Chapter 104

Chapter [-] Continue to fight

Emperor Ling hated this guy a little bit.

These guys keep saying that it is the law of the ancestors, isn't it just to restrict him?

Making money by yourself is said to be shaking the foundation of the country, but one by one you are quietly digging the corners of the country, why don't you abide by the laws of your ancestors.

Typically, only state officials are allowed to set fires, but I am not allowed to light lamps.

"Do you think so too?" Emperor Ling glanced at the guy who spoke just now, and then asked everyone.

Immediately, many officials from the Yuan family's camp ran out and said, "Your Majesty, conferring a knighthood is a major matter for the country, and we must investigate it! The law of the ancestors must not be violated."

Those who came out were all people in important positions. As soon as they came out, the younger brothers below also came to echo.

Immediately more than half of the officials came to persuade him, and the momentum was extremely spectacular.

Emperor Ling looked at Wu Yangyang kneeling a lot, and was very angry in his heart, but he sneered, sat upright, and said in a neutral tone:
"The love ministers are indeed loyal to the country. Yes, these are political achievements, not military achievements, but..."

But what?
Everyone suddenly had a bad premonition. This was the second time Liu Hong had spoken like this today, and everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and wait for his next words.

Lingdi Liu Hong paused, and whetted everyone's appetite before saying: "However, Xu Ding not only pacified the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and Jizhou, but also pacified the overseas islands east of Donglai. , wiped out countless barbarians, and opened up hundreds of miles of land for my great Han."

Xu Ding expanded the territory for hundreds of miles, how could this be possible.

Where is he going to expand the territory in Donglai!

This time everyone was dumbfounded again.

What exactly did Xu Ding do?
Even Huangfusong and Zhu Jun who supported him were puzzled.

Emperor Ling liked to see the encircled expressions of the ministers below.

Just enjoying the puzzled expressions of these ministers, he raised his hand and said, "Xu Aiqing, please explain it to everyone in detail."

To be honest, Emperor Ling himself didn't know exactly how much Xu Ding had expanded for him. He only knew that Xu Ding built a lot of islands, and then the islands could be immigrated. can generate taxes.

And he also thought of whether to make money by selling islands without a teacher.

Turn each island into a county, and then sell the island owners one by one.

If this continues, you can earn countless gold and silver.

If Xu Ding knew that Lingdi was thinking this way, he would definitely praise Lingdi for his keen business opportunities, it would be a pity not to go into business, and at the same time scold him for being greedy.

"Cough cough!"

Clearing his throat, Xu Ding turned around and swept towards the crowd, then slowly moved towards the man Yuan Kai pushed out to charge, and said:
"Everyone must be very curious. My Donglai is surrounded by the sea on three sides and intersects with the North Sea country on one side. How did I promise to expand the territory for the great Han?"

Speaking of this, Xu Ding also paused, stopped, and then turned his gaze to Yuan Kai.

Everyone is cursing in their hearts, you really said it.

You mean to say, what kind of tricks are you learning from Liu Hong, the bastard emperor.

Seeing Xu Ding staring at him, Yuan Kai stared at him with cold eyes, and did not speak in response, Xu Ding said: "Does the Taiwei want to know?"

Everyone wanted to kill someone.

After holding back your feelings for a long time, you just said such a sentence.

In the end still say no more.

How did Xu Ding expand his territory?Everyone was scratching like a cat, and they really wanted to know.

Everyone's thirst for knowledge is overwhelmed.


Yuan Kai was not used to the way Xu Ding looked at him, it was clearly provocative.

Thinking about the four generations of his Yuan family, each of them is in the third rank, how prominent and noble, when will someone dare to talk to him like this.

Only a brat like Xu Ding dared to be so presumptuous.

"Since the Taiwei wants to know so much, then..." Xu Ding's mouth curled up in condolence, he turned around and looked at the officials, paused again before saying:

"Then let me tell a story first."

Tell your sister's story.

We're not here to hear your stories.

There are so many of us, either Sangong or Jiuqing, or Shilang or Zhonglang, and the last one is Yilang, this is how you play us.

But Xu Ding didn't care what they thought, so he said eloquently, "The matter started a year ago..."

A gibberish story started so abruptly.

It took half an hour to tell this story directly, and it was amazing and exciting for everyone to hear.

The protagonist of the story is ordinary but brave, and then he overcame all obstacles, and finally... Finally, he went wrong.

That's right, everyone found the story exciting and exciting after hearing it, and it has nothing to do with the knighthood.

So Yuan Kai laughed, a little coldly.

Maybe it's death.

Everyone has listened to you patiently for so long, but you got it wrong. Prepare to bear everyone's anger.

Sure enough, it was the same official who took the lead and stood up again and said: "Your Majesty, the story of the prefect Xu is very good, very exciting, and very attractive, but it is now at the court meeting, and the prefect Xu has been delayed for a long time, it seems not very good .”

It's not bad, it's really bad.

Immediately, officials from the Yuan family jumped out to accuse Xu Ding of despising the court and being lawless.

Emperor Ling was also a little annoyed, not because Xu Ding was really telling the story, but because he had listened to it and was still enjoying the aftertaste of it, but these bastards came out again and yelled and shouted.

What a disappointment.

However, these guys have some truth to say.

The court meeting is a court meeting, and it's a bit strange to turn it into a story meeting, so Emperor Ling pretended to be warm and angry, and asked: "Xu Ding, do you have any explanation for this?"

Everyone was so disappointed, it was like this, His Majesty the stupid emperor didn't even punish Xu Ding, and gave him a chance to defend himself.

So angry!
Xu Ding yelled at Old Liu Geli, then stopped his voice and said: "Your Majesty, this story of my minister is closely related to what I will tell next. If I don't tell this story, I am afraid that some people will not understand it."

"Absurd! It is absolutely absurd."

People from the Yuan family immediately retorted and launched verbal attacks.

"Don't rush to refute, listen to what I have to say." I jumped out so quickly, it's okay to jump out, let's dance a little more cheerfully, Xu Ding said leisurely.

Those from the Yuan family wanted to splash dirty water, but the majestic Lingdi snorted coldly.

In an instant, the palace fell silent.

Only then did Lingdi look up at Xu Ding, to the effect that he could only help you here, so hurry up and get down to business.

Xu Ding bowed to Emperor Lingling Liu Hong, and then said to the officials: "Just now I told you about the origin of Weiyuan Island, so it is impossible that there are no barbarians on this island. It counts as exterminating barbarians, counts as praising my majesty."

This time, the Yuan family stopped talking.

I can't accept this, because accepting it is acknowledging Xu Ding's meritorious service.

But if they don't say it, some people will say it, Huangfusong and Zhu Jun personally praised: "Killing the enemy and exterminating the barbarians, and taking their territory, naturally it is to promote our country's prestige, to strengthen our great man, and it is also to expand the territory."

After the two finished speaking, Lingdi Liu Hong was also very proud to see the silence of the officials below.
You always say that I am like a faint king, now you see that I have capable men under my command, who can win battles and seize the lands of the enemy's chieftains, and I can be regarded as a promising king, so he also said: "Xu Aiqing expanded the territory, and all the gentlemen did not." Disagree."

No one spoke for a while, and it was basically a tacit agreement.

Who dares to say that this is not an expansion of the territory, and the cliff will be drowned by the saliva of the loyal ministers of the big man.

You can pay attention to anything, but you can argue, the only thing that can't be a half-joke is to expand the territory, and don't accept rebuttals.

(End of this chapter)

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