Chapter 101
Chapter [-] Collecting Guanhai and Caring for Guan Yu
After returning to Donglai and staying in peace for half a month, all aspects of Donglai became stable again, Xu Ding then set off for Weiyuan Island.

I haven't been here for almost a year, and the island has changed a lot.

There are villages everywhere, and the number of immigrants alone has reached 16. There are six or seven county towns, which are thriving.

The Captain of the Fourth Army, the Captain of the Fifth Army and the Captain of Hengshui have each expanded to as many as 7000 people, otherwise it will be difficult to manage Weiyuan Island.

"It's been a lot of hard work." After listening to the reports from everyone on the island, Xu Ding said sincerely.

At that time, all the captains of Zhang Fei's Fourth Army were taken away. Later, Guan Yu was mainly stationed on Weiyuan Island. The pressure on the Fifth Army can be imagined.

Fortunately, Guan Yu diligently and conscientiously completed the duty of guarding.

After wandering around, he found that the island was well built, Xu Ding then asked: "By the way, where is Guan Haiguan? Let me see it."

In the Battle of Yingling, Xu Ding defeated Guan Hai's [-] Yellow Turban Army, and Zhang Fei captured him alive. Because he refused to surrender, Xu Ding sent him to the island.

Because he was an important criminal, Guan Yu was locked up, but because of Guan Hai's violent temper, he was somewhat similar to Guan Yu himself.

Therefore, Guan Yu also had some sympathy and affection for opposing this one.

So often to see him, and also learn martial arts with him.

So when Guan Hai was brought up, he respectfully saluted Guan Yu first and then Xu Ding.

This made Xu Ding a little interesting, when did Guan Hai become so easy to talk.

So he asked, "Guan Hai, how is life after going to the island?"

Guan Hai said: "Thanks to Captain Guan, everything is fine."

Xu Ding glanced at Guan Yu, but he didn't expect Guan Hai to be conquered by Guan Yu, so he asked again: "Now that your great teacher is dead, the matter of Taipingdao is just a child's play, what do you want to say?"

Guan Hai also learned about the inland affairs from Guan Yu and others, knowing that Zhang Liang and Zhang Jiao had died in Jizhou, and that the Yellow Turban Army had failed, so he sighed and said:

"What the Fujun said in the past has come true, Guan Mou admires him, now he has nothing to ask for, he just wants to be a good citizen on the island, and live well by farming the land."

Guan Hai is very aware of the changes on Weiyuan Island, because he is the first batch of Yellow Turbans to come to the island. His former subordinates have now become good citizens on the island, farming with peace of mind, and living a comfortable and stable life.

Donglai's Fadu takes care of them everywhere, making them feel like home. Compared with before, this place is like a paradise. Now it is impossible to let them leave and kill them.

They all want to put down roots here.

"It's a pity to let you farm. Now this government gives you a chance. You are willing to serve as a general under Captain Guan and become a part of guarding Weiyuan Island." Xu Ding stared at Guan Hai, who was obviously a little surprised.

When Xu Ding captured him, he really had the intention of recruiting himself.

At that time, Xu Ding captured more than 1 of his subordinates, and he might gain a large number of soldiers by recruiting him.The self at that time was valuable.

Now that he is alone and alone, he has no influence on this island, so it is dispensable to Xu Ding.

So when Xu Ding said these words, Guan Hai was still a little surprised.

Feeling agitated in his heart, he hurriedly said: "Master Xie, Guan Hai is willing to assist Captain Guan and swear to defend Weiyuan Island to the death."

"Okay! From then on, I have added a strong general to Donglai." Xu Dingxi said.

Although Guan Hai is not as good as Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, his martial arts are not weak, and he is on the same level as Zang Ba, or even stronger.

After dealing with the matter of Guan Hai, Xu Ding asked Lu Qian to take him to the water village of the navy.

The water village is very large, and there are not only barracks but also shipyards inside.

Today's craftsmen are able to master the process and craft of shipbuilding proficiently, and make some small and medium-sized ships.

This time, Xu Ding was planning to lead them to think about building a big ship.

So this time Xu decided to stay on the island until the Chinese New Year.

Of course, experiments and practices in smelting are going on on the island at the same time.

A month passed in a flash, and Xu Ding received a letter from Huang County on this day.

After taking it apart, Xu Ding closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then said: "Go and tell Yun Chang to come over."

Guan Yu quickly came over and asked, "My lord asked Yun Chang to come over for something important."

Guan Yu knew that Xu Ding had been doing experiments in the water village and smelting workshop of the navy during this period.

Xu Ding said: "Yun Chang, it's the Chinese New Year now, and I'm going back to Donglai, this time I want to take you back together."

Back to Dongnae together?

Guan Yu didn't have any objection to this, Weiyuan Island and Donglai County were the same for him.

Xu Ding knew that Guan Yu didn't care, so he continued, "By the way, let's go back to Hedong together!"

These two words have not been mentioned for a long time.

It's been a long time since he went back to the place where he was born and raised.

Thinking of these is a sigh.

Also a little ashamed.

Then there is a deep feeling of longing.

His Pinger, parents, wife and children are all okay.

My heart throbbed a little, but Guan Yu was not good at expressing himself, so he asked, "My lord, why are you going to Hedong?"

Xu Dingdao: "Just now Zhicai and others wrote a letter saying that the imperial court will reward me at the end of the year, and Donglai will be rewarded at that time, and Governor Huang, General Yizhen, and General Gongwei will all ask for merit for me at the same time, so The emperor summoned me to the capital.

Thinking that Yunchang's hometown is Hedong, why don't you go north to Hedong and bring your family over here. "

"Thank you, my lord!" Xu Ding said that he was on the way, but he had to go through Hongnong County before leaving the capital, and then turned to Hedong County.

The only reason was that Xu Ding was always thinking about him.

At that time, Xu Ding will be rewarded by the emperor in the capital, and when he goes to Hedong, he will help him support the field and deter the Qian family in Hedong.

So Guan Yu's indescribable touch is only a few words in a thousand words.

Saying too much is just hypocrisy.

"Okay! The Yun Chang in my memory is a willful man, not a coward." Xu Ding smiled and said:
"Speaking of which, I have treated you badly. If you were not guarding Weiyuan Island, you would have made no less contributions than Yide."

This is true, because Guan Yu stayed on Weiyuan Island, Guan Yu didn't get half of the credit for flattening the Yellow Turban this time.

That's why Xu Ding said this.

"My lord can entrust such a heavy responsibility to me, Yu feels that this trust is more important than credit." After holding back for a long time, Guan Yu said still blushing.

"Hahaha! Let's get ready, Yunchang, we will go back to Huang County today."

He took Guan Yu back to Huang County, and immediately set off for Luoyang without stopping.

This time I went to Luoyang, and I was accompanied by Fazheng.

This kid has been brought out for a year, and as his teacher, Xu Ding still hopes that this guy will go back to reunite with Fa Yan during the Chinese New Year.

 Book shortage can tease "The God-level Emperor System of the Three Kingdoms", this is a cool article that travels through time to become an emperor, hates Dong Zhuo and the princes of the world, uses infinite breakthroughs to beat bosses, and cleverly destroys enemies and conquers the world.

(End of this chapter)

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