Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 102 2 Entering Luoyang

Chapter 102 Second Entry to Luoyang (Addition)
Chapter [-] Entering Luoyang Second
Even if it is the end of the new year and the heavy snow is flying, Luoyang's grandeur and majesty still cannot be concealed.

The towering city walls and the wide main road are still so clear, which makes people feel heroic.

But at the gate of the city, in the howling wind, a carriage stopped beside the road.

When Fazheng saw it, he shrank back into the carriage abruptly.

The servant in front of the carriage saw Xu Ding and others approaching and asked: "The front is Donglai prefect Xu Fujun."

Xu Ding nodded, and the servant turned around and said something softly to the carriage, only to see the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a middle-aged man in his forties got out of the carriage.

The man got out of the carriage and rushed towards Xu Ding, saying: "Old Fa Yan, I have troubled Governor Xu this year."

It turned out that this man was Fazheng's father. Xu Ding replied politely: "Fa Zuojian is being polite. Since Fazheng is my disciple, it is my duty to take care of him. What's more, I haven't been able to take good care of him this year. He is ashamed to say it."

Fa Yan said: "Xu Taishou has shared the country's worries and labors for the country in the past year, suppressed many bandits, and ruled the people to live and work in peace and contentment. He can be regarded as a model for others. How can he be ashamed to say that if Xu Taishou abandons state affairs and county affairs for the sake of children? , that is a sin."

Xu Ding now knew why Fazheng didn't like staying at home so much and wanted to run away.

It's really helpless to have such an old man on the stand.

It's not that the words are not good, but that they are too harsh, and the words are really a bit unhuman, which is comparable to Man Chong.

It is estimated that most of the legalists are like this.

After finishing speaking, Fa Yan rushed to Fazheng on the carriage and said, "Nizi is still not getting out, do I have to drag you out?"

His temper was quite aggressive, and it was only then that Xu Ding knew that Fa Yan was being polite to him, at least he didn't say dirty words, at least he didn't use serious grammar.

Don't think that Zheng is always happy and dares to hurt each other with Guo Jia. Seeing him is like a mouse seeing a cat. He obediently catches him and gets out of the carriage in a daze.

"Go back to the car, I'm going home to clean you up." Fa Yan glared at the unwilling Fa Zheng, then turned around and saluted Xu Ding:

"Let Governor Xu laugh."

The flesh on Xu Ding's face trembled slightly, no wonder Fazheng was so unruly sometimes, there was a reason for it.

Xu Ding replied: "Fa Zuo Jian is indeed a teacher of Yan Xing, and his reputation is well-deserved."

When Xu Ding said this, Fazheng turned his head three times at every step, like a strong man going to war, as if he died in battle, his eyes were full of tears of reluctance, as if he was begging Xu Ding to save him.

"Xiaozhi is good to go back with your father, and I will pick you up when I leave Beijing." After all, he is his student, and he is still a smart little guy, so he has to take care of it.

Fazheng's tearful eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he quickly got into Fayan's carriage.

After sending Fazheng away, Xu Ding led people into the city.

Once in town!

Someone stopped Xu Ding's horse team again.

The man on the horse was Cao Cao. Cao Cao jumped off the horse and said, "Fa Zuojian is outside the city, so I have to wait for Bokang inside the city."

"Meng De has a heart." Xu Ding expressed his understanding.

Then Cao Cao took Xu Ding and others to the place where they lived, and he had arranged everything before coming.

Xu Ding did not refuse and let him lead the way.

Soon Huangfu Jiu also came over and wanted to invite Xu Ding to Huangfusong's residence, but Xu Ding refused.

Cao Cao can be friends of the same generation, and there is no problem living with him, but if he goes to Huangfu Song's mansion, he will seem restrained and uncomfortable.

After settling down, Xu Ding asked Cao Cao, "Meng De also made a lot of contributions to destroying the Yellow Turbans this time, so you know what the rewards are."

The children of the aristocratic family, there will be some rumors.

I saw Cao Cao said: "My contribution is not too great, and it is not too small. I guess I can be a prefect or a state minister."

Cao Cao said this casually, he was neither happy nor sad, and he probably understood it through the scriptures.

It's not bad to be a prefect or a prime minister. A brother from a family like him can be promoted to the central government after a few years of hard work and become an alternate Jiuqing.

"Then congratulations to Meng De." Xu Ding could only congratulate, and then asked: "Then do you know where it is?"

Cao Cao showed a sly look at this time, and whispered: "It may be the Jinan country, hey, Bokang will have to support me in the future."

Jinan country!
This is under the rule of Qingzhou.

It is next to Huang Wan's governor's mansion, Qi State.

Jinan State Xu Ding has been there, and Huang Wan asked to help put down the chaos when he went to capture the leader of the Yellow Turban.

So Xu Ding knew something about it, the powerful and powerful families there were even more arrogant, Cao Cao passed, and it was estimated that he would have to fight to secure his position as Prime Minister.

It is estimated that Cao Cao also inquired about the relationship, so he wanted to learn from Xu Ding and give some military support by the way.

So Xu Ding replied: "No problem, Meng De. If it is really Jinan, then we will all be restrained by the governor Huang. Naturally, we need to help more, but you have to take it easy when the time comes, and don't make too much trouble."

"Haha, I'm relieved to have Bokang's help." Xu Ding agreed to help, and Cao Cao immediately straightened his back.

He is very envious of Donglai's officials, and Donglai's general environment is what he has always admired and wanted to do.

When he takes over as Prime Minister of Jinan, he must go to Donglai to study.

After talking about Cao Cao's matter, Xu Ding then mentioned his own intentionally or unintentionally.

Cao Cao shook his head and said: "Bokang, you are too dazzling. You have done so much in this crusade against the Yellow Turban, and even the emperor is worried about how to reward you, but you can rest assured that Yuan Taiwei will not be able to make waves, Yizheng Both General Jun and General Gongwei have spoken good words for you, and I heard that Zhang Rang often speaks for you in His Majesty's ears, I think you will definitely get a title this time."

There are too many other things about Cao Cao. His adoptive grandfather is Cao Teng. He has experienced four emperors in his life. He has many eyes and ears in the palace, but he knows all the gossip.

Moreover, his father Cao Song is now a Dahonghe, in charge of the country's financial etiquette, among the nine ministers, and also one of the important ministers, so ordinary things can't be hidden from him.

Now that Cao Cao has said that, it seems to be the same. Although Xu Ding didn't show any excitement on his face, he was secretly happy in his heart.

Knight it.

This is impossible for many people, even if they are ranked among the Three Dukes and Nine Ministers, it is difficult to obtain the title.

There is a rule in the big man, generally no military merit is no title, which shows that it is extremely difficult to obtain titles.

After staying in Luoyang for a day, Xiao Huangmen from the palace came to announce the decree and told him to go to the Dachao Assembly tomorrow.

There are only a few times a month for the Great Han Dynasty, and they basically discuss matters and discuss national policies in the Deyang Hall.

The Deyang Hall is divided into inner and outer halls. The inner hall can hold about 3000 people, and the outer hall can accommodate [-] people. Together, they can be used for public officials, ministers, generals, and doctors, officials from various counties, and envoys of ethnic minorities such as Man, Ji, and Qiang. More than [-] people from the clan and liu counted together to congratulate.

It's a bit like the school's weekly assembly of the headmaster to give a speech. Thousands of people gather together on the playground, which is also spectacular to watch.

What's more, the ranks of big men are all separated by a certain distance.

First of all, the Sangong and Jiuqing are in the front two rows, and the generals, doctors and officials below are also arranged outside the hall in order of official position, size and title.

Therefore, a powerful prefect like Xiang Xu Ding can only be caught in the middle of the crowd, just standing in the outer hall between the two halls.

But the good thing here is that you can listen to the discussion later.

The farther away you are from the Dragon Chair, the more you can take a short errand without being noticed by the emperor.

"I heard that His Majesty is going to reward the expedition against the rebels today. I don't know how many people will be promoted and how many people will be dismissed."

"Both Huangfusong and Zhu Jun will definitely receive heavy rewards. This time the bandits were suppressed mainly by the two of them, and they fought very well."

"That's right, especially Huangfusong. Together with Zhu Jun, he not only defeated Yingchuan and Runan's yellow scarves, but also destroyed Dongjun, and finally captured Guangzong and beheaded Zhang Liang."

"However, he was knighted first based on the scriptures. This time, it is probably just a reward for some money, so let's add a loose official."

"It should be so. From this point of view, the highlight this time is mainly Zhu Jun and Xu Ding."

"Xu Ding! Governor of Donglai, that kid is said to be very good at fighting. I heard that Huangfusong relied on him to win one battle after another."

"That's right, this kid's contribution is quite great, and he might be able to be knighted, at least he is a Marquis of Guannei."

 The old author's new book "The Tang Dynasty: From the Generalissimo to the Emperor" is still guaranteed!The book shortage can be teased!

(End of this chapter)

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