Li Chen felt that Lu Bu was very powerful and admired him very much.The three heroes fought against Lu Bu, and Lu Bu fought three big men with high martial arts skills.Fighting three burly men at the same time, Lu Bu can still win.

Li Chen couldn't compare to this, he could only fight against Li Chen with three women, and the outcome was still very unpredictable.Although Li Chen's marksmanship is good, it can only be used to hit women.

(End of this chapter)

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