Chapter 90
Cao Cao was right. Although he was not reconciled, what's the use of not being reconciled.The army with a sound organization now is the 10 people in the hands of the second son Cao Pi.The key point is that these [-] soldiers are far from elite.

Although he claims to have millions of soldiers wearing armor, this is just a claim, and it is already enough to have 80 million soldiers.But in the same way, the territory is big, and it needs to be defended.

He, Cao Cao, always wants to take a bite of Xuzhou's fat, but in the eyes of others, he, Cao Cao, is not a piece of fat.

The soldiers guarding the various passes cannot move, so even if he mobilizes all the soldiers he can use, he will only add tens of thousands of horses.However, it is obvious that this is a drop in the bucket for the entire battlefield.

Seeing Cao Cao's sad face, Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "My lord, do you want to read my words carefully?"

Cao Cao pondered for a moment, then asked Guo Jia, "Does Feng Xiao have a plan?"

What Guo Jia said just now meant that Xiaopei could not fight for the time being, not that he could not fight anymore.

Guo Jia smiled, and confidently said to Cao Cao: "If I invite 30 elite soldiers to attack Xuzhou for the Lord, Li Chen's rear will be tight, and he will definitely withdraw his troops to help. At that time, Xiao Pei will be able to fight again."

"What nonsense did Feng Xiao say, why are there still 30 elite soldiers?" Cao Cao asked very puzzled.

"We don't, but Yuan Shao does?" Guo Jiayan said.

"Yuan Shao, just how could Yuan Shao help us?" Cao Cao became more and more puzzled.

You know, last year, Cao Cao was still fighting with Yuan Shao.Although he and Yuan Shao were young, they peeked at the friendship between the widow taking a bath together, but the relationship between the two is very tense now.

Cao Cao had beaten Yuan Shao all over his head two years ago, and now it was Cao Cao's turn to be beaten all over his head by Li Chen. At this time, Yuan Shao would be fine if he didn't read Cao Cao's jokes, how could he send troops to help him.

Guo Jia asked Cao Cao very seriously: "Master, do you think Li Chen is difficult to deal with, or Yuan Shao is difficult to deal with?"

Regarding this question, Cao Cao didn't even hesitate for a second, and blurted out: "Of course Li Chen is difficult to deal with."

Cao Cao is too familiar with Yuan Shao, the two grew up together when they were young.When they were young, they dug out the bird's nest together and peeked at the widow taking a bath.Among Lingdi's eight captains in Xiyuan, Yuan Shao was a lieutenant in the Chinese Army, and Cao Cao was a lieutenant in the Dian Army. It can be said that they have carried guns together.As for whoring together, that's not to mention.The two have gone to brothels together countless times, and it is estimated that both of them have played Russian roulette together.

It is precisely because Cao Cao is so familiar with Yuan Shao that Cao Cao has won many battles over the years.In Cao Cao's view, Yuan Shao was resourceful and indecisive. To put it bluntly, he thought too much, but he couldn't decide to pay attention.

In Cao Cao's eyes, Yuan Shao was worthless except for his status as the fourth generation and third prince.To deal with such a person, you should lay out a few suspicious tactics. After he figured it out, the day lily will be cold.

But Li Chen is different, Li Chen is a bandit.His style of doing things is just one word, reckless, reckless fighting like a reckless man.Just like the so-called punching the old master to death, Li Chen's behavior made Cao Cao completely unable to guess what he was going to do next.

"My lord, I have a plan. If this plan works, we can take Xiao Pei in one fell swoop. Even in a bad situation, Xiao Pei will fall into our hands, and Xuzhou will fall into Yuan Shao's hands." Guo Jia mused.

Hearing this, Cao Cao rejoiced and said, "The plan will be safe?"

In Cao Cao's view, let alone Xiaopei and Xuzhou have fallen into his hands.It was Xiaopei's bridgehead that allowed Yuan Shao to win Xuzhou, which was a great thing for Cao Cao.

Now Cao Cao is fighting Yuan Shao to show his experience. In Cao Cao's view, Xuzhou fell into Yuan Shao's hands, and it was no different from falling into his hands.

"General Zixiao, bring me the map." Guo Jiawei couldn't walk because of his legs, so he could only order Cao Ren to bring the map.

Cao Ren quickly took down the map and spread it on the low table.

Guo Jia pointed in the direction of Xuzhou: "Look, my lord, Xuzhou is very important to us, but it is also the same for Yuan Shao. Xuzhou's position just divides the chassis of the Yuan Shao brothers into two halves."

"Tao Qian is mediocre and incompetent. If Tao Qian were in power in Xuzhou, he would naturally be able to live in peace with the Yuan family. But Li Chen is different from Tao Qian. This person is very aggressive. We just need to send someone to Yuan Shao to spread rumors."

"As long as the theory of Li Chen's threat comes out, and after people spread the news that Xuzhou is at its best at this time, Yuan Shao will inevitably not be tempted."

"Feng Xiao, Yuan Shao is more resourceful than decisive. Now that we are at war with Li Chen, I'm afraid he might not easily send troops?" Cao Cao pondered.

Guo Jia explained: "My lord, you have forgotten someone. Yuan Shao has a close friend of yours under his command."

"Xu You?" Cao Cao suddenly realized.

Xu You, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were both young. After the two rose to power one after another, Xu You chose to take refuge in Yuan Shao, who was four generations and three princes.Since he had made friends with Yuan Shao when he was young, Yuan Shao still used him very much at this time.

Cao Cao knew Yuan Shao, and he also knew Xu You. Xu You was a man who was fond of wine and greedy for money. As long as the price was high, he would certainly be able to use it for him.

"Feng Xiao is a good strategist, Xu You is greedy for money. As long as we are willing to spend the capital, we will be able to persuade Yuan Shao to send troops." Cao Cao said ecstatically.

"My lord, since this is the case, we will act according to the plan. On the one hand, we will send people to bribe Xu You, and on the other hand, we will gather the defeated troops and withdraw to Qiao County to wait and see. Once Yuan Shao sends troops to Xuzhou, we will send troops to Xiaopei immediately. In this way, this plan can be accomplished." Guo Jia said confidently.


"I have to be filial, and I really won a million soldiers." Cao Cao laughed loudly.

Cao Cao's side is going to gather the rout, so Liu Bei on the other side is also planning to do the same.

The three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang, together with Sun Qian, Jian Yong, Mi Zhu and others are all here at the position tens of miles away from Cao Cao.

"My lord, what are we going to do?" Sun Qian asked Liu Bei.

Sun Qian and Jian Yong can only be regarded as lobbyists, and they can come up with small ideas usually, but it is really difficult to grasp the general direction.

"Zizhong, what do you think?" Liu Bei naturally had no idea, so he asked Mi Zhu.

"My lord, would you like to send me under the fence." Mi Zhu asked.

There is no doubt that Liu Bei naturally didn't want to.Not to mention an ambitious person like Liu Bei, even ordinary people, no one likes the feeling of being dependent on others.

"This, if you can stand on your own, it would be great." Liu Bei mused.

"My lord, this is an opportunity." Mi Zhu said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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