Chapter 79 Li Chenwei Guo Jia (for subscription)
Above the head of Xiaopei City, a big fire ignited.Cao Jun came out with all their strength and came straight to Xiaopei.

"Soldiers, take Xiao Pei quickly."

"Quick, quick."

Excluding the troops taken away by Cao Cao, Guo Jia had a full [-] to [-] troops in his hands.Although the main general was not there, under the urging of the generals and lieutenants of various ministries, a total of [-] to [-] Cao troops rushed towards the Xiaopei city wall.

Enter Xiaopei City.

Gao Shun led the rest of the soldiers, and some civilians who were still on the city wall and refused to leave were defending.Once they are attacked by Cao Jun, they must put out the fire as soon as possible, and Chen Gong's plan will come to nothing.

The remaining soldiers shot arrows towards the city, and helped the defending people lift up rocks and roll logs and smash them towards the city.Soldiers on both sides shot at each other, and under the rain of arrows, Cao Jun climbed the ladder with his shield on his back.

How could three thousand soldiers plus a few thousand civilians be able to defend fifty or sixty thousand soldiers.The most important thing is that nearly half of these people are old people. They were exhausted, and soon the soldiers of Cao Jun climbed up the city wall while the rocks and logs were thrown down.

It was okay at the beginning, a small number of Cao Jun climbed up the city wall, and they were chopped into meat in an instant, but gradually Cao Jun was like a flood from the gate, and more and more Cao Jun climbed up the city wall, looking at the city wall. It is about to fall.

"Cao Jun, I don't care about your grandma." Just when the defenders on the city were about to lose their defense, an old man on the city wall actually jumped down holding a Cao Jun who had just climbed up the city wall.

"The Pei people are guarding Peicheng. Today, let Cao thief know the bloodiness of the Pei people outside." In an instant, another old man jumped down with Cao Jun in his arms.

"I'm seventy or eighty years old, half buried in the loess, what's the use of living, I'll go."

"Wait for me, I'm going too."

One after another, the old men jumped down holding Cao Jun who had just climbed up, and Cao Jun who was attacking below couldn't help but tremble with such blood.

These old people knew that they were old and frail, and they would be useless once Cao Jun climbed the city wall, so at this time they chose to jump into the city with Cao Jun in their arms.

These old men really stunned the attacking Cao Jun. They had just climbed up the city wall and just leaked their heads, and then an old man was waiting for them and jumped down again holding them.I have to say, this surprise is really a bit big.

All of a sudden, on the wall of Xiaopei City, one figure rolled down the other like dumplings.

"Quick, quick."

"The first one to capture Xiaopei will be promoted to general and will be rewarded with a hundred gold." Seeing that the soldiers' momentum was hindered and the attack was somewhat slow, Guo Jia's order was issued next.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. With such a generous reward, Cao Jun launched a fierce attack on Xiaopei's city wall as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

Gao Shun led the remaining people to start a bloody battle with Cao Jun, and a brutal tug-of-war broke out on the city wall. At this time, Xiao Pei was like a flesh and blood mill, and every inch of the city wall was stained with blood.

At the same time, more than ten miles behind Xiaopei, Li Chen was leading the Xuzhou reinforcements towards Xiaopei.Suddenly, he saw raging flames rising from Xiao Pei's direction.

"Master Dian, is it Xiaopei's direction?" Yu Wencheng said, pointing in the direction of the fire.

Seeing the fire in Xiaopei's direction, Li Chen felt bad. Since the city had been set on fire, it meant that Xiaopei had reached the point where he had to put all his eggs in one basket.

"Yuwen Chengdu, Cheng Yaojin, Li Siye, the three of you will bring your cavalry to support me quickly."

"Guan Sheng, you and the military adviser quickly lead the infantry on the way." After Li Chen gave the order, he led tens of thousands of cavalry in the direction of Xiaopei.

"What are you following?" Li Chen looked at the female general who rode his horse and followed. This female general was none other than Lu Lingqi.

"You can come, why can't I."

"Have you ever hit me?" Lu Lingqi said angrily.

Li Chenxin said, whether I can beat you or not depends on the occasion and how I fight.If it is on the battlefield, I will definitely not be able to beat you.If you are on a bed that is two meters in size, then you will definitely not be able to do it.If I'm wearing clothes, I'm sure I can't beat you, but if we're shirtless, the outcome is hard to predict.

I thought so in my heart, but I definitely couldn't say it, because I was afraid of being beaten if I said it, after all, I was so cheap that I didn't deserve a beating.Regarding attracting hatred, Li Chen still has self-knowledge.

Abandoning the infantry, the speed of the cavalry was much faster, and it didn't take long to see Xiao Pei in front of him.

Before he got close to Xiaopei, he could already hear Cao Jun's cry of killing on the city wall, which was deafening.It can be judged only from this cry of killing that Xiaopei is about to fall.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Cao Jun is attacking the city."

"The city wall has fallen, and the two sides are fighting on the wall." At this time, the scouts in Li Chen's army reported back.

At this time, Li Chen had already outflanked Xiaopei's rear, and they now circled to the hillside behind Cao Jun.

"Yuwen Chengdu!" Li Chen shouted.

"The end is here." Yu Wencheng responded.

"You lead five thousand cavalry to attack the enemy's central army head-on." Li Chen ordered.

"No." Yu Wencheng replied.

"Cheng Yaojin, Li Siye." Li Chen shouted again.

"The end is here." Cheng Yaojin and Li Siye responded in unison.

"You each lead [-] cavalry to outflank the left and right flanks." Li Chen continued to give orders.

"Promise." Cheng Yaojin and Li Siye ordered.

When the order was issued, more than ten thousand cavalrymen divided into three groups and surrounded Cao Jun with murderous intent.

In the middle of the Cao army, Guo Jia is commanding the main army to fight against Xiaopei. It seems that they will be able to completely capture Xiaopei in half an hour at most.

"Report" sounded a protracted "report", and a Cao Jun scout rushed in.

"Report to the military division. The back of our army and the left and right wings have been attacked by cavalry. Judging from the flag, it is the cavalry under Xuzhou Mu Li Chen." The scout knelt on one knee and clasped his fists.

"Okay, you Li Chen."

"It's because we underestimated you." Guo Jia's complexion darkened, and he said in a cold voice.

Guo Jia has repeatedly deduced Xiaopei's battle several times, and Li Chen's support army can be said to be beyond his expectations.In Guo Jia's view, the division of [-] troops is enough to stop Li Chen.Moreover, in his opinion, even if Li Chen defeated Cao Ang's army, logically speaking, he would not come to support Lu Bu?

Lu Bu's reputation is not good, and it is far less cost-effective to rescue Lu Bu than to watch Lu Bu and Cao Jun fight to the death.

If Li Chen knew what Guo Jia was thinking, he would definitely tell Guo Jia.I was also hesitant about this rescue at first, but Lu Bu's wife and daughter kept running to my room to undress.If I don't rescue them, I'm afraid they will squeeze me dry.

(End of this chapter)

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