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Chapter 105 Xu Ding's Ultimate Move

Chapter 105 Xu Ding's Ultimate Move

Chapter [-] Xu Ding's Ultimate Move

His subordinates were not strong enough to take down Xu Ding, so Yuan Kai had no choice but to go into battle by himself, so he walked out slowly, with a steady gait.

Seeing that it was Yuan Kui who came out, Emperor Ling Liu Hong asked, "Why doesn't Duke Yuan agree?"

Yuan Kai said after saluting: "Your Majesty, I agree with you very much. I have no objection to destroying the barbarians and breaking the captives, and accepting the island as the land of my great Han. It's just that the island is near the Donglai Sea. Is there really a barbarian minister?" I have doubts, and I also have doubts about the size of the island, I think it is prudent to send someone to investigate this matter."

Yuan Kai's appearance and tone did not seem to be against Xu Ding at all, but a loyal minister who worked hard for the country and shared the country's worries.

This made Lingdi difficult to say.

I had no choice but to look at Xu Ding.

Xu Ding smiled and said: "What the Taiwei said was exactly what I was worried about. I also asked this question at the time. I was afraid of causing misunderstanding, so I made an arrangement. When I came here, I specially brought a few barbarians from the island. Your Majesty If Bufang sends people to the place where the minister is staying, everything will come to fruition."

After hearing this, Emperor Ling immediately called the eunuch and asked someone to take Hubenwei to pick him up.

Then Xu Ding said: "Your Majesty, at the same time, I also made a map, and I am willing to share the joy of my great man's expansion of the territory with Lord Liewei."

Emperor Ling said: "Okay, let's spread it out for everyone to see immediately."

Two eunuchs came over, took the scroll from Xu Ding, and slowly unfolded it.

After everything was unfolded, Xu Ding said: "Your Majesty and gentlemen, please take a look. This is a map that Ding drew up based on the situation of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty. This is my Donglai. The east of Donglai is not far away. Weiyuan Island, and to the east of the island is the land of the Three Hans."

Although Xu Ding's map is not very detailed, it can be considered very careful.

Lingdi Liu Hong and the courtiers of the Sangong and Jiuqing could understand it, and followed his guidance to find the small piece of Donglai and Weiyuan Island.

Only then did he know how big Weiyuan Island is and how many surrounding islands there are.

And looking at the land of Sanhan along Weiyuan Island, he suddenly found that Sanhan is very close to Weiyuan Island, so close that it can be counted finger width on the map.

In conversion, it is only about a hundred miles away.

For a while, everyone seemed to realize something.

"Please look, Your Majesty, this is Liaodong, Youzhou. Looking north or east from here, these scriptures once belonged to my big man. They are called Xuantu County and Lelang County. They used to travel far from Youzhou, so My big man's control over this place has been decreasing, and now that we have Weiyuan Island, our soldiers and horses only need to be transferred from Donglai once, and then we can gather a large army to take it back from the sea and hold it firmly. , and even wiped out all the kingdoms of the Three Hans who have repeatedly offended me."

There is no need to promise to guide the following words.

As long as you are a sensible person, you will naturally understand the beauty of it.

With Weiyuan Island, it is not only the hundreds of kilometers of sea area and dozens of miles of island land on the sea, but the entire Sanhan, Woju, Dongyi and even Goguryeo.

How much land there is, I get excited just thinking about it.

And not only is the land so simple, it is also a strategic advantage. The removal of the barbarians here can save a lot of energy for the big man.

So Xu Ding really made great contributions, and in the true sense opened up the territory for the great Han.

Because of the military generals, each one's eyes glowed.

This is a great achievement of the heavens, waiting for them to get it.

So the look in Xu Ding's eyes changed, became earnest, became hot.

So they all stood up and agreed.

"Hahaha! Good! Xu Aiqing really has something to say, and she is really the pillar of the country." When Emperor Ling thought that he could complete the tasks that his ancestors could not, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

When Yuan Kai heard this, he felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

Unexpectedly, there is such an island not far from Donglai, and through this island, Sanhan, Woju, and Dongyi can be attacked, and the territory can be expanded for the great Han.

You can get great credit.

And all of this is because I have fulfilled my promise.

If he hadn't abruptly replaced Liaodong prefect with Donglai prefect, Xu Ding would not have had such a chance.

It is even more impossible for him to discover Weiyuan Island.

He became Marquis of Weihai.

In the bitter cold place of Liaodong, with few people and harsh climate, Xu Ding couldn't display his talents even if he was talented.

Damn, why did he get him to Donglai in the first place.

Regardless of Yuan Kai's grief, Huangfusong and Zhu Jun looked at each other, and they both took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, this picture is of great importance, please Your Majesty to gather it up immediately and take strict care of it."

As generals, they are too aware of the importance of the map. To put it too much, it is a priceless treasure.

They all regret it now, if they had known that Xu Ding had this thing, they would have stopped him from taking it out if they were killed, and instead sneaked in and dedicated it to the emperor.

Emperor Ling also understood, and immediately said: "The two love ministers are right, come and gather them immediately."

The two eunuchs took the map, put it in a box, closed it, and took it away.

Only then did Lingdi say again: "I am listed as an Aiqing, and the map must not be spread. Once I find out who dared to draw this map privately, and spread it, the nine clans will be exterminated."

Everyone was excited, knowing that Emperor Ling was telling the truth, they all sang promises and said they dared not.

This time they were all subdued, and they were so proud just now.

The Emperor Ling was hooked, looked contemptuously at the officials, and then said: "Now, do you still have any objections to the matter of Marquis Weihai?"

There is also an objection of the hammer. The officials below return to their respective positions, watching their noses and their hearts.

Emperor Ling was very satisfied, what he wanted was such an effect, and the next court would carry out other projects, and after another hour, the basic matters were all resolved. After a great eunuch chanted the court, Emperor Ling first got off the dragon chair from the side Temple left.

Everyone was liberated and could finally go home.

Huangfusong and Zhu Jun came over to congratulate and said: "Congratulations to Bokang, it can be said that Bokang's entry into Beijing has been a bumper harvest."

"You two generals are being polite. Your titles are not low. I never expected His Majesty to be so generous." Xu Ding replied humbly.

That's right, he really didn't expect that Emperor Ling would give it to the county magistrate.

At first, I thought it would be enough to be able to close Neihou or Dutinghou.

So his map is completely for the purpose of defrauding Yuan Wei and others, for self-protection.

If the other party is not too persecuted, he does not want to use it.

So he was also very surprised by what happened today.

After all, this can be regarded as exposing one's own strength, showing Weiyuan Island to everyone in advance.

Not only Huangfusong and Zhu Jun came to congratulate, but also other people who wanted to have a good relationship with Xu Ding also came to congratulate and try to get closer.

Xu Ding never refuses anyone who comes, so let's talk a few words in return one by one.

While chatting, everyone left the inner hall. At this time, there was a eunuch waiting at the door of the inner hall and respectfully said to Xu Ding: "Marquis of Weihai, Your Majesty has an order to invite you to the White Tiger Temple."

White Tiger View!
The people who heard the eunuch's words were instantly taken aback, their eyes and mouths were all wide open, and they all stood there in a daze, thinking they had heard it wrong.

The emperor actually summoned Xu Ding to the White Tiger Temple!

Many people gasped, and Yuan Kai, who hadn't gone far in the distance, staggered, slipped and almost fell down, but fortunately his dog legs stretched out their hands to help him.

However, the old man coughed heavily, and a mouthful of black blood stained his palm.

Xu Ding himself was a little confused after listening to it.

What does Lingdi mean?
Where is the White Tiger Temple?
(End of this chapter)

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