Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 80 Xiao Pei's Rescue

Chapter 80 Xiao Pei's Rescue
Hearing this, Guo Fengxiao stood up like a sick child, and said solemnly: "Divide [-] troops on the left and right, and [-] troops in the rear. I must stop them firmly. Inform the attacking army ahead. , half an hour, give them half an hour at most, this Xiaopei must be taken down."

"No." The messenger next to Guo Jia led the order and left.

At the head of Xiaopei City, Gao Shun, covered in blood, was leading a few soldiers to fight Cao Jun in a bloody battle.At this time, the people who stayed on the top of the city to defend the city were all dead and injured, and Gao Shun's soldiers were less than a thousand.

"General Gao Shun, reinforcements, it seems that reinforcements are here?" At this moment, a soldier beside Gao Shun shouted.

"Reinforcement, where are the reinforcements coming from?" Gao Shun looked in the direction pointed by the soldiers under his command, and saw that Cao Jun was surrounded by densely packed cavalry.

From the black flag with Li characters in the cloud and dragon pattern, it can be distinguished that this must be Li Chen's cavalry.

"Military Master, Li Chen has sent reinforcements, Miss has invited reinforcements." Gao Shun shouted excitedly.

Hearing Gao Shun's words, Chen Gong's eyes, which were as dead ashes, suddenly lit up.

"Quick, General Gao, quick."

"Shoot out, lead the army to go out, let them save the lord first." Chen Gong was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

The reason why Chen Gong ordered to burn the city was because they were unable to defend the city, and they were unable to send troops to rescue Lu Bu.But now Li Chen's reinforcements are here, they are all cavalry, fully capable of rescuing Lu Bu.If the speed is faster, it may come in a hurry.

Seeing the arrival of the reinforcements, the morale of the soldiers who had regarded death as home rose one by one. They all had firm eyes and high fighting spirit.

"Brothers, since we can't keep it, we won't keep it."

"Brothers, fight out with me, fight out." Gao Shun waved the long knife in his hand and shouted.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The morale of the soldiers behind Gao Shun was high and they shouted in unison.

The thunderous shouts of killing resounded in Xiaopei City, and the rolling mountains and seas rushed towards Cao Jun like thunder.

There were Li Chen's cavalry in all directions, and Gao Shun's morale was high at the front, and he had already led the less than a thousand soldiers towards the outside of the city.

On the entire battlefield, the aura of killing came like a blood-colored dark cloud.

"Military division, the battle situation is not good?"

"Xuzhou Mu Li Chen's cavalry are all elite cavalry, and that young golden-armored general Wu Yong is not inferior to Lu Bu. Let alone half an hour, the defenders in the rear may not even be able to hold a stick of incense." At that time, a general of Cao Jun came to Guo Jia's side and said.

Guo Jia has been paying attention to the whole battlefield situation, he naturally saw that Li Chen's cavalry is extraordinary.How can a person as intelligent as a monster like Guo Jia not see the clues of Li Chen's cavalry.

"These cavalrymen are not elite, but the utensils they step on and sit on their crotches are extraordinary, so that they have combat power not inferior to elite cavalry." Guo Jia looked at the saddles and stirrups of Li Chen's cavalrymen. The importance of this thing is definitely not lower than taking Xiaopei.

"Military division, stop analyzing."

"Hurry up and move the camp. It won't be long before the young general in golden armor will be killed." The general next to him said eagerly.

The importance of Guo Jia and Cao Jun is probably known to everyone in the Cao Jun. If Guo Jia made a mistake, I'm afraid that one of them will be counted as one, and they will all be beheaded by Cao Cao.

At this time, Li Chen also saw Guo Jia.Standing under the banner of Cao Jun's central army, this weak scholar looks like a sick child.

"The genius Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao." Li Chen looked at Guo Jia's back and muttered to himself.

Guo Jia is definitely a counselor on the same level as Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen. Even in military terms, Guo Jia is better than Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen.

Liu Bowen and Zhuge Liang are all-round talents, proficient in both military affairs and internal affairs.And Guo Jia is different, Guo Jia is a person who is only good at military affairs.

The reason why Guo Jia is called a ghost is precisely because he does things in a powerful and unconstrained manner, completely without logic at all, and is as unpredictable as a ghost.

"Lingqi, I will entrust you with command of my Thousand Profound Armor Riders. How about you go and capture that sick scholar under Cao Jun's banner?" Li Chen pointed to Guo Jia's back, Lu Lingqi said.

"What did you call me? Who allowed you to call me Lingqi?" Lu Lingqi glared at Li Chen, her face flushed.

After pondering for a moment, Li Chen restructured his words and said, "My niece, I entrust you with command of my Thousand Profound Armor Riders, how about you go and capture that sick scholar under the banner of the Central Army of Cao Jun?"


"Huh." Li Chen hummed Lu Lingqi angrily, not allowing him to call herself Lingqi, and he took advantage of it.

Angry is angry, Lu Lingqi is quite envious of Xuanjia cavalry, this cavalry has only a thousand people, but it is far more elite than his father's Bingzhou cavalry.

"I'll snatch that sick scholar for you, why don't you give me this black cavalry?" Lu Lingqi bargained.

"Okay, it's a deal." Li Chen responded immediately.

Li Chen's straightforwardness can be said to have completely exceeded Lu Lingqi's expectations.

Li Chen said in his heart at this time, if I send you off, I will send you off. After I marry you, we will still be separated from each other.

"Drive, drive, drive."

Obtaining Li Chen's promise, Lu Lingqi immediately raised the spear in her hand, and led the Xuanjia cavalry to kill Guo Jia.

"Military division, let's go."

"A female general was killed in front of the battalion. She has a cavalry not inferior to tiger and leopard cavalry."

"Hurry up and lead the military division away." At this moment, a bloody general ran in, holding a set of ordinary soldier's armor in his hand.

While talking, he put it on Guo Jia's body.Among a group of black-armored soldiers, Guo Jia's pretense in white has little effect, but it really escapes the eye-catching, and it can even be said to be a living target.

As the daughter of Lu Bu, the number one military general in the Three Kingdoms, Lu Lingqi's force value is not low. She led the Xuanjia cavalry all the way into Cao Ying, as if entering the land of no one.

Several people who were protecting Guo Jia, who was disguised as a soldier, withdrew to the back. Lu Lingqi glanced around and soon found Guo Jia's whereabouts.
"Miss, ma'am."

"My lord led the army to attack Cao Jun's Liangdao. I'm afraid they were caught in an ambush. Hurry up and save my lord." At this time, Gao Shun also came out and passed the news to Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi was eager to save her father, so she didn't care about Guo Jia at this time, and hurriedly led the army towards Gao Shunzhi's direction.As soon as Lu Lingqi left, Xuanjiaqi naturally followed.

"What is she doing?" Seeing Lu Lingqi chasing after Guo Jia, Li Chen suddenly changed direction, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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