Chapter 94

Since Lu Bu's death, Li Chen and Cao Cao have also fallen into a stalemate.Although Cao Cao killed Lu Bu, he was defeated in terms of the battle situation. At this time, he was short of troops and could only withdraw to Yanzhou.

Cao Cao can't eat Xiaopei now, but it is impossible if he gives up his plan for Xuzhou, and temporarily stationed troops in Qiao County to wait and see.

Li Chen defeated Cao Jun, captured a large number of Cao Jun, and seized a large amount of weapons and equipment.At this time, Li Chen just needs to digest the gains of this battle, so the two sides seem surprisingly peaceful now.

However, the calmness in the current situation is actually only superficial calmness.Beneath this superficial calm, there was actually an undercurrent surging.

Xuzhou is an important city in the Central Plains. Whoever occupies Xuzhou can take the initiative in the military. Because of this, a bigger vortex around Xuzhou is quietly rising.

At this time, Cao Ang, Cao Cao's eldest son, was not far from Yecheng.

Yecheng, Jizhou, is now Yuan Shao's base camp. After Yuan Shao's years of management, it is the largest city in the world in terms of population, economy, agriculture, and military affairs.

Cao Ang came to Yecheng, of course he came on behalf of Cao Cao, and the purpose of his trip was to let Yuan Shao attack Xuzhou from behind.

On a stormy afternoon, Cao Ang came to Yecheng.

As soon as Cao Ang entered the city, without delay, he brought a large box of horseshoe gold to visit Xu You.

The majestic heavy rain formed a rain curtain in the sky. During the heavy rain, Cao Ang brought several followers, and several large boxes of horseshoe gold on the horses.

Yecheng, Xu You's mansion.

Since Xu You grew up with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, it can be seen that he is also from a family.Although not as prominent as Yuan Shao, the fourth generation and three princes, and Cao Cao, whose father was a Taiwei, he is also a son of a real family.

In addition, now Xu You is also Yuan Shao's most important adviser, so his mansion is naturally not too small.

Xu You is a good drinker, and he often gets drunk when he has nothing to do. Today, he happened to be drinking in the hall.

Xu You's figure was thin, his face was flushed, and his whole body reeked of alcohol. He half-lyed by the low table in front of the hall.

"Da da da."

There was a sound of footsteps, and a servant came in, leaned into Xu You's ear and said, "Master, Mr. Cao Ang is here to visit."


"Cao Ang?" Hearing this, Xu You, who was half-drunk and half-awake, woke up in an instant. Cao Ang's visit was not good news for him.

Cao Ang is the eldest son of Cao Cao and the future heir of the Cao family.In the past two years, the Cao family has beaten the Yuan family all over the head, and even the entire Yuan family does not want to see Cao's people.The friendship between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao who played Russian roulette together has long been lost to Java.

Yuan Shao was suspicious by nature, if Yuan Shao knew that he had met Cao Ang, it would be hard to explain.What's more, Shenpei and Fengji are his political enemies. If they find out, they will definitely add fuel and make things worse.

After thinking about it, Xu You felt that he could not see Cao Ang.Although he has a good relationship with Yuan Shao, his relationship with Cao Cao is also not bad.Now that he is seeking a job under Yuan Shao's command, it's better to avoid suspicion at this time.

"Yuan Shao is suspicious, he can't take this risk." Xu You muttered, and said to the servant next to him, "No, no. Go and send him away, and say that I'm not at the house."

"Master, Cao Ang brought three big boxes."

Before the boy could finish his sentence, he heard Xu You's decisive voice say: "See, how can we not see you? Let me tell you about my friendship with Ah Mu. My nephew came to visit me. How can I say no to him?"

As the saying goes, people die for money, birds die for food, Xu You is greedy for money, as long as the price is high enough, Xu You dare not take any risks.

After getting Xu You's words, the servant immediately went to invite someone.

Not long after, Cao Ang brought a few people and carried three large wooden boxes to the hall.Xu You retreated to the left and right, leaving only Xu You and Cao Ang in the hall.

"Nephew Zixiu, how is your father?" Xu You immediately asked as soon as the two sat down.

Xu You and Cao Cao are young, so it is natural to ask such a question. Before the serious business begins, it is always necessary to ask for warmth.

"My father is in good health, but our army has been defeated recently, and my father is inevitably depressed." Cao Ang cupped his hands and said.

"Li Chen, he's just a bandit, he can be wiped out with a wave of troops, so that's not enough." Xu You said nonchalantly.

"Haha?" Cao Ang didn't say anything but smiled politely, and said in his heart: "It's not enough to pay attention to Li Chen, he can be destroyed with a wave of troops. You, Xu You, are really not afraid of blowing the cowhide and making you look bullshit. We were defeated by Cao Jun, and we were defeated by Li Chen, and we were wiped out with our troops, you can really brag."

Although he didn't hide it from Xu You, who was bragging, but after all, he wanted something from others, and Cao Ang couldn't show it.

"Uncle, I'm here at this time, and I have something to ask." After the two exchanged pleasantries, Xu You said straight to the point.

Xu You stood up, looked at Cao Ang, then looked at the three boxes in the lobby, and asked slowly, "Nephew, what do you want?"

"Please also ask my uncle to persuade Yuan Shao to attack Xuzhou from the rear. In this way, my father will take Xiaopei, and Yuan Shao will take Xuzhou. Wouldn't it be beautiful?" Cao Ang cupped his hands and said.

"Da da da."

"Da da da."

Xu You was pacing back and forth in the lobby, and he was a little embarrassed. In fact, Xu You didn't want to agree to this request, but he couldn't put down the three suitcases.

This matter is actually hard for Xu You to say. At this time, Cao Cao was defeated, and Yuan Shao was preparing to see Cao Cao's digestion.As for Xu You and Cao Cao, if he mentioned attacking Xuzhou now, Yuan Shao would misunderstand that he wanted to help Cao.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

"Here is three thousand pieces of gold, which can be regarded as a thank you gift for uncle." Cao Ang pointed to the three boxes in the lobby and said.

Xu You looked distressed, sighed and said: "The Yuan family has fought against your Cao family in the past few years, and they were all defeated. If you send troops at this time, it will be a waste of people and money. It is really unwise. Yuan Shao and I are dear relatives and friends. He said, now he is my lord and treats me well. How could I come up with such an idea to corrupt the Yuan family? Wouldn't this make me Xu You and unfaithful?"

Listening to Xu You's righteous words, Cao Ang couldn't help but change his impression of Xu You.You know, in his eyes, Xu You has always been a greedy person who loves to drink, but he never expected that he would still be so loyal to Yuan Shao.

Seeing that this matter was getting serious, Cao Ang could only sigh and said, "Since my uncle doesn't want to do it, my nephew can't fall into my uncle's infidelity. Uncle, let me take my leave."

After Cao Ang finished speaking, he made people lift the box and turned to leave.

"and many more."

"I mean, it's hard to do"

"You have to pay more."

The moment Cao Ang turned around, Xu You's voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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