Chapter 95 Yuan Shao Enters

"Need to add more money?" Xu You's words made Cao Ang pause for about two breaths, and he hurriedly said, "Uncle, don't worry, the money is not a problem. How about adding three thousand gold?"

Money is not a problem, Cao Cao is not short of money now.The daily military expenditure of the army stationed in Qiao County is huge, and now it is the most important thing to get Xu You to persuade Yuan Shao to send troops as soon as possible.

"According to the relationship between me and Ah Mu, I shouldn't have raised the money, but this matter has to go up and down. And I, Xu You, is a clean and honest official, and I don't have much savings, so I have to raise the money." Xu You caressed Stroking his long beard, he said solemnly.

Cao Ang said in his heart, hehe, you are the only one who is still an upright official, so don't make fun of me.

"Yes, yes. The other three thousand gold, I will send someone to deliver it in the afternoon." After Cao Ang said, he got up and left.

After Cao Ang left, in the hall, Xu You rested his cheeks and was thinking of countermeasures.

The six thousand gold went into Xu You's pocket, so Xu You had to get things done, or if the news got out, he wouldn't be able to afford it and walk away.

Xu You is very smart, he knows that he can't talk about this matter by himself, if he mentions this matter in front of Yuan Shao at home, then he will definitely hate Yuan Shao, and it will not be beautiful at that time.

If you want to prompt Yuan Shao to attack Xuzhou, then this matter must be borrowed from others.But through whose mouth to tell this matter, that is a big problem.

Tian Feng, Tian Feng is a good choice. The key is that after Yuan Shao lost to Cao Cao several times, Tian Feng proposed to recuperate.Although the relationship between Xu You and Tian Feng is not bad, Tian Feng specified that he would not agree to send troops.

After Tian Feng is excluded, there are only trials and appointments.But Shen Pei, Feng Ji and Xu You didn't deal with it very much, and it might not be so easy to borrow their excuses.

Yuan Shao's advisers, Xu You, were eliminated one by one. If the advisers are not good enough, those generals will be even worse.After much deliberation, Xu Yousi couldn't find a suitable candidate.


"Yes." Suddenly, Xu You slapped his thigh, thinking of the perfect candidate.

Xu You found a suitable candidate, and he thought of three in one breath. That's right, they were Yuan Shao's three sons, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shao is suspicious, so he likes to find ways to balance.Moreover, among Yuan Xi's three sons, none was particularly outstanding.It is also because of this that Yuan Shao has not yet established an heir.Similarly, each of these three sons has supporters, and any one of them has the possibility of becoming Yuan Shao's successor.

Now there is no war on Yuan Shao's side, so these three sons are still salted fish.If Xianyu wants to stand up, he has to find an opportunity. War is undoubtedly the best opportunity to prove himself.

With a clear goal, Xu You specified a countermeasure in a short while.

Yuan Shao's three sons like to drink and have fun with the young talents in Yecheng when they have nothing to do on weekdays.Just spend some money to bribe the people around Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang, and when the time comes when they are drunk, they will tell this matter from their mouths.

These three people must be eager to make meritorious service, in order to confirm their identity as heirs.At that time, the three sons persuaded together, and he, Xu You, fanned the flames a little, and the plan would definitely come true.

Not long after, Cao Ang ordered someone to send over the other three thousand gold promised.And Xu You is naturally a believer, and he started to implement his plan after taking the money.

Xu You first spent money to bribe the people in front of the three brothers Yuan Xi, Yuan Tan, and Yuan Shang, so that they would mention this matter next to the three of them intentionally or unintentionally.

Things did not go as Xu You had expected. He often heard people around him mention these things, and within a few days the three brothers began to fall in love.You know, now all three of them have a chance to become heirs.No one overwhelmed anyone, so the three of them also wanted to prove themselves and establish their positions.

The three brothers were moved, but Yuan Shao's ears would not be clean.From time to time, the three brothers mentioned in front of their father Yuan Shao that they would send troops to attack Xuzhou, and they also persuaded their own mothers, and their mothers often mentioned it in front of Yuan Shao.

The power of the pillow wind is enormous, within a few days, Yuan Shao also felt that sending troops to Xuzhou seemed really a good choice.

No matter what you do, the most fearful thing is to think about it. Once you think about it, the thought will be like a flood that has opened the gate, and you can't restrain it no matter what.

Although Yuan Shao also moved his mind to send troops to Xuzhou, but Yuan Shao was indecisive, and at this time he had to worry about discussing with the civil servants and military commanders under his command.

Yecheng, Xu You's mansion.

Early in the morning, Xu You ordered his servants to prepare the carriage, while he washed himself up and prepared to go to Yuan Shao's mansion.

Yesterday, Yuan Shao sent someone to send a message that everyone will go over early this morning to discuss important matters.

Hearing this, Xu You didn't know that it was probably his strategy that took effect.It seems that Yuan Shao really moved Xuzhou's mind.

Xu Youzhi and Yuan Shao were young children, and they were always the last to arrive at meetings, but today he came surprisingly early.Not long after Xu You arrived, the rest of the people arrived one after another.

In the main hall, civil servants and military generals lined up on both sides, and the lineup under Yuan Shao's command was quite luxurious.

On the civil servant's side, there are Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Shen Pei, Feng Ji, Guo Tu, Xu You
On the generals' side is Yuan Shao's trump card, Hebei Siting Zhuzi, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Gao Lan, and Zhang Yun, and under the four are Ju Yi, Chun Yuqiong, Gao Gan, Lu Xiang and others.

Hebei's Four Court Columns naturally don't need many, they can all be regarded as top-ranking generals in the world.But if we talk about who is the number one general under Yuan Shao's command, we have to mention Ju Yi.

Although Yuan Shao relied more on Yan Liang and Wen Chou in his heart.But this Ju Yi is the real talent. He has an elite soldier under his command. This infantry is not inferior to Gao Shun's camp. They are called Euphorbias.

In the previous life, the famous battle of the euphorbia fighters was the battle of Jieqiao.Ju Yi defeated Gongsun Zan's ace army of [-] white horses with [-] euphorbia soldiers, which eventually led to Gongsun Zan's self-immolation and death.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Yuan Shao also came slowly.

Yuan Shao was in the middle of his prime at this time, and his appearance was also very mighty, and he came at the pace of a dragon and a tiger.The Yuan family is the fourth generation and the third prince, and he, Yuan Shao, is now a rare great warlord in the world, so his aura is naturally quite extraordinary.

"My lord." When Yuan Shao arrived, everyone shouted in unison.

"Everyone knows, what is the reason for calling you here today?" Yuan Shao asked slowly.

Among the crowd, each has his own son who supports him.The three sons naturally discussed this matter with them.Therefore, Yuan Shao's purpose of finding them is actually known by many people.

However, they knew Yuan Shao's temperament very well. At this time, it is the best choice not to talk, and waiting for Yuan Shao to speak out.

(End of this chapter)

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