Chapter 82

When Cao Cao hesitated, Wei Xu panicked.The reason why he betrayed Lv Bu and defected to Cao Cao was the reason why he betrayed the master's infamy.For what, in order to survive ah.But now it seems that Cao Cao is quite moved to exchange his head for Zhang Liao's refuge. If Cao Cao kills himself, then he will be at a loss.

Wei Xu stood under the horse, his body trembling slightly, he was like a prisoner, waiting for Cao Cao's trial.

This kind of feeling that life and death are in the hands of others is really bad, Wei Xuru's back is covered, and cold sweat drips down his forehead one after another.

"Ming Gong, is this impossible?"

"Wei Xu is a hero. If you kill him, it will inevitably make all the generals feel disappointed. I am afraid that Duke Ming will be infamy." At this moment, Liu Bei persuaded him.

Boss Cao obviously doesn't care about infamy or not.After all, he was able to say that he would rather let the world down than the world down on me. In this case, it can be seen that Boss Cao is a person who doesn't care much about other people's opinions.

After Liu Bei finished speaking, Cao Cao remained unmoved, as if he was really weighing whether to kill Wei Xu.Cao Cao doesn't pay attention to reputation, he pays attention to interests.In Cao Cao's view, killing Wei Xu, a [-]-year-old boy, in exchange for Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan is simply a cost-effective business.

When talking about Liu Bei, is he really thinking about Cao Cao's reputation?Of course not, what kind of attribute is Liu Bei?

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Cao Cao, Liu Bei had an idea, winked at Wei Xu, and then said to Cao Cao: "Ming Gong, you really can't kill Wei Xu. This is in the army. If you break your promise and kill him Wei Xu, who among these soldiers will dare to fight for you in the future?"

The instinct to survive is huge. Driven by this survival force, Wei Xu, who was not very smart at first, actually understood Liu Bei's meaning.

As soon as Liu Bei's words fell, Wei Xu immediately yelled: "Cao Gong, I tricked Lu Bu here, so you can win the battle. Without me, you can't win."

"Cao Gong, you can't kill me, I have made great achievements."

"If you kill me today, who will dare to die for you in the future, who will dare to make meritorious deeds?"

Wei Xu raised his voice and yelled so loudly that the soldiers all around looked towards him.Many soldiers whispered to each other and whispered.

"Can't kill."

"Where is the murderer?"

"Yes, it must not be killed."

Cao Jun's soldiers murmured repeatedly, but in general they all thought that Wei Xu could not be killed.Wei Xu is a second-five boy to Lu Bu's side, and a traitor like Wei Xu is actually difficult to be reused to a large extent.

But not reusing it is a different matter from cutting it before the battle.What is important on the battlefield is not brotherly uprising, nor human sophistication.What is important on the battlefield is military discipline and order.Those who have meritorious service must be rewarded, and those who have done wrong must be punished.Only in this way can the soldiers return to their hearts.

Wei Xu was a traitor to Lu Bu, and a hero to Cao Cao.Killing the heroes before the battle made the rest of the soldiers dare to make meritorious deeds in the future.

This kid Liu Bei is still shady after all, it would be fine if Cao Cao killed Wei Xu quietly.Now being disturbed by Liu Bei, Wei Xu yelled at him.Now the soldiers on the entire battlefield heard it, and all eyes were on this place.

Now Cao Cao is in a difficult situation. Now he is like being roasted on the fire. If he agrees to Zhang Liao's conditions, it will be a waste of military discipline, and there will inevitably be quite a lot of complaints in the army.

"My lord, Xuzhou is my subordinate. We can't lose sight of one because of Zhang Wenyuan." At this time, Cao Ren leaned over to Cao Cao and said.

Cao Ren is Cao Cao's family general, and can even be said to be Cao Cao's brother.Cao Cao still listened to Cao Ren's words.

Cao Ren's words were straightforward, it's not that Wei Xu couldn't be killed.But Xuzhou City has not been captured yet. If the hero is killed before the battle, the soldiers will definitely not work hard at that time, and Xuzhou City will not be easy to take by then.The weight of Zhang Wenyuan naturally cannot be compared with Xuzhou City.

"Who said I'm going to kill you? How could I, Cao Mengde, treat a hero like this?" Cao Cao squinted his eyes and shouted.

Although he said that he would not treat heroes like this, anyone who knew Boss Cao knew that as soon as this guy's small eyes narrowed, it was obvious that he had murderous intentions.It is now before the battle, and Wei Xu cannot be killed in front of the army, but obviously Wei Xu will not survive a few episodes.

"Zhang Wenyuan, Wei Xu cannot be killed today. If you surrender, I, Cao Mengde, promise not to treat you badly, how about it?" Cao Cao continued to try to persuade him to surrender.

"Since that's the case, then don't talk too much, let's see the truth today." Zhang Liao snorted coldly.

"Cao Ren, Xu Chu, you two bring people up and try to capture Zhang Wenyuan alive for me." Cao Cao ordered.

"Promise." Cao Ren and Xu Chu took orders and led their troops to surround Zhang Liao.

When it comes to heads-up, let alone Cao Ren and Xu Chu, even Zhang Liao can't beat them.In an instant, this remnant Lu Bu army, with only a few dozen people left, fell into a certain death.

However, there is no way out in the mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and flowers.

"Lv Lingqi is here, the two thieves Cao and Liu are coming quickly." With a coquettish shout, only the sound of horses' hoofs rolling, led by a female general, a group of Xuanjia cavalry with more than a thousand people charged forward.

"Ming Gong, how is this woman?" Liu Bei asked Cao Cao.

"Don't like it?" Cao Cao blurted out.

Cao Cao said in his heart, although he is quite handsome, I don't like such tender buds. I still prefer that kind of plump woman, preferably someone else used it.

Liu Bei's face darkened, and he said in his heart, "I didn't ask you if you like it or not, I asked you how to deal with it."

"Dr. Cao, Zhang Liao's reinforcements are here, let General Cao Ren and General Xu Chu destroy Zhang Liao as soon as possible." Liu Bei said seriously.

"Ahem." Cao Cao knew that he might have misunderstood, so he coughed dryly twice to ease his embarrassment.Then he laughed loudly and said: "Xuande, how much can a mere thousand people affect the overall situation? If there is an elite soldier of thousands of riders, it's not too late for us to be nervous."

As far as Boss Cao's mouth is concerned, he is as if he had opened his mouth.As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, he saw cavalry encircled and suppressed in all directions.The number of cavalry is no more than ten thousand fine cavalry.

"Yu Wencheng is here, who can fight a battle." Yu Wencheng rode a golden armor and rushed towards the Chinese army at the head of the horse.

"Yuwen Chengdu's brother, Cheng Yaojin is here, who can fight my brother Yuwen Chengdu." Cheng Yaojin brandished two axes, followed closely behind Yuwen Chengdu, and killed towards the Chinese army.

(End of this chapter)

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