Chapter 92

In the past few days, the funerals of Lu Bu and his wife and Chen Gong have been completed one after another.Since the county guard's mansion had been demolished in pieces, Li Chen thoughtfully arranged another mansion for Diao Chan and Lu Lingqi.

At noon, Lu Mansion.

In the backyard, Lu Lingqi was holding a horse brush, brushing the Chitu horse up and down with her own hands.In the past, every time Lu Bu went to battle, Lu Lingqi would wash the Chitu Ma clean.

While brushing the red rabbit horse, Lu Lingqi couldn't help thinking of her father again, her cheeks were covered with tears.

"Er Niang, you're here." Lu Lingqi looked at Diao Chan who was dressed in plain clothes, and said softly.

"Lingqi, do you really want to give away your father's horse?" Diao Chan asked softly.

The reason why Lu Lingqi brushed the horse was to give away the red rabbit horse. As for who to give it to, it was naturally Li Chen.

"Since I want him to avenge my father, I will naturally give him the most precious thing. If one day he breaks his promise to me, I will kill him, and then I will commit suicide myself." Lu Lingqi said firmly.

Lu Lingqi was right, she had indeed given the most precious things to Li Chen, and now she was going to give Li Chen the Chituma and her father's Fang Tian Painting Halberd.

"Erniang, help me send it there. I'm afraid, I can't bear it." Lu Lingqi said and handed Diao Chan the reins of the horse.

"Hey, this is your father's relic, it's up to you." Diao Chan said with a soft sigh.

Diaochan led the red rabbit horse to go out of the house, but she pulled the rein a few times, but the red rabbit horse didn't move at all.

"Call the law."

The red rabbit horse neighed, but its four hooves seemed to have taken root, and it was unwilling to move even half a step.

The red rabbit horse is a rare horse in the world. It is very spiritual. It seems that it feels that its master is going to give it away, and it is unwilling to leave no matter what.

"You bastard, do you still want to avenge your master?" Diao Chan patted the horse's back behind her and scolded softly.

Chituma seemed to understand Diaochan's words, and walked towards the outside of the mansion with three steps.

"Tutu, I will visit you often." Lu Lingqi waved at Chitu reluctantly.

"Drive, drive, drive."

As soon as Diao Chan got out of the mansion, she got on her horse and rushed towards Li Chen's mansion.

Diao Chan is not an ordinary frail woman, she was born as a dancer, and the dancer at this time is best at sword dance.Therefore, it is reasonable to say that Diao Chan should know some three-legged cat kung fu, and he has been traveling with Lu Bu for many years, so riding a horse is naturally not a problem.

Xiao Pei, Li Chen's residence.

It's lunch time, Li Chen is eating this meal in the hall, this meal is actually simple, just a bowl of dumplings.

The dumplings are delicious. Li Chen loves dumplings the most. As the saying goes, dumplings are better than delicious and fun.
"Dian Shuai, Dian Shuai"

"The little girl from Lu Bu's family is here, and she said she's here to give you a horse?" Cheng Yaojin hurried over from outside.

"Is Lu Lingqi here?" Li Chen asked.

At this time, Li Chen thought to himself, this is not here to give me a horse, this is probably here to be my horse, right?
As soon as Li Chen said this, Cheng Yaojin immediately explained: "The commander in chief is not Lu Lingqi. Lu Lingqi is a little girl from Lu Bu's family, this is a little girl, and the one who died is a big girl."

From Cheng Yaojin's rough way of speaking, he knew that this kid was destined to be a fish that slipped through the net in ten years of cold window.

"Diao Chan is here? What is she doing here?" Li Chen was a little puzzled.

But in the end, she is also my sister-in-law, since she is here, why should I go and see what she is doing here?What if she needs something for herself, ah, no, no, it's a need.

It's not right, it always feels weird to say this.

The dumplings were not good to eat, and it was not good to throw them away, so Li Chen simply took half a bowl of dumplings in his hand, ate them and went to see his sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here?" Seeing Diao Chan, Li Chen hurriedly asked.

Not to mention, this charming girl, she is still charming even with her butt naked.Bah, bah, bah.Cross out this sentence and rewrite it, and you will pretend that you didn’t see it.

Not to mention, this charming girl, no matter what she wears, she is obviously charming.

The last time Li Chen saw Diao Chan, she was dressed in red, so she looked extraordinarily charming.But now that Lu Bu has just passed away, as a widow, she can no longer wear red clothes, but a white plain clothes, but even so she still looks very charming.It can be seen that this woman is charming to the bone.

"Lingqi asked me to give you Junhou's horse." Diaochan said softly, her tone was soft, and even the words contained a charm.

Li Chen glanced at Chituma, then at Diaochan and couldn't help but admire: "Good horse, good horse."

While talking, Li Chen stretched out his hand to touch the mane of the red rabbit horse's neck. After all, when he met a good horse, he wanted to pull its braid. This was Li Chen's instinctive action.

"Call the law."

Obviously, the red rabbit horse is very resistant to Li Chen's touch.Just as Li Chen was about to reach out to touch the red rabbit's mane, the red rabbit immediately backed away.

Chituma's movement startled Diao Chan, and Diao Chan subconsciously took two steps on her hind legs, and bumped into Li Chen's arms impartially.Diao Chan shuddered, and then quickly hid.


With a crisp sound, the bowl in Li Chen's hand was knocked flying by Diao Chan.The whole bowl fell to the ground, and the dumplings in the bowl also fell to the ground.

Diao Chan's cheeks were flushed, obviously the brief physical contact with Li Chen just now made her a little uneasy.

Seeing that she knocked Li Chen's bowl away, Diao Chan said with some embarrassment: "Otherwise, sister-in-law will accompany you to have a bowl."

"Is this not good?" Li Chen wanted to refuse but greeted him.

Saying that, Diao Chan squatted on the ground, looked at the dumplings on the ground, and said with some embarrassment: "What kind of food are you eating? My sister-in-law really doesn't know how to cook it. Otherwise, my sister-in-law will eat it for you?"

Li Chen: "????"

Only then did Li Chen realize that he had made a mistake.Love is not a night with yourself, but a bowl with yourself.There is a big difference between this bowl and one night. After eating one bowl, you must be full of strength.If I finish eating this in one night, I will probably be weak all over.

The way of eating dumplings did not exist in the Eastern Han Dynasty, so it is only natural that Diao Chan would not be able to make them.Although the dumplings are gone, let’s eat next, let’s eat next, after all, this noodle can keep you full, right?

Li Chen felt that when he was with a charming woman like Diao Chan, he would inevitably make mistakes that any man would make.Therefore, it is better to distract Diao Chan and calm down for a while.

Thinking of this, Li Chen pointed in one direction and said, "Little sister-in-law, the kitchen is over there, you can go downstairs. My sister-in-law is so virtuous, the noodles here must be delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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