Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 83 Cao Xing Chases Wei Xu

Chapter 83 Cao Xing Chases Wei Xu
Seeing that Yu Wencheng took the lead, followed by more than [-] cavalrymen, all of them looked at Cao Cao.Now everyone can't wait to sew his mouth shut, and they didn't forget to knock out his teeth before the sew.

Behind Yu Wencheng, more than [-] elite cavalry came, cutting a hole in Cao Jun's camp almost instantly.

[-] infantry are definitely not enough to stop more than [-] elite cavalry, so there is no doubt that Cao Jun will be defeated as soon as the two sides collide head-on.

"Collect the troops, retreat first, retreat first." Cao Cao's order was issued, and Cao Jun began to gradually shrink his defense, as if he wanted to use a dense army formation to block the cavalry's attack.

"Father." Coincidentally at this moment, Lu Lingqi's cries resounded through the heaven and earth.

Hearing the heart-piercing cries, Li Chen screamed in his heart that something was wrong.

As soon as Cao Jun retreated, Zhang Liao and Wei Xu were naturally out of trouble.

"Brother Wen Yuan, go and protect Miss, and I'll kill that bastard Wei Xu." After Cao Xing finished speaking, before Zhang Liao could answer, he got on his horse and chased in the direction Wei Xu was fleeing.

There is not much difference between Wei Xu and Cao Xing in martial arts, but Cao Xing's arrow technique is much better than Wei Xu's.

Cao Xing shot several arrows one after another, blocking Wei Xu's escape route, and finally blocked him.

"Wei Xu dog thief, you run, you run, I will let you run 39 steps first." After finishing speaking, Cao Xing raised his sword and rushed towards Wei Xu.

Although the two were equal in terms of martial arts, Wei Xu betrayed Lu Bu and now he is a guilty conscience, so he did not dare to fight Cao Xing.Facing Cao Xing's fierce attack, Wei Xu had no choice but to fend off in a panic.

Cao Xinggong, Wei Xushou, the two of them fought back and forth and it was so lively.Wei Xu wanted to leave, but Cao Xing really wanted to kill him.As far as Cao Xing is concerned, although his martial arts can only be regarded as a second-rate general, he is a ruthless person.Now he is attacking Wei Xu desperately, all his moves are offensive but not defensive, it seems that he wants to exchange his life with Wei Xu.

Wei Xu was afraid, Cao Xing was not afraid of death, he was afraid of death, if he was not afraid of death, he would not have betrayed Lu Bu.

"Cao Xing, you're never finished. Lu Bu is dead, why are you staring at me?" Wei Xu shouted.

"You still have the guts to say that the lord is dead. If it weren't for you, how could the lord die. Xuzhou Mu Li Chen has come to help. If you hadn't brought the lord out, none of us would have died." Cao Xing glared, holding The big knife slashed at Wei Xu one after another.

Cao Xing's saber is neither fast nor subtle, there is only one word, that is ruthless, he is trading wounds for wounds, life for life.

"Cao Xing, you may not be stronger than me, we will really lose both sides if we fight." Wei Xu persuaded him kindly.

"Stop talking nonsense, today the two of us, either you go down to see the lord, or I go down to see the lord."

"If you don't fight to the death, I, Cao Xing, have no face to face the lord." Cao Xing shouted, and raised his knife to kill Wei Xu.

Wei Xu also knew that Cao Xing was playing on the edge of his horn. Today, the two of them will come together regardless of gender. I'm afraid that Wei Xu won't be able to drag him off today.

The two fought for another thirty rounds, and Wei Xu stabbed Cao Xing in the abdomen.At this time, if Cao Xing wanted to avoid the spear, he had to block it with his sword.At that time, Wei Xu can knock Cao Xing down as long as he changes stabbing to sweeping.Once Cao Xing falls, Wei Xu can take the opportunity to escape.

However, the dream is very full, the performance is very skinny, and the plan is good, but it cannot keep up with the changes.

To Wei Xu's surprise, Cao Xing did not withdraw his saber to block. Facing the shot that stabbed him in the lower abdomen, instead of dodging, Cao Xing went straight to meet him, and then he slashed at Wei Xu's body on the left arm.


Wei Xu's left arm was chopped off by Cao Xing, and he couldn't help but let out a heart-piercing roar.However, Cao Xing was shot through the abdomen by Wei Xu, obviously not feeling well, and his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

"Cao Xing, are you fucking crazy?" Wei Xu said through gritted teeth.

Although Wei Xu lost an arm, Cao Xing's injury was even worse than Wei Xu's.The broken arm was a traumatic injury, but it's hard to say that Wei Xu's shot didn't reach Cao Xing's internal organs.

With such an exchange of injuries, the possibility of Cao Xing's death is probably far higher than that of Wei Xu.


"A person who betrays his master, death is not a pity." Cao Xing spat out a mouthful of blood and cursed angrily.

"Yes, it's true that I'm a betrayer, but he, Lu Bu, isn't a betrayer. Ding Yuan, didn't he kill Dong Zhuo?"

"Cao Xing, you and I have worked together for many years, and you turned a blind eye to the brotherhood. You actually want to kill me for a Lu Bu." Wei Xu roared hysterically.

"Brotherhood, haha."

"Who is brother to you Wei Xu, how can a man be brother to a beast."

"I'm warning you, Wei Xu, speak well and don't scold others." Cao Xing laughed loudly, and suddenly fell off his horse.

Obviously, Wei Xu's shot hit Cao Xing's internal organs, and Cao Xing suffered far more serious injuries than Wei Xu.

"Drive, drive, drive."

When Wei Xu saw Cao Xing fell off his horse, he couldn't care less about anything else at this moment, feeling that the horse was running away.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and today's Cao army is defeated like a mountain.As soon as Lu Bu died, Yuwen Chengdu now became the well-deserved number one brave general in the world.Under the leadership of Yuwen Chengdu, this entire army is just one word, that is reckless.

As the saying goes, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. At this time, Li Chen and Cao Cao's army met on a narrow road, and now the word brave is obviously on Li Chen's side.


"Go over there," said Cao Xing, who had just been rescued from the battlefield by a military doctor, pointing in the direction where Lu Bu died.


"The last general is incompetent. He failed to kill Wei Xu, the man who betrayed his master, but just cut off his arm." Cao Xing put Wei Xu's severed arm in front of Lu Bu's body, and said in a weak voice.

"Thank you, Uncle Cao."

"Wei Xu is a thief, I will kill him with my own hands." Lu Lingqi gritted her teeth.

"Hurry up, carry it down for treatment, and save General Cao at all costs." Li Chen directed towards the military doctor.

Li Chen couldn't help but feel a little distressed when he saw the crying Lu Lingqi. The key point is that his father died, so Li Chen has no experience in comforting him.

You can't say that although your father is dead, you can call me father in the future.

Bah, why call him daddy in the future? Both of us will be boring in the future, so we definitely won't be called daddy anymore.

This, it should be a few days ago, called Dad.After all, the two of them were very thirsty a few days ago, so they must be called whatever they want.

It seemed that the occasion was not right, so Li Chen quickly stopped his messy thoughts.Then he walked in front of Lu Bu's corpse and said solemnly, "Brother Fengxian, you go all the way well. I, Li Chen, will take good care of your wives and children. One day, I will kill the two thieves Cao and Liu. revenge for you."

(End of this chapter)

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