Chapter 81 How could I, Lu Bu, die at the hands of the two thieves Cao and Liu?

Li Chen watched Lu Lingqi turn around, and ran away with his Xuanjia riding.

I couldn't help being puzzled, but fortunately, Xuanjiawei came to report at this time: "Report to the commander-in-chief that General Lu Bu attacked Cao Jun's grain road and was trapped."

Lu Bu had fallen for it, no wonder Lu Lingqi was in such a hurry.However, since he came to support Lu Bu, he had to save him.

"Where are the military division and General Guan?" Li Chen asked the messengers on the left and right.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, the military division and General Guan have arrived at the periphery of the battlefield, and they can enter the battlefield at any time." A messenger cupped his hands and said.

After pondering for a moment, Li Chen ordered: "Order the cavalry to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner, let the infantry take over the battle situation, and the withdrawn cavalry rush to help Lu Bu immediately."

"No." The orderly received the order.

Xiaopei, in the city, the county guard's mansion.

At this time, the Sheriff's Mansion had already been demolished to pieces, and the only thing left was a few bedrooms.

"Ma'am, ma'am."

"The reinforcements are here, the reinforcements are here." Yan's personal servant girl ran in from outside excitedly.

"Really?" Yan Shi was also ecstatic.

"Really, Xuzhou Mu Li Chen has arrived with his army. It is said that there are a total of [-] troops, and there are cavalry, a lot of cavalry." The little maid looked happy.

"We won, so we won?" Yan muttered to himself.

When she saw raging flames on the wall of Xiaopei before, Yan's heart seemed to have fallen to the bottom of the valley, but now she finally has hope.

"Where is Junhou? Is Junhou safe?" Yan asked hurriedly.

"Your Majesty led the army out of the city to attack Cao Jun's grain road, Xuzhou Mu Li Chen has already led the army to rescue." The little maid said hastily.

"This side is good, this side is good." Yan said repeatedly.

On Lu Bu's side, under Liu Bei's yin and yang, Cao Cao had already given up his thoughts of taking Lu Bu for his own use.Cao Cao didn't keep his hand, and what was waiting for Lu Bu was all arrows.

The main reason why Zhao Zilong in his previous life was able to kill Cao Jun seven in and seven out in Changbanpo was that Cao Cao cherished talents and did not allow his soldiers to shoot arrows.Now that the arrows arrived, Lu Bu couldn't help being a little bit overwhelmed.

Lu Bu was hit by several arrows, and his shoulders, chest, and abdomen were pierced like a hornet's nest. Under the blood flow, Lu Bu couldn't stand it anymore.His body gradually weakened and he fell off his horse.

The bravery of Lu Bu is well known in the world, even if Lu Bu fell off his horse, no one dared to get close to him.The soldiers of Cao Jun pointed their weapons at Lu Bu from a distance and surrounded him in a circle.



Zhang Liao and Cao Xing wanted to kill Lv Bu when they saw Lu Bu fall from his horse. However, they had very little force left in their hands. How could they kill Cao Jun's heavy siege.

"Lu Fengxian, have you ever thought that you could fall into the hands of my Cao Mengde today?" At this time, Cao Cao and Liu Beile immediately stepped forward, looking down at Lu Bu who fell from the horse.


"Cao, Liu Xuande, how can I, Lu Bu, die at the hands of two thieves like you. Today, I, Lu Bu, will go first, and wait for your reunion in the underworld." After saying that, Lu Bu pulled out the long sword at his waist.The blade of the sword was across the front of the neck, and with a sharp blow, he killed himself in front of the battle.



"My lord!" Zhang Liao, Cao Xing's surviving Bingzhou cavalry, let out a heart-piercing roar.

Lu Bu was hit by several arrows, but he knew that the danger was more than good, so he committed suicide by killing himself unwilling to be humiliated.Although Lu Bu died, he struck the ground with his sword, and his body did not fall to the ground.The red rabbit horse circled back and forth around Lu Bu's body, not letting the surrounding Cao soldiers approach.

Seeing that Lu Bu was dead, Wei Xuxuan's heart fell to the ground. Taking advantage of Zhang Liao and Cao Xing's unpreparedness, he rode his horse into Cao's camp.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, I'm one of my own."

"Cao Gong, it's me, I'm Wei Xu." Wei Xu shouted as he rushed out to avoid being accidentally injured by Cao Jun.

"Let him come here." Cao Cao ordered the soldiers on the left and right.

Wei Xu rushed all the way in front of Cao Cao, got off his horse, knelt down and shouted: "I pay my respects to Duke Cao, no, I pay my respects to my lord. At the end of the day, Wei Xute will come and join me."

Looking at Wei Xu who was kneeling on the ground, Cao Cao nodded slightly, and said approvingly, "Wei Xu, right? I've heard about it. You have made great contributions to what happened today."

"Wei Xu didn't dare to take the credit, it's because the master is wise." Wei Xu said hastily.

"Wei Xu, you are a traitor. My lord just died at the hands of Cao thief, yet you actually accept the thief as your father." Cao Xing cursed.

Zhang Liao looked at Wei Xu with a gloomy face, and said angrily, "Wei Xu, you have already taken refuge with Bandit Cao, right? Today, you deliberately led the Lord here."

Cao Cao said that Wei Xu had made great contributions to this matter, and thinking of Wei Xu's various abnormalities today, Zhang Liao couldn't guess what happened.You know, in Lu Bu's camp, Zhang Liao is a rare wise general.

"Zhang Liao, a good bird lives here in Zemu. Lu Bu knows that Xiaopei can't keep it, but he still sticks to it. Isn't this the end of our brother's death? He Lu Bu wants to die, so I will fulfill him." Wei Xu didn't have the slightest bit of betrayal. Not ashamed, but bursts of words.

"Shameless." Zhang Liao didn't want to bother with him, but said coldly.

Cao Cao is obviously more interested in Zhang Liao than Wei Xu.Cao Cao looked at this picture of Liao, and said in a very kind tone: "Wen Yuan, Lu Bu is dead, you don't need to be buried for him, you might as well surrender."

Zhang Liao glanced at Cao Cao, then at Wei Xu, and then muttered, "It's not that I, Zhang Wenyuan, cannot surrender."

"Brother Wen Yuan, why are you so greedy for life and afraid of death? I, Cao Xing, misjudged you." Cao Xing raised his eyebrows.

"If you want me, Zhang Wenyuan, to surrender, you only need Cao Gong to behead Wei Xu and sacrifice his head before my lord's body, and I, Zhang Wenyuan, will surrender." Zhang Liao didn't care about Cao Xing, and finished his sentence on his own.

After listening to Zhang Liao's words, Cao Cao couldn't help being moved.In Cao Cao's view, let alone one Wei Xu, even ten Wei Xu are not as important as one Zhang Wenyuan.When it comes to martial arts, there are many people under Cao Cao who are superior to Zhang Liao.But when it comes to leading troops to fight, I am afraid that only Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren under Cao Cao's command can compete with Zhang Liao.

There are two types of generals, one is the brave general who is brave in front of the battle and can improve the morale of the soldiers at the forefront, and the other is the wise general who is familiar with the art of war and proficient in leading troops.Obviously, Zhang Liao is a rare wise general.

And there is an upgraded version of the wise general, that is, the commander who is in the midst of strategizing and decisively winning thousands of miles away, such as Bai Qi, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Han Xin, etc. Only such people who can command hundreds of thousands or millions of troops at the same time can be called From a handsome word.

Looking at the entire Eastern Han Dynasty today, it seems that there is no one who can be called handsome.As for Li Chen, the commander-in-chief, it is just a humble (shameless) self-proclaimed name.

(End of this chapter)

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