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Chapter 110 So What If I Wrong You

Chapter 110 So What If I Wrong You

Chapter 110 So What If I Wrong You

Now that he has found an opportunity, he will naturally not let go of the opportunity for revenge.

"Hahaha I wronged you, so what if I wronged you, you have not colluded with Guan Yu for a day or two, and now that Guan Yu is back, it happens that you are also following the law." The man named Zhou Xianwei Xulu sneered, waved his hand, About [-] county soldiers armed with armor also surrounded Xu Ding, Xu Huang, Guan Yu and others.

And the third master of the Qian family raised the corners of his mouth, obviously very satisfied with Zhou Xianwei's actions, so he nodded, took a few steps back, and signaled that the steward of the Qian family could let his subordinates do it.

This time Guan Yu couldn't fly without wings.

The Qian family held a deep grudge against this red-faced man who dared to go against them.

Few in Xie County dared to make trouble with the Qian family, but Guan Yu dared to make trouble, so naturally he had to get rid of them quickly, and kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys.

At the same time, Xu Huang, who has been helping the Guan family, will also be punished.

One Guan Yu is fine, you Xu Huang is just a mud leg, it is a great gift to be a county magistrate, but you also come to meddle in other people's business, so let's clean it up together.

"Hahaha, the world is bright, there are some people who dare to act recklessly and harm the common people. You are really good. What a powerful and powerful collusion to kill the pillars and heroes of the country." Xu Ding suddenly laughed, His eyes strayed past the Zhou county lieutenant, and then fell on the Qian family man.

The steward of the Qian family flattered and said: "Third Lord, it was this kid who brought a few people to help Guan Yu and injured my servant of the Qian family."

"Hmph, where did you come from, that wild boy who dares to swear words, come on, hit me!" The third master of the Qian family hated Xu Ding's gaze very much, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and his expression was slightly ferocious. commanded.

Immediately, the private soldiers of the Qian family and Zaoli from the government office rushed towards Xu Ding, Dian Wei and the others.

These people knew that Guan Yu and Xu Huang were not easy to deal with, so they simply attacked Xu Ding and these foreigners, and handed Guan Yu and Xu Huang to the soldiers of the county lieutenant.

Lieutenant Liu Xian also waved his hand, and two hundred soldiers under him, armed with spears, shields and swords, divided into four teams and rushed towards Guan Yu and Xu Huang.

At the same time, a team of ten crossbowmen guarded him.

Presumably, this Lieutenant Liu was not ordinary timid, and he was always worried that he would be threatened.

Of course, his caution did help delay the injury.

Because the private soldiers of the Qian family fought with Zaoli, Dian Wei, Xu Ding and others, they all wailed and lay down in an instant.

It's fine if they don't have weapons, but with weapons, Xu Ding and the others are not polite, and they also use knives, halberds and guns to lure all these people until they will lose their fighting power for a while.

Third Master Qian's eyes were about to bulge out. His own private soldiers and the government's Zaoli rushed up, and they were all dealt with by the other party within a few strokes.

The hand of technique, the high level of martial arts, is stronger than Guan Yu and Xu Huang.

At this time, Xu Ding knocked out a person with a punch, turned his head, and smiled at him.

Third Master Qian felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his legs trembled a little. He really wanted to run away, but at this moment he found that his legs were not in control.

On the other side, Lieutenant Liu County was also shocked.

He only knew that Guan Yu and Xu Huang were very strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

After the two got angry, one wielded a broadsword and the other an axe, besieging the [-] county soldiers until they slapped and flew into the air.

When did the county soldiers become so bad, it's good to give them one meal a day and one day of training a month, no matter how bad they are, they can't be so bad.

The present is so real.

Not to mention these county soldiers who don’t have enough to eat, don’t have enough training, and don’t have enough loyalty, they are regular Northern Army and Southern Army. It is basically impossible for a mere 200 people to take down the two fierce men.

Lieutenant Liu Xian was a little anxious and wanted to find help.

Let's see if the Qian family has resolved it, but after seeing it, I feel completely chilled.

The private soldiers of the Qian family were desperate, but it was even worse. They all groaned and groaned on the ground.

Both of Liu Xianwei's cheeks hurt from seeing it.

After the money is drawn, the third master of Qian is in charge of money.

Third Master Qian and Guanshi Qian were held in the hands of Xu Ding and Dian Wei like dead dogs, Xu Ding turned around and stared at Lieutenant Liu.

County Lieutenant Liu also had a heartbreak, and stammered: " are you going to do, I...tell you, don't...come here..."

Lieutenant Liu Xian was afraid, and the ten crossbowmen around him were also trembling with their short crossbows, their hands were also trembling.

Xu Ding took Third Master Qian and walked two steps in this direction: "You should know what I'm going to do."

Lieutenant Liu Xian was terrified right now, who is this, aren't you tired of carrying Qian Sanye?
You monsters.

Swallowing his saliva, Lieutenant Liu stepped back five steps, and said sternly:
"Don't come here, we are full of bows and crossbows here, we will shoot arrows if you come here."

"Do you dare to let it go?" Xu Ding directly placed the third master Qian in his hand in front of him.

Third Master Qian, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, rolled his eyes and fainted when he saw the crossbow across from him.

Seeing Mr. Qian's appearance, Lieutenant Liu's crossbowmen felt even more uneasy, and their hands trembled even more, for fear that they might accidentally shoot Mr. Qian to death.

"Fire the arrow, he will shoot me the arrow as soon as I take a step forward, it won't kill me." The dead fellow Daoist is not dead, and as long as Xu Ding can be solved, Liuxian Wei He cherishes Qian Sanye.

One must know that his Liu family is the local emperor of Jiecheng, and the Qian family should follow the example of the Liu family.

"call out!"

With a bang, someone's hand trembled and the trigger was pulled, a crossbow arrow flew over, and this arrow shot directly at the top of Mr. Qian. If it hit, it would definitely penetrate into his chest. Xu Ding was quick-witted. , a direct reflexive improvement.


Third Master Qian woke up from the pain.

"I... I... got hit by an arrow!" After finishing speaking, Mr. Qian fainted from shock again.

It turned out that the angry arrow shot into his left buttock, and a large piece of blood soon turned red.

Fortunately, he shot on the ass, Liu Xianwei breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart.

If he accidentally shoots Mr. Qian to death, although his Liu family is not afraid of the Qian family, there will definitely be conflicts, and that will be a trouble for the Liu family.

So Lieutenant Liu Xian was about to scold the one who missed just now, but one of the more timid ones directly lost the crossbow machine and realized:

"I can not stand it any more."

After speaking, the man turned his head and ran away. The others glanced at each other and dropped their crossbows one after another.

It was a fluke that he missed Mr. Qian just now. Who dares to guarantee that his hands will not shake. If he shoots Mr. Qian to death, they will not be able to afford it.

So they dropped their weapons and ran away.

"You, you lowly maidservants, come back to me."

Lieutenant Liu County didn't expect that things would develop to this point, and the crossbowmen who protected him turned out to be cowards, and they all ran away.

No, there is another one that didn't run.

It was the one who missed and shot Mr. Qian in the ass, still in a daze.

Apparently he's still down.

He shot Mr. Qian in the ass, what should he do, will he be killed by the Qian family.

Mr. Qian should not be dead.

It was as if he was dead again.

Then everyone ran away, and he was confused again.

who am I?
Where am I?

What am I going to do?
right!I want to run!
With a roar, this crossbowman also dropped the crossbow trigger, turned around and ran away.

When running, he directly bumped into Lieutenant Liu Xian, and immediately both of them fell to the ground on their backs.

But this crossbowman was a bit more skinny, so he got up and ran away.

Lieutenant Liuxian was left behind to cry out in pain a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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