Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 91 Backstabbing Liu Xuande

Chapter 91 Backstabbing Liu Xuande

Liu Bei naturally wants to be self-reliant. He thinks about self-reliance all the time, but good luck tricks others, which made him repeatedly defeated in the first half of his life, so he had to live under the fence.

"Zi Zhong, you and I are as close as brothers, you can speak up if you have anything to say." Liu Bei and Mi Zhu said heart-to-heart.

"My lord, Cao Cao is now defeated, and the surrounding area is now full of defeats. If the lord wants to stand on his own, he can use the name of Cao Cao to suppress the defeat. Then we will have soldiers in hand. The world is so big, where can we not go?" Mi Zhu looked at Liu Bei Said solemnly.

As soon as Mi Zhu came up with this plan, everyone was stunned, Mi Zhu's words were right.Now there are rout soldiers all over the mountains and plains. They fled all the way here, and they encountered many rout soldiers on the way.If these routs are gathered together, this is quite a force.

Liu Bei pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement.Mi Zhu's strategy is indeed feasible, Cao Jun is panicked at this time.Everyone in the army knows the friendship between Liu Bei and Cao Cao. If he pretends to take the name of Cao Cao to gather the defeated soldiers, this is a completely feasible thing.

As long as there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in hand, all the shit in the world can be gone, and at least one county can be occupied by then.

"Zizhong's words are very good. Since this is the case, we have to act as soon as possible." Liu Bei hurriedly ordered.

Just do what you say, Liu Bei has already determined the strategy in his heart at this time, and he must abduct Cao Cao's tens of thousands of soldiers.

Seven days later, Qiao County.

At this time, Cao Cao had withdrawn to Qiao County, which was the seat of Qiao County.And Qiao County is the richest county in Yuzhou, and the population is also the largest in Yuzhou.After returning to his chassis, Cao Cao's heart couldn't help but calm down.

Qiao County, Sheriff's Office.

Cao Cao was sitting in the lobby at this time, holding the casualty report from the front line in his hand.

"3 people?"

"It's been seven days, how did you gather [-] routs?" Cao Cao put down the post in his hand and asked the civil servants and generals on the left and right.

Everyone in the hall was silent, their heads were bowed like ostriches.They were also puzzled. It stands to reason that they should have gathered far more than [-] routs, but in fact they did gather these routs.Moreover, there have been fewer and fewer broken soldiers to be found in recent days.


Just at this moment, a scout rushed in and handed the information to Cao Cao.

After Cao Cao read the information in his hand, his face turned from red to black, from black to blue, and there was a bit of purple in the blue.

The content of this intelligence almost didn't anger Cao Cao.

"Crack." Cao Cao threw the post in his hand on the ground, and shouted loudly: "Liu Xuande, Liu Xuande, good Liu Xuande. I, Cao Cao, thought I treated you kindly, but in the end I didn't expect that you, Liu Xuande, were behind the scenes. Stabbed me."

Cao Cao yelled at Liu Bei, but at this time, he didn't hesitate to gesture in front of his subordinates.

Guo Jia, who was at the bottom right, picked up the post that Cao Cao threw on the ground and read it carefully. Even Guo Jia couldn't help frowning.

For Liu Bei, Guo Jia has always been reluctant to see him.He had already seen that Liu Bei was a white-eyed wolf, but when Liu Bei came to vote, it was when Cao Cao lacked capable generals.But these three brothers were able to fight Lu Bu together, so when Cao Cao accepted Liu Bei, Guo Jia didn't say much.

Guo Jia had already advised Cao Cao not to let Liu Bei lead troops, and Cao Cao naturally obeyed Guo Jia's words, keeping the three brothers Liu Bei by his side to listen to orders, and did not give them a chance to lead troops.

However, this person is not as good as the sky. He never thought that Liu Bei would take advantage of Cao Cao's defeated soldiers and stab Cao Cao severely in the back.

At this time, Cao Cao was short of soldiers, and now Liu Bei has kidnapped [-] troops, and now he is even more short of soldiers.

"Military Master, what's the matter?" Cao Ren moved to Guo Jia's side and asked.

Guo Jia said in a low voice: "Liu Xuande has gathered the lord's [-] defeated troops, and he is already heading towards Qingzhou."

After a long time, when Cao Cao's anger dissipated, he asked Guo Jia in a slightly calm voice, "Feng Xiao, it stands to reason that the soldier Liu Xuande kidnapped me should go to Youzhou to seek protection from Gongsun Zan. Why? Now he is going to Qingzhou."

Qingzhou's nominal territory of Yuan Shao is of course only in name, and Yuan Shao actually only controlled several counties in Qingzhou. Most of the county guards only surrendered to Yuan Shao in name.Among them, the famous Kong Rong was naturally included. Yes, it was Kong Rong who made pears.This time, he is the prefect of Beihai.

Guo Jia strode towards the map, and suddenly pressed it to the location of Beihai County.

"Beihai, Liu Xuande definitely wants to join Kong Rong, the prefect of Beihai." Guo Jia said firmly.

Liu Bei is a typical bully.Throughout the land of Qing, Xu, Henan, and several prefectures, the softest persimmon is Beihai Kong Rong.The reason why Liu Bei went to Beihai was because he wanted Kong Rong to treat Beihai as a pear.

"Go and write to Kong Rong and tell him not to let Liu Xuande enter the city, or he will become an enemy of me, Cao Mengde." Cao Cao said angrily.

Liu Da Er gave Boss Cao a bottom line, and Boss Cao was too busy to take care of himself.As for Liu Bei, he can only send a letter to threaten Kong Rong now, and he really can't do the rest.

After venting, Cao Cao sighed again and said, "Send a letter to Xun Yu, no matter what, let him gather tens of thousands of soldiers and horses for me in the rear."

Liu Bei is really a shit-stirring stick. Wherever he goes, there will be no peace.Before leaving, Cao Cao was cheated, and Guo Jia's entire plan had a flaw.

At the same time, on the way to Beihai County, a troop was marching towards Beihai.

The physical characteristics of the two leaders were very obvious. Not to mention one had his hands above his knees and had two big ears, but one of them seemed to be injured and was bandaged.

Renyi is a big man with a red face and a long beard on his chin.

This army is naturally Cao Cao's [-] elite soldiers who were abducted by Liu Bei, and the leader of the two is Liu Bei with one ear, and the red-faced man is Guan Yu.

As for Zhang Fei?Zhang Fei was shot in a vital part by Cao Xing's arrow. Although he woke up at this time, it was difficult for him to even sit up, let alone ride a horse.At this moment, Zhang Fei was being carried by soldiers on a stretcher.

"Kong Rongxian is famous all over the world, but we don't know that he is willing to give us a place." Liu Bei said with a sigh.

"Brother, don't worry, we have an army of [-]. Although Kong Rong has a good reputation, I heard that he is very timid. Our army is overwhelming, and this place cannot be tolerated by him." Guan Yu said, stroking his beard. .

At this time, Mi Zhu on the side reminded: "We are newcomers, so don't be in a hurry. First take the land of a county and plan it slowly."

Qingzhou also borders Xuzhou, and Liu Bei chose Qingzhou as his temporary destination, which shows that his coveted Xuzhou will never die.

(End of this chapter)

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