Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 100 Arranging Reward System Upgrades

Chapter 100 Arranging Reward System Upgrades
Chapter 100 arrangements, rewards, system upgrades

After sitting and talking with Zheng Xuan for half an hour, Xu Ding finally left. When he left, he naturally packed all five of them back to the Prefect's Mansion.

"Zhicai, Fengxiao, Xiaoxian, Bo Ning, Yuan Hao, everyone, stop for a moment. Let me introduce you to five sages from Beihai." When he came to the government affairs hall, Xu Ding summoned everyone to stop their hands. live, and then welcomed five people, and the five people also met each other for a ceremony.

Next, Xi Zhicai and others led the five people to familiarize themselves with Donglai's government affairs, and then simply arranged some things.

In the evening when everyone was done working, Xu Ding left Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Mao Jie, Man Chong, and Tian Feng for a meeting.

"The five of you are here today to talk about our plan and the arrangements for the five of you, Guan Ning." Xu Ding paused and continued:
"Next, I, Donglai, will mainly do two things. One is to settle down the received Yellow Turban people and deal with the issue of Weiyuan Island.

Second: For external military operations, if there is no imperial edict, I, Donglai, will not intervene in the suppression of bandits in other states and counties, so our eyes must be on the sea and on the three eastern counties. "

Dongsanjun refers to the counties in Youzhou that were set up on the Korean Peninsula during the Western Han Dynasty. Of course, the only Dongsanjun now in the hands of the Han Dynasty is Liaodong County.

With the existence of Weiyuan Island, Xu Ding has some ideas about the three eastern counties.

Xi Zhicai said: "My lord, we can only do military investigation and lurking for the issue of the three eastern counties. We should not rush to implement it if we share it."

This is of course, before the big ship is built, it is still difficult to jump into the sea, and it is difficult to supply.

And it's not good for immigration.

So we can only investigate first.

So Xu Ding said: "Then let's talk about the arrangement of Guan Ning and the five of them. All of them have great talents, but they can't let them know all the secrets of my Donglai too early."

New here?

Always come to practice for a while, and only after passing the test can you become a regular.

Guo Jia said: "My lord, I don't think Guan Ning is suitable to be an official. Why don't you let him help Duke Zheng?"

Guo Jia's first shot was on this great talent who broke justice.

Mao Jie said: "Master, this person's personality is too twisted, he doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, he only talks about his thoughts, and he is really not suitable for handling government affairs."

To see if a person is cooperative in doing things, let him do one thing and he will understand.

Guan Ning is too academic, he is not good at being an official, Xu Ding thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will talk to him tomorrow, let him go to Donglai College."

Xi Zhicai said: "My lord, now Weiyuan Island lacks meritorious officers, governors, Zhupu and a large number of county magistrates. I recommend Yuan Hao as a meritorious officer. Bo Ning is seconded to continue to serve as governor. Donglai County let uncle Long took Berning's hand."

Shulong is He Kui's nickname. He was accepted by Xu Ding as a subordinate together with Liang Xi in Chen Guo, and has been serving as Xi Zhicai's deputy.

Xu Ding thought for a while and said, "Yuan Hao is feasible for Weiyuan Island's meritorious service, but Shulong is not suitable to be the postal supervisor. He should also be transferred to Weiyuan Island as the chief Pu or county magistrate."

In this way, several major official positions on Weiyuan Island have been arranged.

Mao Jie asked: "Then my lord, who will replace the vacant postmaster in Donglai County?"

Xu Ding said: "I heard Zheng Gong said that Wang Xiu is very upright, let him be the postal supervisor of Donglai County temporarily."

Everyone thought about it and had no opinion, and then continued to look at Xu Ding. There were three people who had nowhere to go. Xu Ding knew that these guys were lazy, so he simply said without asking:

"The other three, Bing Yuan and Shiyi, will be your deputy in the mansion, and will go down to serve as the new magistrate in the east in a month! Sun Qian stays by my side, I have other uses."

As mentioned earlier, Zaoyi’s Tuntian Army opened up wasteland and built three new county towns in the east, and there was just a lack of county magistrates.

Everyone has no opinion on this aspect. After dealing with the civil affairs, the next step is to discuss the military aspect.

This aspect is simpler. First, form a first army captain's cavalry, with Zhao Yun as the chief captain and Liang Xi as the deputy captain.

Because Dian Wei couldn't ride a horse, and he couldn't find a suitable horse for his body, he had to let Dian Wei's team of guards continue to serve as pawns.

At the end of the meeting, everyone dispersed, and Xu Ding himself returned to the room.

Then call out the system plug-in immediately.

"Xiaoer! This time I left Qingzhou, I should have completed two tasks, what about the reward?"

Xiao Er immediately replied: "Yes, master, you have completed the two tasks perfectly, and I will give you a reward now!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for completing Ren Ren, pitting Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu, and obtaining shipbuilding materials...!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for defeating Dong Zhuo and obtaining smelting technical information...!"

Smelting technology!
This is good.

All are needed right now.

The plug-in system is too intimate.

Now that he has made a name for himself overseas, it is guaranteed to conquer the three eastern counties.

The good news didn't stop there, and Xiao Er said, "Master has one more good thing to tell you!"

There are still good things, Xu Ding hurriedly said: "What good things do Xiaoer have, tell me quickly, I can hardly wait for your master."

"...!" Xiao Er.

After waiting for a while, Xiaoer said: "The good news, master, is that the system is going to be upgraded."

"It's time to upgrade!" Xu Ding let out a sigh, it's a good thing.

"Yes master, it's time to upgrade, because the master has completed three tasks, and the number of cheats has reached five, so the upgrade condition has been met, whether the master should upgrade now." Xiaoer explained.

Xu Ding touch it, it turns out that's the case.

Xu Ding asked: "Xiao Er, what will happen to the system after the upgrade?"

Xiao Er replied: "After the host system is upgraded, firstly, two cheats can be launched at the same time, one can be launched online according to the original lottery system, and the other can be launched by the owner independently. number."

When Xiaoer said this, his voice was a little excited.

This free access is too important, it all depends on Xu Ding's likes and dislikes.

You must know that the number of hooked lines after the second level reaches 8, and the probability of being drawn has changed from one-fifth to one-eighth, and the winning rate has dropped a lot.

Therefore, whoever can win the heart of the master will have a higher online rate.

Not only Xiao Er was excited, but Xu Ding was also excited.

He didn't expect that after the upgrade, there would be such good benefits. Not to mention the extra cheats, he could also launch two cheats at the same time, one of which was completely under his own control.

This is awesome.

"Upgrade, upgrade immediately, Xiao Er, upgrade quickly." This was almost unnecessary to think about, Xu Ding gave the order immediately.

"Okay master, the system will be upgraded now, and all functions will be closed during the upgrade period, please wait patiently, master." Xiaoer reminded.

"What, the system cannot be used during the upgrade period." Xu Ding hurriedly asked: "Xiao Er, how long will the upgrade take?"

Xiaoer replied: "My lord, I don't know about this, we have no right to visit, and we cannot obtain more information."

After talking about Xiao Er, there was no reply, Xu Ding yelled a few times, and found that Xiao Er was quite dead.

"Forget it, no matter how long it takes, it won't take a year or so." Without the system's response, Xu Ding is not anxious, anyway, he has a lot of patience, just wait.

Fortunately, after receiving the rewards just now, his mind is full of information on smelting and shipbuilding.

So he turned on the lights to fight at night and wrote all these things down.

While writing, Xu Ding himself was also merging and comprehending. Unknowingly, he wrote until dawn. When he looked up and saw the fish maw turning white outside the window, Xu Ding felt back pain and his eyes were a little swollen.

Putting down the pen, Xu Ding Heyi fell asleep on the bed.

 Happy Lantern Festival, I will add a new chapter today, I hope everyone will continue to support Jiangshan, recommend tickets!collect!Comment!Come on with all the rewards, shall we?

(End of this chapter)

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