Chapter 109

Chapter [-] There is Xu Huang in Hedong

Hearing what the Qian family steward said, Guan Yu's family suddenly became frightened.

It's not the right time for Guan Yu to come back.

It should have been launched a long time ago, why delay it.

"I don't know why you want to take Guan Yu?" Xu Ding walked towards the steward of the Qian family with a cold face.

The Qian family steward said displeasedly: "Young master, please step aside, Guan Yu has injured our Qian family members, so naturally he must be held accountable."

Xu Ding said with a smile: "If Guan Yu really wounded or killed someone, it should be the responsibility of the government. When will it be the turn to use lynching?"

"Young master, you are joking. Guan Yu offended our Qian family, so our Qian family can naturally take him. Why do you want to stand up for him? I advise you to leave early." With a luxurious look, an extraordinary temperament, and not looking like an ordinary person, this Qian family steward has long been impatient to do anything.

Xu Ding stared at him: "If I don't leave, maybe you still want to tie me up together."

"My lord, it's meaningless to say that. If you just want to make things difficult for our Qian family, then we will be polite." The manager of the Qian family knew what Xu Ding was thinking. He wanted to protect Guan Yu and not give them money. Everyone cares.

Naturally, there is no need to think so much.

At the same time, I also understood why Guan Yu dared to come home. It turned out that he brought his helper back.

What an idiotic dream, a mud-legged person, who still wants to fight against a noble family like the Qian family, is really beyond his control.

"Understand it however you want." Xu Ding didn't want to talk too much to such a bastard, so he turned around and ignored him.

The steward of the Qian family suddenly became furious, and waved his hand: "Come on, catch Guan Yu and take him back. Anyone who dares to stand in his way will be the enemy of our Qian family."

A dozen or so servants and servants were already impatient with waiting, and rushed forward one after another to help Guan Yu.

Guan Yu's family hurriedly said, "Changsheng quickly climb over the wall from behind, and don't come back in the future."

It's just that they couldn't push Guan Yu this time, because Guan Yu stared at the Qian family steward with his single phoenix eyes.

And Dian Wei and others brought by Xu Ding knocked down the servants and servants of the Qian family one by one.


The Qian family already knew that Guan Yu was good at martial arts, so they mobilized more than a dozen people at once. Unexpectedly, the people Guan Yu brought back were also so fierce, and they beat them to the ground.

"Take your people and go away, tell the Qian family, if you still want to trouble Guan Yu, please hurry up, because Guan Yu will leave soon, and I'm afraid you will have no chance to retaliate in the future." Xu Ding drank , the official of the Qian family came back to his senses in a jerk, turned around and ran away without losing his mind.

While running, he left a sentence: "You wait for me, I will come back again, our Qian family will not let you go...!"

As soon as the steward of the Qian family left, a man dressed as an official came running over.

The man had a knife in his hand, and when he arrived, he swept away the Qian family members who were still lying on the ground, and he was relieved.

Then he looked at Xu Ding and the others for a few times, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then he walked towards Guan Yu and said, "Changsheng, why are you back? You have beaten the Qian family again."

When Guan Yu saw the visitor, he immediately saluted and said, "Gongming is here, thank you Gongming for taking care of the Guan family these years."

No need to ask, I know that the Guan family can live a relatively stable life without being persecuted after I left, it must be related to this friend.

The man said: "Longevity, you are welcome. Although I can't protect you, I won't let people bully my sister-in-law and uncle or aunt casually."

Guan Yu's parents and wives also echoed and said that thanks to the man, they are very grateful and so on.

Of course, after speaking, he persuaded Guan Yu to leave quickly, and the man also persuaded: "Changsheng, hurry up, if you don't leave, the Qian's family will come with the yamen servant Zaoli, then you will be even more troublesome."

Guan Yu looked at Xu Ding.

Xu Ding stepped forward and said, "Why didn't Yun Chang introduce this hero?"

Xu Ding had been observing the man for a long time.

This man looks upright and majestic, and he walks like a tiger. He looks unusual and has the temperament of a master.

In addition to people who can make good friends with Guan Yu, the martial arts must not be too bad, otherwise, with Guan Yu's arrogance, how could it be possible to take a second look, let alone make friends.

Guan Yu said: "My lord, I'm just about to introduce you. This is my good friend Xu Huang, Xu Gongming. He is very skilled in martial arts. He is good at wielding a gold-backed mountain axe. Few people can match him."

Xu Huang!

Xu Ding showed a trace of his original expression.

It turned out to be Xu Huang, the fierce general of Hedong who was called my Zhou Yafu by Cao Cao.

I didn't expect him to be so familiar with Guan Yu, it's great.

"Peiguo, Jiaoxian, and Xu Ding, thank Gongming for taking care of the Guan family over the years for Yun Chang." Xu Ding said sincerely.

Xu Huang was taken aback for a moment, and then showed an incredulous expression.

"You... are really famous in Luoyang, the poems are spread all over the world, the martial arts are powerful, you can kill a rhinoceros with one punch, and you are the king of Donglai Mansion with two punches and three heads." Xu Huang was a little surprised, he didn't expect the young man in front of him to have such a background big.

Looking at Xu Ding's age, I couldn't believe it.

You must know that this young Donglai prefect is not only talented in both civil and military affairs, but also has made great military exploits.

More than half of the Yellow Turbans in Kanto were wiped out by him.

So Xu Huang was very excited.

Xu Ding said with a smile: "The person you mentioned should be me, but I didn't spread such a strange story, it was all exaggerated by the public."

Xu Huang still couldn't believe it, looked at Guan Yu, Guan Yu nodded at him, Xu Huang held the salute with both hands, and replied respectfully: "Please forgive me if I offend you."

"Hahaha, Gongming, you don't have to be so polite. You are Yun Chang's brother, and naturally you are also my Xu Bokang's brother. There is no need to be so polite between us." Xu Ding laughed loudly.

Xu Huang said: "If you shake like this, it will be too big."

Xu Huang is also a straightforward person, and he didn't hold back.

This is much better than Guan Yu's performance of not getting close to strangers.

Now Xu Huang understood why Guan Yu dared to go back to Hedong. With Xu Ding's support, the Qian family did not dare to do anything wrong.

Even Guan Yu's parents, wives and children were overjoyed when they heard this.

It turned out that Xu Ding was a prefect. Now that the official was the boss, he immediately felt relieved.

Just at this moment, people from Qian's family rushed over, and arrested about a hundred people from Zaoli of the county government.

At the same time, there is also a team of soldiers, numbering more than 200, the team can be described as extremely spectacular.

The atmosphere is like a fire with oil poured on it.

And the one who took the lead was the steward of the Qian family.

Seeing that Guan Yu and the others didn't leave, this person was overjoyed, and hurriedly pointed out a few times to a man in a fancy dress behind him.

The man behind him is the direct descendant of the Qian family, known as the third master Qian, who waved his hand and said, "Quick! Surround them, these people are Guan Yu's accomplices, take them down together."

People from the Qian family and Zaoli surrounded Xu Ding and waited, but the military officer with soldiers saw Xu Huang and snorted coldly:

"Xu Huang, as a magistrate of this county, you actually colluded with the fugitive Guan Yu, intending to commit murder, and you were arrested without letting go."

When Xu Huang heard the man's words, he became furious and said angrily: "Lieutenant Liu, I just heard that someone here is making trouble and came to see. Why are you wronging me indiscriminately?"

This county lieutenant was in collusion with the Qian family, so to speak, he was a member of the Liu clan, a wealthy local family.

Lieutenant Liuxian originally wanted to ask Xu Huang to be his personal soldier to protect his safety, but Xu Huang refused, so he was naturally a little annoyed.

It's just that Xu Huang has always behaved well, and being a county magistrate is not easy to make trouble.

 Thanks to: Langyue Qunxing, Tokisaki Homochi, and Yu Xinhai for their support!
(End of this chapter)

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