Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 78 Chen Gong Burns the City

Chapter 78 Chen Gong Burns the City

It can be said that Cao Cao took great pains to fight against Lu Bu.Not only did he transfer away a full [-] troops, he also transferred all the generals in the general.

Now, under Xiaopei City, Guo Jia is commanding an army of [-] troops, blocking the outside of Xiaopei City.On the city wall, Chen Gong and Gao Shun led about [-] remnants of defeated generals.

Guo Jia now has soldiers but no generals, so he didn't attack Xiaopei, but just blocked Xiaopei's city gate so that the people in the city could not escape, or supported Lu Bu.

Guo Jia is very clear, as long as his strategy works.Once Lu Bu was killed or captured, Xiaopei's battle would be decided.Attacking Xiaopei now will only increase casualties, and there is no need for it.

to noon.

On the city wall, seeing that Lu Bu hadn't come back for a long time, and that there were no fireworks rising in the distance, Chen Gong felt somewhat vigilant.

"General Gao Shun, my lord, I'm afraid something will happen." On the top of the wall, Chen Gong glanced at Gao Shun and said softly.

Gao Shun was taken aback, then asked, "Military Master, where did you say that?"

Chen Gong's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and he replied: "My lord has been away for two hours, and I think he should have encountered the enemy by this time. If it succeeds, there should be smoke rising in the distance. Now it seems that most of it was an accident."

When Chen Gong said this, Gao understood what he meant by the way.You must know that this Cao Jun grain transportation team transported 10 people's grain and grass. If Lu Bu succeeded, then as soon as the grain was burned, a raging fire would inevitably ignite.

But now, they stood on the wall of Xiaopei City, but they saw nothing.We didn't see the red sky burned by the fire, nor the black smoke all over the sky, which shows that the plan to burn grain was unsuccessful.

Lu Bu personally led 500 people to attack Cao Jun's grain team of [-] people. This is a mission that never returns.If you don't succeed, you will succeed.And now, obviously, it didn't work out.

"Military Master, I'll take someone to rescue the Lord." Gao Shun said eagerly.

"Save, how can I save?" Chen Gong asked back.

Chen Gong's words made Gao Shun's heart tremble suddenly, that's right, what Chen Gong said was right, save, how to save.At this time, there were only three thousand remnants and defeated generals in the city, and all of them were infantry.

Outside the city, there are tens of thousands of Cao Jun.Now I am afraid that as soon as they leave the city, they will immediately fall into the siege of Cao Jun.At that time, it will inevitably be the end of the destruction of the whole army.

"Military teacher, what should we do now?" Gao Shun had no idea at this time, so he could only ask Chen Gong.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Gong said: "General Gao, let someone fill the city wall with kerosene and pile up dry firewood. Even if I, Chen Gong, die, I can't let Xiaopei fall into Cao's hands."

Burning the city, Chen Gong made the decision to burn the city.Once Cao Cao gets Xiaopei, he can use Xiaopei as a bridgehead, and then further plot Xuzhou.

Now that Xiaopei can keep Cao Cao out of the city, once Xiaopei falls into Cao Cao's hands, the situation will be changed.At that time, Cao Cao can use Xiaopei to reject the enemy from the direction of Xuzhou, so that Cao Cao's food road will be completely safe.

Burn the city, burn the whole Xiaopei, since you can't keep it, then burn Xiaopei, and don't let this fortified city be used by Cao thieves.

I said this again, and I don't know why, Chen Gong's hatred for Cao Cao seems to be groundless, and you said that Cao Cao didn't do anything to him.From the very beginning, Cao Cao really wanted to ask him to be his military adviser, but Chen Gong was unwilling to do it, so he left Cao Cao.

I reckon, you see, when Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuo, then escaped and was arrested, Chen Gongfang was no longer an official, let Cao Cao go, and ran with Cao Cao.

This is like what, this is like a beautiful little girl falling in love with a dark, thin and short boy.The girl said, I don't want anything from you, I just want your character to be good.

Chen Gong is like this beautiful little girl, and Cao Cao is like this black boy. When Chen Gong abandoned his official position, he wanted to save Cao Cao. What he wanted was Cao Cao's righteousness of assassinating Dong Zhuo.

However, Cao Cao killed Lu Boshe's family because of suspicion, and said that he would rather let the world bear me than the world bear me.

Chen Gong is like this little girl who fell in love for the first time, and finally found that she misjudged the wrong person and her feelings were deceived.You say this Chen Gong, how can he not hate Cao Cao.

Under Chen Gong's order, the remaining [-] soldiers began to pour kerosene on the city walls, piling up weeds, dry firewood and other inflammable materials. After a while, the entire four walls of Xiaopei were all covered with kerosene. It was full of weeds.

The entire city wall exudes a very pungent smell of fire oil.

"Let's touch the other three walls first, and I'll stand here for a while." Chen Gong looked in the direction where Lu Bu was leaving, and muttered.


Not long after, raging flames ignited on the remaining three walls of Xiaopei.After the soldiers lit the fire, they all gathered on the front wall.The raging flames on the city wall make the city extraordinarily beautiful.

Xiaopei's city walls are glued together with bluestone and glutinous rice juice, and the filling outside the city is compacted loess.Thermal expansion and contraction, once the temperature of the city wall reaches a certain level.The loess filled inside the city wall will expand, and the city wall will be swelled and cracked, and the entire city wall will collapse.

As long as Xiaopei's city wall falls, even if Cao Cao gets Xiaopei, it will no longer be a fortress.It is useless to get it.

The city wall was poured with kerosene up and down, and dry firewood and weeds were piled up inside and outside the city wall. Under such circumstances, even a small spark, Xiao Pei, would turn into a sea of ​​flames, let alone someone deliberately ignited it.

At this time, the entire Xiaopei city wall, only the gate tower on the front, has not been ignited.

"General Gao, give me a torch, and you can take them to their separate ways." Chen Gong said to Gao Shun.


"If you are a scholar who is not afraid of death, why should I be afraid of death as a warrior. Today, I, Gao Shun, will live and die with this Xiaopei." Gao Shun said angrily, as if he had been humiliated.

"Swear to live and die with Xiaopei."

"Swear to live and die with Xiaopei."

The soldiers on the city wall seemed to have become indifferent to life and death, and shouted loudly together.

From igniting the flame to igniting the raging flame, this process is only a moment.Below the city, Guo Jia saw a fire ignited on the city wall, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.

Guo Jia knew that if Chen Gong was really asked to burn Xiaopei City down, then there would be no point in capturing Xiaopei.What they want is the strong city of Xiaopei as a bridgehead, not to kill Lu Bu, or to wipe out Lu Bu's more than [-] soldiers and horses.

"Quick, quick, order all the soldiers and horses to seize the city quickly, and we must put out the fire as soon as possible." Guo Jia's order was issued, and the entire Cao Jun barracks was exhausted.

In fact, it's not that Cao Jun can't attack Xiaopei.Now Guo Jia's troops are almost twenty times that of Xiaopei's defenders.In other words, a Xiaopei defender needs to defend twenty Cao troops.With such a huge disparity, let alone on the battlefield, even if you ask a Brazilian player to defend [-] Chinese players on the football field, he will not be able to defend enough.

The reason why Guo Jia has not taken the initiative to attack Xuzhou is because once Cao Cao wiped out Lu Bu, the small city of Pei could be broken with a snap of his fingers.But Guo Jia didn't expect that Chen Gong would directly burn the city without waiting for the result.In this case, Guo Jia didn't care about the casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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