Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 103 Noble Marquis of Weihai

Chapter 103 Noble Marquis of Weihai

Chapter [-]: Noble Marquis of Weihai

Marquis of Guannei?

Looks good too.

Xu Ding chuckled, and aimed his eyes at the main hall, but unfortunately he was far away, and Lingdi's appearance could not be seen clearly, only a vague black dragon robe hanging there.

"It is said that Xu Ding, the prefect of Donglai..."

Half an hour later, the eunuch finally called his name, Xu Ding stepped out of the queue after hearing the words, and walked step by step along the middle path to the Lingdi on the dragon chair.

Xu Ding came out, and all eyes were on him.

Everyone was very curious about this young prefect who was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Since last year, this kid seemed to have jumped out of a rock, causing a sensation in the entire capital, and then he became famous all over the world with his legendary military exploits.

Huangfusong and Zhu Jun stood there in front of the middle road and did not return to their own queue. Xu Ding saw that the two nodded slightly at him, his heart relaxed, and then stopped behind the two, bowing to Lingdi road:
"Your Majesty Xu Ding pays homage to His Majesty."

Emperor Ling was also very curious about Xu Ding. This kid invented snowflake paper last year, which made people very gratified.

Then there are four and a half poems that are so beautiful in the world.

Then manage Donglai well, pacify Qingzhou Huangjin, and at the same time send troops to various states and counties to help Huangfusong and Zhu Jun defeat countless enemies.

Zhen Nai is a young tiger general with both civil and military skills.

"Aiqing, please stand up." Emperor Ling raised his hand, signaling Xu Ding to stand up, and then carefully sized up the young talent.

I have to say that Xu Ding's face is indeed handsome, his eyes are like stars, and his figure is tall and straight, which makes people feel good.

"Not bad! Not bad! Sure enough, he is my big man's Hao Erlang. He is handsome and full of vigor. My big man has such a young general. Why should he be afraid of the bandits and Kou Xiaoxiao?" Lingdi said very comfortably.

Xu Ding thanked Xie En and said: "Thank you for your majesty's praise, I will be a big man to share your majesty's worries, even if you die."

"Okay! You really are my loyal and good minister." Emperor Ling was even more happy when he heard the words, and said excitedly:
"Xu Ding was young and talented, with both civil and military skills, loyal to the king and patriotic, suppressed many bandits, and made great achievements in suppressing the rebellion. Now I will make you the Marquis of Weihai, and give you another Yilang. I hope you will be able to share the country's worries, govern Donglai well, and manage Donglai well. "

Marquis of Weihai?
This is Liehou, and he is also a very high-ranking Marquis.

Xu Ding was a little confused, he didn't expect Emperor Ling to be so generous.

Others don't know what the East is in Weihai, but he does.

This place has just established a county, that is to say, I am a county lord among the lords, which is several grades higher than the township lords, Duxiang hou, Ting hou, and Du Ting hou.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En!" So Xu Ding hurriedly thanked him, feeling that Lingdi was too powerful.

In fact, it wasn't just Xu Ding who was a little confused, but also the courtiers who were present at the scene were all confused.


What the hell is this place?

Never heard of it at all.

Does Dahan have this place name?
Even after scraping the ink on my stomach, I couldn't find where Weihai was in the big man.

For a while, the courtiers whispered to each other, wanting to know the information about Weihai from other people.

This included Yuan Kai, who was at odds with Xu Ding. He frowned and said Weihai three times silently, and found that Weihaihou was a little strange.

Marquis of Weihai, neither Daiting nor Daixiang, means that he is not the Marquis of Township, nor the Marquis of Ting.

Could it be the Marquis of Guannei?

However, what Xu Ding fought against was the Yellow Turban. Obviously this was a land battle, which was contrary to Weihai, which is a term that leads to the sea.

Could it be the county lord?

Thinking of this, Yuan Kai felt angina pectoris.

It's just a trivial achievement, but if you dare to confer a county magistrate, aren't you afraid that your ancestors' graves will be dug up?

So Yuan Kai glanced back at a person not far behind him.

The man immediately understood and stood up and sang: "Your Majesty, I dare to ask where is Weihai? How high is the prefect Xu?"

Emperor Ling seemed to know that there would be ministers who would come out to ask questions, and he enjoyed the appearance of a group of confused ministers below, which is not often the case.

It's funny to think about it.

Or say that Emperor Ling is not a serious master. He can be sold as small as a county official or as big as three princes and nine ministers. Can you expect him to be a person with a normal brain circuit?

So Emperor Ling laughed loudly and said: "I know that you have some doubts, so I will help you to clear up your doubts. A few days ago, someone recommended Xu Ding to take the Yellow Turban captives wantonly, with evil intentions and a conspiracy."

Speaking of this, Emperor Ling looked at Xu Ding, and Xu Ding's heart skipped a beat. Damn, someone really slandered him, so he couldn't help but look at Yuan Kai's position.

The old guy raised his head, as if nothing happened, completely ignoring Xu Ding.

At this time, Emperor Ling continued: "But I don't believe it, because my great heroes Huang Fusong, Zhu Jun, and Qingzhou Governor Huang Wan all jointly proved Xu Ding's innocence, and I also believe that Xu Ding is a loyal and patriotic person. , Then as expected, Xu Ding lived up to my expectations and sent Donglai's annual report, which listed Donglai's various measures.

One of them is to build water conservancy, reclaim wasteland, and build three county towns in the east and one county town in the south. paid a lot of taxes. "

Speaking of this, Lingdi's eyes swept over everyone in the hall.

Emperor Ling was afraid of poverty when he was a child, and then he was controlled too tightly by the officials and Empress Dowager Dong in the harem.

There is no money in hand, and there is not a drop of oil in the dishes.

Life is miserable, so when I grow up and hold power, I am a super money fan. It is conceivable how eager I am for money.

Xu Ding, who knew this well, was naturally prepared.

For the four newly added counties in Donglai, he bought the official post of county magistrate with money through secret connections, and handed over this year's tax to Emperor Ling.

Can Emperor Ling be unhappy?
This is extra money for nothing.

Xu Ding built the new county by himself, he didn't tell the outside world who would know, but in the end he was so honest and paid back the money to buy it from him. Such a minister is really rare, and he is so considerate.

This is not spending money to buy an official, this is clearly to honor his emperor's old man.

Xu Ding Dong him, so he quite Xu Ding.

He probably decided to take more prisoners and build a few more new counties.

Therefore, Weihai County was granted to Xu Ding very generously.

Left and right don't need to produce their own meat, but they can still get the gratitude of others. Lingdi feels that he has made a lot of money this time, and his bowl is too clever.

Lingdi's words shocked everyone at once.

It never occurred to him that Xu Ding had cultivated four counties.

This kid has only been in Donglai for less than a year. He wants to fight abroad and suppress powerful families at home. He must be unable to make ends meet and has a lot of debts. As a result, he created four new counties.

What a feat this is.

Everyone knows that they want to build a new county. The investment is astronomical. Not to mention the power of a county, even the average country has to spend a lot of money to build a new county. As a result, the people are full of resentment and curse. one slice.

No wonder Xu Ding wanted to capture the prisoners desperately. It turned out that this kid squeezed the captives to build the city, and it really was to save manpower costs.

Yellow Turban captives are simply free labor, as long as they stutter.

Sure enough, he is an expert.

Awesome Xu Ding.

After everyone figured it out, they couldn't help but suddenly realized that they could still operate in this way. Could it be done in the same way under their own rule in the future? It would be too easy to make political achievements.

What Xu Ding did seemed to open a new window for them, allowing them to see a different scenery.

"Your Majesty, Prefect Xu is indeed very talented in governing the region and marching and fighting, but this is a political achievement, which is against the law of the ancestors." The same person who spoke just now continued to argue.

A great man has no military merits, so Xu Ding set up four new counties, but his military merits were not enough for his military merits to be named county marquis.

We must continue to fight!
(End of this chapter)

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