Chapter 96
"Everyone, have you heard that Lu Bu has died at the hands of Cao Ah Man. At this time, Li Chenzheng, Chen Bing, Xiao Pei, and Cao Ah Man are in a stalemate. According to reliable sources, Xuzhou City is now exhausted. At this time, Xuzhou The city is empty, I intend to take this opportunity to take Xuzhou, what do you think?" Yuan Shao said slowly, scanning the civil and military officials in the hall.

For a long time, there was no sound from Yaque in the hall.

Like Cao Cao, Yuan Shao is suspicious by nature, but he is not as decisive as Cao Cao.So under normal circumstances, after Yuan Shao finished speaking, everyone would try to figure out what he was thinking, so as not to make things difficult for themselves.

Everyone in the hall would try to figure out what Yuan Shao was thinking, but there was only one person who couldn't, that's right, Tiehanhan Tianfeng.

Sure enough, Tian Feng saw that his colleagues started to pretend to be dumb again, so he stood up impressively.

"My lord, don't attack Xuzhou lightly."

"Our army was defeated by Cao Jun one after another, and the army under Li Chen defeated Cao Jun again. Among them, it can be seen that there is a big difference in the strength of the troops. At this time, it is time for our army to cultivate and rest."

"Again, which one is more important, Xiaopei or Xuzhou? At this time, Xuzhou is safe and Li Chenfang is stationed at Xiaopei. If we attack Xuzhou, Li Chen will definitely give up Xiaopei and defend Xuzhou instead. I'm afraid that when the time comes, On the contrary, we fought against Li Chen, which made Cao ah deceive Xiaopei." Tian Feng's words were precise, but they completely negated Yuan Shao's plan.

Tian Feng's words are reasonable and true, but one day, as the saying goes, good medicine is good for the disease when it tastes bad, and honest words are good for deeds.This makes sense, and besides making sense, it often doesn't sound good.

Apart from making Yuan Shao uncomfortable, what Tian Feng said was equivalent to slapping the generals present several times.

Tian Feng's sentence, our army was defeated by Cao Jun, and Cao Jun was defeated by Li Chen, which shows the gap between military strength.What does this sentence mean? This sentence is simply saying that I, Tian Feng, are not targeting anyone. I mean that the generals present here are all rubbish.

Tian Feng is really brave, this sentence offended Yuan Shao not only, but also offended a room full of generals.Such a person who can't speak, even if you have the ability, it's hard to get reused, and it's not a bad thing that he died in Yuan Shao's hands in the end.

It is true that Tian Feng is capable, but his words made him the public enemy of all the generals under Yuan Shao's command.

How can a man say no, you Tian Feng said we can't, well, we have to prove that we can.

"My lord, Ju Yi please fight Xuzhou." As soon as Tian Feng finished speaking, Ju Yi stood up with an indignant expression on his face.

"My lord, Yan Liang invites you to fight."

"My lord, Wen Chou invites you to fight."

"My lord, Gao Lan invites you to fight."

All of a sudden, in the entire main hall, the sound of war was heard all over the city, and Tian Feng was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

Seeing this scene, Xu You couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart.This is the reason why he likes to hang out with Tian Feng, Tian Feng is stubborn and says what he has.If there is something that Xu You is inconvenient to say, he can push Tian Feng to say it.

Yuan Shao was resourceful but indecisive.To put it bluntly, my ears are soft and I think a lot, but I can't be sure to pay attention.No, he was a little moved by Tian Feng just now.Now that the generals under his command challenged him one after another, he was a little shaken in his heart.

"Zhengnan, what do you think, let's talk about it." Yuan Shao couldn't make up his mind, so he called the name of the judge.

The judge was originally pretending to be dead in the hall, and Yuan Shao called his name, but he had no choice but to stand up.

Before the judge stood up, he glanced at the third son Yuan Shang from the corner of his eye.Yuan Shang noticed the judge's gaze, and nodded slightly towards the judge.

"My lord, I thought Xuzhou could be attacked." In the main hall, the judge said loudly.

Yuan Shao likes to listen to his own words the most. What the examiner said is very much in line with Yuan Shao's wishes.

Yuan Shao's complexion also softened a lot, and his tone also improved a lot: "Zhengnan, tell me why this Xuzhou can be attacked."

"Look, my lord, the terrain of Xuzhou happens to be among us. If Tao Qian was around, it would be alright. The lord is the fourth generation and third lord, with a great reputation. Tao Qian naturally obeyed the lord's orders, but Li Chen was It's different. I'm afraid that Li Chen may not be able to follow the Lord's orders in the future."

"Not to mention anything else, if we borrow from Xuzhou in the future, I am afraid that even Li Chen may not be able to agree. If so, it is better to take the opportunity to capture Xuzhou." .

"Jian Zhengnan, what is your intention, why did you persuade the lord to send troops, could it be that you took Cao Cao's benefits."

"My lord, now is the time to recuperate. Our soldiers will be vulnerable to a battle, so we must not send troops." Tian Feng shouted.

At this time, among the crowd, Xu You was watching the drama directed by himself, with his eyes watching his nose, his nose watching his mouth, and his mouth watching his heart.

"Tian Yuanhao, you scholar know how to use soldiers. Whether Lao Tzu's soldiers can fight is not up to you." Ju Yi had a hot temper and couldn't help shouting.

"My lord, whether our army can fight or not is not decided by someone, we will only know after a fight." At this time, Yan Liang also stood up.

This kid Tian Feng is really not good at being a man, now he overturned a boatload of people with one blow, each one was vulnerable to a fight, it's no wonder that these generals didn't deal with him.

Feng Ji has always been with the trial and match team, and the two of them only need to wear a pair of trousers.At this time, the trial match has already expressed its position, and Feng Ji naturally cannot be left behind.

"My lord, I think it's possible to speak with facts."

"There are only less than 5 people in the city of Xuzhou, and it is easy for our army to mobilize an army of 30 to [-]. As long as Xiaopei's return to aid is cut off, Xuzhou can be easily taken." Feng Ji stood up and said.

Hearing Fengji's words, the joy on Yuan Shao's face became even brighter. Obviously, the words of the matchmaker and Fengji were more in line with Yuan Shao's wishes.

In the hall, Ju Shou secretly watched Yuan Shao's expression in his heart.He knew that at this time, Yuan Shao probably already had the answer in his heart. At this time, the dispatch of troops to Xuzhou had become a foregone conclusion, and for the current plan, it is still necessary to make a plan for dispatching troops to Xuzhou.

Ju Shou is good at using soldiers, he pondered for a while and said: "My lord, Xuzhou can be attacked, but it still needs to be well planned."

"That's right, let's talk about the last one." Yuan Shao also knew that Jushou was quite accomplished in military affairs, so he asked.

"My lord, Cao Cao has just been defeated. My lord is going to send troops at this time. It is better to form an ally with Cao Cao. At that time, my lord will be the leader of the alliance. My lord will take Xuzhou, and Cao Cao will take Xiaopei. We all know that King Liang will attack at the same time, and Li Chen will definitely lose sight of one." Said slowly.

Yuan Shao pondered for a moment, and felt that what Ju Shou said was right.It's okay to form an alliance with Cao Ah, but the leader must be his own, and he has to suppress Cao Ah no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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